//------------------------------// // Journal Entry: Day 2 // Story: Looking Through the Pokeball // by Magical Trevor //------------------------------// Dear Journal, First, I need to freaking name you already! Lesse... Laptop is Yumi, car is Yara, phone is Astoria, iPad Mini is Aura... I think I shall name you... I paused in my writing, absently nibbling the tip of the quill. Hmm... Yuki, or Kyra... That’s a hard question! Gotta think about that one, partially because I was out of ink from the quill, (apparently, yeah, they don’t have pens, they have quills, but they have pencils. I am so confused...) so I asked Brian, Whatcha think, brah? Yuki or Kyra? Tough question, brah... Can’t look up what Yuki means, since that’s almost definitely a Japanese name. On the other paw, it’s fairly similar to Yumi, so... Yeah. Let’s go with Kyra. Alright! Kyra it is! Thanks brah! It was irking to learn how to write with a quill, but hey! On the plus side, now I can say I can write with a quill like a pro! Admit it, you think that would be pretty cool, right? When I get back home, I am so buying, like... an eagle quill, or something else equally expensive. Kyra. So yeah, I hope you like your name! If you don’t, well... I guess there’s not much you can do about it, unless you can, like, I don’t know, use the ink I put onto the page to re-write with it and say something? Of course, after writing that, I just had to stop writing to see, right? I mean, come on, it’s a world with real magic. For all I know, it could really happen in this world! Alas, I guess it wasn’t to be... Oh well. At least I know I don’t have to worry about keeping Kyra in a good mood or something, or my stuff getting erased, etc. Still, that kinda killed my mood just a little. So anyway, Kyra, today was kinda crazy... Took an enthusiastic walk, killed me a few Eldritch Demon Spawn, learned Flamethrower... Woke up again, got treated to a spa, and... HOE LEE SHEET... I am in freaking love with spas... Which is a good thing, since I might end up working there. I know, right? I never thought I’d work there, but see, the thing is... They’re ponies. They don’t really have many options for massages, since their hooves are hard. And I’m only slightly smaller than ponies here, and I have paws. So yeah. I only have to take a couple of lessons, and after that, if they think I’m good enough, I have a job! Best part? They pay me in freaking gold When I get back home, I am going to be so freaking rich it’s not even funny. Also, resolved to get fit. Shouldn’t be hard, since it’s pretty much all vegetarian here, no cars, have to walk everywhere, etc. Yeah, there’s still pastries and cakes and ice cream and stuff, but that has sugar. Sugar is easy for me to ignore, so... Wish me luck, Kyra! According to Rarity’s scale, I weigh about 5.2 stones. Had to do some math, but I think that a Flareon is supposed to be about... I don’t know, around four stones, I guess, give or take? Anyway, it’s my goal to lose at least .1 stones a week. Need to talk to Jay tomorrow about helping at the orchard. I figure if I want to lose weight, working on a farm should do a bit, seeing as how Travis is so freaking ripped. At least, was. Haven’t seen him since High School, but I would assume he’s still ripped. Anywhoozle, played with Kaye for a bit, then talked with Whisper for awhile, while Twilight tested out a spell for translating. I nearly died laughing when she tried to repeat what I said, but only said utter gibberish. Still, I think that Whisper is finally starting to relax a little bit. Then again, I’m sure she’s happy about her release. Still, I need to find out what other abilities I ‘know’. I suggested to Whisper that she tell Twilight to ask for all of us to get together in a few days, so that we can try to name every single Pokemon attack there is, if only so that they can try to start to understand how the types work, unique uses for the attacks, practicality, and so on. Odds are, Crystal and I are going to be the only ones who know our moves. Cerulean seems like a nice enough guy, but I don’t think he’s played many Pokemon games, or watched the show. Same with Triumph. Know what’s awesome about Triumph? He actually understood the reference I was making! He just got a bit cooler. Of course, he hates the moniker, but come on! He actually understands the reference! Now I have to make it every time! So yeah. Best part? The dude’s freaking Japanese! I swear, it’s like... He just got, like, a billion times cooler! Moony seems... Well, I’ll tell you about him later. Don’t want to jump to conclusions about the poor guy. That would just be rude. So yeah. Night, Kyra! ~ Fluffy .o.O.o. Dear stupid writing thing. Well, today was... interesting. Kaye managed to wake me up. A kid... Woke me up... before I normally get up. I just... I mean, I think I know what it is with her that makes her get up so early, but... Dang... Going to have to protect her... I refuse to let history repeat itself. Went for a run with Blue, and met a couple of well-mannered fillies. It was refreshing. During the run ran into Fluttershy. Damn... Her name is so appropriate, it’s pathetic. Anywho, met Meis. Kinda sad that he’s a bird who’s scared of heights, but it’s not like he asked to be a bird, so I can’t blame him entirely. Besides, he’s Japanese. That’s awesome. Wonder if he’s read a lot of manga, or what kind of video games he plays. Didn’t have much of a chance to talk, since he didn’t sleep well. Blue had tea with Fluttershy, so I got to observe him some more. Fluttershy seems like a good training partner for Operation Moron, so I’ll have to see what I can do. Change of plans, but it should hopefully help. On the way back, though, that... Skipping that for sanity reasons... So Moony knows or learned Counter, though, and that hurt like a bitch, so I’ll have to watch out for that in the future if I have to face him... Talked to Vampire Bait afterwards. Told them what happened, so at least he’ll get in trouble. Asshole. Spent some time blowing some steam at the lake, trying to learn more moves. Didn’t work, but practice makes perfect, so... Yeah. Didn’t see Tododuck anywhere, but whatever. And that’s all I feel like writing about in this damn ‘diary’. Later, stupid thingy. ~ Jessie ‘Crystal’ Flamebrant