//------------------------------// // Elementary // Story: Chips Brothers' Archive // by JavaChips //------------------------------// Warning: this chapter may contain spoilers from episodes 1 and 2 of MLP: FIM season 2. I urge you to watch the episodes before taking a look at this chapter, for your own good. vvvvvvvvvvvv The streets of Ponyville were in disarray following the assault from Discord. Everypony was busy with different jobs about town. Rainbow Dash had her weather team clearing out the remnants of cotton candy clouds, replacing them with bright, fluffy white ones. Fluttershy, feeling deeply guilty, had been going around town all day, apologizing to everypony she could remember doing wrong to. Applejack had recruited a few ponies to get Sweet Apple Acres back up and running. Rarity had her work cut out for her, put in charge of repairing all of the destroyed furniture and décor from the houses of Ponyville. Pinkie Pie, being her usual Pinkie self, had pulled a group of ponies away from work to help plan what she called a “We saved the world for the second time” party. Java was hard at work with Mr. Woodstock repairing the houses of Ponyville. Currently, they were working on repairing the giant holes in Twilight’s library. “Right, now just move that board for a moment and I’ll reconnect the wire.” Java told Woodstock. “Perfect, now you can set it back in place.” While they worked, Twilight came upstairs, levitating a tray with glasses of water. Happy to take a break, the two stepped down from the scaffolding where they worked and took a sip, wiping some sweat off their brows. “Man, you really broke up some wires back there. Or, rather, Tom did.” Twilight blushed a bit with embarrassment, slightly ashamed for letting her frustration get the better of her. “Yeah, I can’t say I’m proud of that one. Thanks for helping me out Java.” The electronics pony took another sip and shook his head. “Think nothing of it; I’m just doing my job after all.” She nodded, a soft smile on her face. Looking over the wall, it was nearing completion. Her mind was on the events of the day in question, thoughts swirling about in her head, how she had almost lost everything that had been important to her for the last year. Her thoughts were interrupted as Java spoke up. “So, this is the Element of Magic here on your bed?” he asked. Twilight turned and saw the curious turquoise pony looking at the golden tiara laying on her bed, a six pointed amethyst star set in it. “That’s right, it’s the Element of Magic, Princess Celestia decided to entrust it with me while she gets things back in order at Canterlot.” Java looked at it with a bit of awe, interested in the shimmering gem in front of him. “Wow, that’s pretty cool. I wish I had one, it would be cool to help you save the world next time it’s in danger.” “Well, actually,” she told him, “It just so happens that I’ve been doing some studying into the Elements of Harmony. Were you aware that as well as the hidden Element of Magic, there’s also another, mysterious element that is unaccounted for?” Java’s face lit up with excitement as he looked over at the magician. “Really?” “No, that would be unnaturally convenient though wouldn’t it?” she said with a giggle and a teasing tone. Java seemed unamused with her joke as he got up and back to work, though he couldn’t help but let out a small chuckle as he did. vvvvvvvvvvvv Finishing the job at the library, Java made his way toward Sweet Apple Acres, where Applejack needed him to fix some wires that were frayed by a certain red colt while he was going through a “phase.” On his way, he was stopped by a butter yellow mare with a guilty conscience. “There you are Java, I’ve been looking for you. I wanted to apologize for making fun of you for the way Discord made you talk.” Java looked back on the event, he remembered it well. Discord had cursed him, making his speech raspy, digital, 8bit. While he was trying to find somepony who could understand him, he had run into Fluttershy. Thinking she would be her usual understanding self, he thought she could help, but she just giggled and mocked him before knocking him over as she flew off. “No problem, Fluttershy. You weren’t yourself.” He told her, drawing his attention to her necklace. “Is that the Element of Kindness? Is it safe to be wearing it out in the open like that?” Fluttershy looked down at her neck and remembered that she was wearing her element. “Oh, um, yes. I’ve been so busy apologizing, I haven’t taken the time to take it off yet.” He looked over the intricate design of the butterfly gem, smiling. “Well, it looks nice. I was just talking to Twi about hers actually.” “Oh really? Hers is so nice, I don’t think I could pull off a tiara, it would force my hair down.” “Yeah, I guess it would. Well, I have to get going, bye Fluttershy.” With a wave, Java continued down the road, while Fluttershy went on to continue her apologies. It didn’t take very long to make it down the road to Sweet Apple Acres. Waiting at the gate was Applejack, smiling expectantly as he made his way up the road. “Howdy Java,” she said, welcoming him in, “Thanks for making time to fix up the wiring. That brother o’ mine did some major damage to the fields.” Java nodded, following her to the source of the problem. An important electrical wire had been torn right through, it’s copper was exposed. “Well this doesn’t look like too much of a problem, I just need to patch up the wire.” He told her as he reached his head down to pull the wires out a little further. “You turned off the breaker switch right?” Applejack’s face contorted a bit with worry. “Breaker switch?” she asked. Unfortunately, it was too late as Java’s mouth contacted with the wire and electrocuted him, causing him to black out. vvvvvvvvvvvv As he began to stir, Java stood up, sitting in an unknown room. Such a feminine shade of pink on the walls, a colt band poster on the adjacent wall, and pictures of family all around, he wasn’t quite sure where he was. Applejack walked in just as he got out of bed. “Java!” she yelled happily, trotting up to the unfortunate colt. “Thank Celestia you’re alright. You are alright, aren’t you?” Java nodded, brushing his mane out of his eyes. “Well, my mouth is a little dry, but that’s to be expected after a jolt like that.” “Well, you sure gave this pony a scare, sorry about that sugarcube.” Java shook his head, smiling. “It’s partly my fault for not checking the breaker first. By the way whose room is this?” “It’s mine, why?” He couldn’t help but look a little surprised as he took another look around the room. As he did, Applejack couldn’t help but look a little insulted. “What’s with the look there? A girl can’t have a nice room?” Java shook his head, a bit embarrassed. “No, it’s not that. I just wasn’t expecting you to have a room like this, sorry.” “It’s fine I guess, sorry to go off on ya. Anyway, the power’s off now if you still want to fix the wires.” “Sure, let’s go.” He told her, stretching his legs and walking out. vvvvvvvvvvvv Finishing his work at Sweet Apple Acres, and making sure he didn’t sustain any severe damage to his mouth, Java made his way back toward the main part of town, and up to Carousel Boutique. He would be working with Mr. Woodstock again fixing some holes that “Tom” had made inside. As he entered, he found Twilight inside, talking with Rarity. “Oh, hey Twilight.” He said with surprise. “What are you doing here?” Twilight smiled and trotted past him toward the door. “I was just checking in with Rarity, nothing special. Have a nice day.” Java was a bit suspicious, but brushed it off and joined Mr. Woodstock to get to work on the walls. “Man, Tom really did a number on this place.” He said, looking around at all the broken doorways. Rarity looked away with a bit of embarrassment. “Yes, well, it’s not something I’m proud of. Now if we could just forget it ever happened and get these terrible blemishes out of my walls, I’d greatly appreciate it.” Java nodded and got to work replacing wires and surveying the damage. “Right, your element is generosity, so I guess you’d be pretty embarrassed over the experience huh?” “Yes, yes I am. Speaking of which Java, Twilight told me she was talking to you about elements earlier, or so she told. You were interested in an element of your own?” Java looked over, a bit confused about the conversation change. “Yeah, it would be nice to help you guys save the world every now and again.” Rarity nodded, sewing while she worked, and secretly taking notes, hoping Java didn’t notice her glowing horn secretly writing notes under the table. “I see. Could you tell me, what first brought on these feelings dear? I personally find it to be a bit of a hassle to face such dangers.” Java thought for a long time, remembering back to the original assault of Nightmare Moon. “When Nightmare Moon appeared in Ponyville, her voice echoed across all of Equestria. We heard everything, including her declaration of eternal night. Through her whole speech, Micro came up close to me, wrapping a hoof around mine. I’ve always seen him timid, but I’ve never seen him that scared in my life. Through the entire endeavor, whenever I looked over and saw his worried face, and my mother’s too, all I could think about was how I couldn’t do anything to help. Those same feelings sprung up again when Discord attacked, and it’s been nipping at me for a while now.” Rarity’s pencil had fallen halfway through his small speech, completely awe struck by his serious and emotional answer. Breaking out of her trance, she continued writing, making sure to get every detail in. “Well, that’s certainly an amazing story Java, you have a large heart for your brother.” Java nodded, getting back to work. vvvvvvvvvvvv As the sun set in the skies over Ponyville, a tired Java made his way toward home. He had been working hard throughout the entire day, but had managed to finish most of Ponyville’s electrical problems. He was happy to finally be done with the busy day and lay down on his couch. As he entered through the door, he found Twilight and company waiting for him, all of them wearing their elements. “Oh, hi guys,” he said with moderate confusion, “What are you all doing here? And why are you wearing your elements?” Twilight smiled and walked toward him. “Well we wanted to give you a proper inauguration, it wouldn’t be right if we weren’t.” Java’s confusion only grew as she led him over to stand in the center of the six. “Inauguration? For what?” Dash shook her head, letting out a snicker. “Quit ruining it, just shut up and listen alright?” Java looked around the group, all of them giving him reassuring looks as he turned forward to face Twilight, whose horn was glowing as she held up a necklace with Java’s cutie mark bore in gems. He couldn’t help but look surprised as she set it upon his neck. “Java Chips,” she began, “As the representations of the Elements of Harmony….” “Honesty,” Applejack said proudly. “Kindness,” Fluttershy said timidly. “Laughter,” Pinkie Pie said with a giggle. “Generosity,” Rarity said dramatically. “Loyalty,” Rainbow Dash said enthusiastically. “And magic,” Twilight finished. “We bestow upon you your very own unofficial element, the Element of Family, an element that comes with only one responsibility. Do you promise to abide by your element and honor that which it symbolizes, to take it with pride and responsibility?” Java looked down at the jewel around his neck, the intricate details embedding themselves in his mind. His heart was filled with hundreds of different emotions trying to sort themselves out. He thought long and hard about the gift his friends had given him, and wiped a tear from his eyes as he nodded. “I accept the Element of Family, and all the responsibilities it holds.” Twilight nodded, smiling back. “We knew you would.” As everyone went up to congratulate him for the gift and poke a little good natured fun, the door opened again as Micro entered after his own busy day dealing with some of the easier electronic problems around town. He was surprised to see everyone standing there. “What’s going on?” Twilight smiled and beckoned the group of mares out, making their way past the confused colt. “Nothing to worry about Micro, nothing at all.” Java smiled and stepped up to his brother, patting him on the back. “Welcome home bro, busy day?” Micro shook himself out of his confusion and nodded up to his older brother. “Yeah, Discord really tore the place up.” Java chuckled and nodded, remembering his own difficult experiences. “Yeah, but it’s mostly behind us now. So what do you feel like for dinner? It’s your choice tonight.” Micro smiled, knowing exactly what he wanted. “Potato leek soup?” he asked hopefully. Java chuckled and nodded, making his way to the kitchen. His new necklace glinted in the light as Micro took notice. “Hey, what’s that?” Java stopped for a second and looked down at the necklace, then smiled over at Micro. “It’s nothing, come on let’s eat.” vvvvvvvvvvvv As the moon reached the center of the sky, a tired Java made his way into his bedroom. He layed down in bed and set his alarm clock. From the corner of his eye, on a shelf nailed to the wall, his necklace stood, the Element of Family. He gave it a serious look and a soft nod as he shut his eyes. “I promise.” He said in a hushed tone. My apologies for not updating in a while, my computer faced an unexpected problem and had to go in for repairs. Even now I’m stuck just using my family computer, which severely cuts my computer access time. Even so I’ll do my best to keep up all of my fanfiction writing.