Octavia and Vinyl:The good old days

by Bronylover109

Chapter 10

Octavia and Vinyl:The good old days

The morning light shone through the drawn,green curtains that not so long ago blocked any brightness threatening to invade the room.
"Ugh...I don't want to wake up yet..." Vinyl was moaning from her bed like a zombie.
"Well,you need to.If you want to shower,and get ready within an hour." Octavia's elegant voice filled the DJ's ears.
"An hour? What for?" She really needs to look at her schedule more often...if she even has one.. Octavia thought with a sigh. "The nurse is coming in to change your bandages in one hour from now-So wake.Up!" Octavia pulled some of the covers off Vinyl.
"Fine,fine,I'm going!" The DJ hung her head low in defeat,and headed towards the bathroom to take a quick shower,but turned back and smiled at the cellist,who had been watching her leave.
"Vinyl,I'll never understand you."


Vinyl turned the water on,and held a hoof out into the stream to test the temperature. She turned it up a little hotter,before noticing a note taped to the wall. Vinyl,only turn the nob as high as the chart below,so that your injuries don't burn,or freeze'

She looked down farther on the paper,to find a picture of the shower nob turned a little bit to the hot side,but not quite escaping warm.

"Aww,come on! I'm gonna freeze my flank off in there!"

Hesitantly,she walked into the small shower,supplied to the guests of the hospital.
The water rained down on Vinyl's electric blue mane,making it fall lower and sag down beside her.
She used her magic to grab some shampoo out of a bag her friends made up for her to make her stay more comfortable.
She shook the bottle,and poured some on her mane. Vinyl then idly lifted a hoof to her mane and scrubbed it around,cleaning out any blood,sweat,or dust that may be in there. She then did the same to her tail,letting all the dirt and blood wash out of it.
She used her magic to look through the bag,spying for anything else that may be of use. Spotting a small bottle of conditioner,she levitated it towards her,read the label,and began to pour it onto her mane and tail. "Having a soft mane for once couldn't hurt." She said to herself.
Once done in the shower,she dried her coat,mane,and tail down using a towel,and her unicorn magic.
She looked at herself in the mirror,and pulled her glasses back over her eyes.

"Oh,Vinyl,you're finally done.You know we only have two minutes until the nurse comes in here to clean your injuries!"
Vinyl looked at her. "Really? It took me that long? Huh,felt like a minute!"
Before Octavia could fight back,Nurse Redheart walked into the room. "Hello,I'll only be a second,I just need to clean out your wounds and such,and we'll be done before you know it!"
She kindly asked Octavia to leave the room while she did so,and at he request,promised she'd take good care of Vinyl.
Despite,the nurses kind reassurance,Octavia was worried about her friend. She could hear muffled cries coming from her friends hospital room. 'Oh,Vinyl,the poor dear.Having so many wounds being cleaned out must sting so much.....'
Octavia's thoughts were interrupted when Nurse Redheart came out of the room. "You can go back in,if you'd like." Octavia simply nodded, and rushed into the room to check on her friend. "How you doing?" She asked.Octavia had been worried Vinyl wouldn't approve of her wounds being cleaned,and rush away.
"I'm fine,they're getting better faster than the nurse thought they would.
The grey cellist strode swiftly over to her friend. "Glad to hear it."
Vinyl looked at her. "They gave me a bandage on one of them....You wanna sign it~?" The old teasing,playful Vinyl was back in the room. "Of course I would,Vinyl." Octavia said with a chuckle.

A doctor trotted into the room,with a cart full of food. "It's lunch time,ladies!"
"Today's meal is a nice sandwich,with daffodil and tulips on it! And I was made aware there was a guest in the room,so I brought an extra! There's also two soda's if you want them! I'll be taking my leave now,see you mares later!!"
With that,he trotted out of the room. "Well....He was cheery,don't you think?" "You know Vinyl,that has to be about the cheeriest doctor Iv'e ever seen. You're right."
"Wow,last time I've seen anyone that happy was Hearth's Warming." Vinyl joked.
"Oh! Come on,Vinyl! Let the man be happy!" Octavia said.
"Oh,hey Tavi?"
Vinyl looked over Octavia's shoulder.
"We have company! Hey guys!!"
"Hey you two!!" "Hi!" "Hows it going!?" "How are you feeling!?" "Do you need anything!?"
They flooded the room with innocent chatter
"So.....where's Lyra,Bon Bon,you should know." Vinyl directed her attention to the beige mare.
"Oh,poor Lyra isn't feeling too well...Let's just say,when she just got her paycheck,and your downstairs is a candy shop-She can't control herself." Bon Bon said,with a pitying look on her face. "I felt bad to leave her,but she said it was okay....Plus I brought candy for you guys too!"
Upon hearing 'candy',Vinyl looked pleased. "Awww,yeah! Time to chow down on something but healthy flowers!"
They ate,talked,and shared stories about different things until visiting hours were up.
The room was filled with hugs,and goodbyes for a few minutes,until all but the two remained,and the nurse called for bedtime.