Split Personality

by Jchg7

Part 2 - the last train

Chapter 2: the last train

"Solikeiwastalkingtoyouaboutireallythinkthatthecupcakesaremyfavoriteofthesweetsbecausethecakesaretoobigandcookiesaretoosmall," the pink pony gasped for air then continued on, cut n edit listening intently waiting for his chance for a rebuttal. Meanwhile the other two were busy chatting it up themselves,
" we've been here since one in the morning and they're still talking," ink drip complained,
"Would you like me to blow them up sir?"
"Yep, you've even sobered up in the time it's taken them." He glanced at his watch lowering it with a sigh, "it's almost noon, I could've been working on some brilliant paintings." They headed outside, dragging edit along with them, him screaming that his conversation with pinkie was meaningful, "you've been talking with her for the past 20 minutes about the food in the shop how is that meaningful?" Ink drip gazed at his watch again, "besides I've got paintings that I need to get to," when they finally dragged the screaming stallion from the shop, rainbow dash flew over head,
"Oh, hey bullet casing!" The blue speedster yelled out, to which ink drip screamed,
"For the love of celestia am I going to get anything done today?" To the surprise of the now 5 ponies, pinkie had come out to say hello to Dash, an explosion went off in the middle of town, and a branch from twilight's library slammed in front of them, "and the answer is nothing, I'm going to get nothing done today..." The air was then filled with a scream of terror, "what in the world is tha-" ink drip was cut off by a dragon slamming into him. A purple pony now ran up with a worried look on her face,
"Has anyone seen spike around?" Ink drip raised a hoof,
"I...I've, I've seen him" the hoof fell to the ground as now pinkie's and rainbow dash's hoofs took it's place as they both sounded off,
"hi twilight," casing and edit looked at the two and replied in one voice,
"You know her?"
* * *
"It's obvious that ponyville is in mortal danger yet again, and this time, oddly enough, we're under attack from canterlot." Twilight had rallied 3 other ponies now adding up to 6, along with casing, edit, and ink drip, who seemed a bit out of place, regardless twilight went on turning to ink drip, "me and my friends are going to canterlot, you will not be going because princess celestia has sent me a note requesting against your arrival, try and keep ponyville safe and sound while we're gone," Twilight seemed finished but she left out one thing,
"And if you don't return?" Ink drip had to ask,
"If we don't return then you must go to canterlot," she gripped his face, somehow not falling, "but; you need to be sure that we're not coming back."
And with that they left on the last train in or out of canterlot, cut n edit began to walk after it,
"Well, I know where were going," ink drop grabbed him,
"No we're not following them, we're staying right here," and as if on cue an explosion rattled the sky, "screw it, we're following them," and with that they we're on their way, not knowing of the danger that was surely ahead of them, cut n edit had to ask,
"So why was it that celestia didn't want you going?"