The Violinist's Cello

by The Forgotten

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Curtis swayed a little from his chair, "Ugh, w-what's happening?" These were the last words he spoke before falling unconscious on the floor.

He soon awoke to find himself in a different building. He tried to move his head but found it was stuck in some sort of brace. The only way he could find his surrounding was by using his eyes. He strained them, looking at his settings while his headache slowly returned.

He noticed the walls were painted a white, boring color. He tried to look at other things as well. He noticed a scale sitting in one corner of the room. At first he thought nothing of it until he found it wasn't designed the normal way. It had a larger scale step that would probably fit two people.

He looked around some more and found a heart monitor hooked up near the side of the bed. He couldn't see his body, but he guessed that it was hooked up to him.

"Why am I in a hospital?, " he asked aloud. "I don't remember being transported here."

As he began to look around once more, he heard someone approaching the room. His jaw fell to the floor, or bed in this case, as he witnessed the impossible. A stallion had walked into the room wearing a doctors coat and a head mirror on top of his head.

"Ah, you're awake Mr. Fortissimo!"

The pony turned to him and asked, "Are you feeling better? When you had been brought in, your neighbor explained the collision to us."

Curtis still sat there. He was at a loss of words. He didn't know what drugs he was put under, but they sure were powerful. Soon he finally responded to the doctor.

"C-collision? What are you talking about?"

The doctor gave Curtis a curious glance. "You don't remember?" He began to look through his notes. " you were hit by a carriage as you were crossing the street, but I guess that's not unusual considering you have slight head trauma. Though, you should be better now. One of my assistants healed you up with a simple remedy. How are you feeling Mr. Fortissimo?"

There it was again. Fortissimo. Curtis thought he had misheard the doctor the first time, but now he heard it again. 'It couldn't be, ' he thought. That was his name from the game he had started earlier. He tried to remember what had happened after he started the world. All he could recollect was the feeling of nausea before crumpling over to the ground.

Maybe he was just imagining the scenario. Yeah, he was just at home sleeping. And tomorrow he would go back to work. He was never fired at all. It is all just a dream. The more he thought about it, the more his head hurt. He decided on answering the doctors question to keep his head straight.

"I feel... fine, I guess." He couldn't feel anything really. He tried moving his body to find, it too, had been locked in place. He looked towards the doctor again to find him shuffling through more papers.

"Well that's good, " the doctor mused. "I'm pleased to say that you'll be able to leave in a few hours!" The doctor turned to Curtis once more. "I will have to fill out some papers and work through some of your medical history, but afterwords you're free to go."

He turned to leave once more as Curtis spoke up.

"Hey, Doc? How long have I been here for?"

"A couple of days or so. It's surprising you recovered that quickly really. Usually a normal pony takes a few weeks to recover, but you seem to have someone watching over you." Once more, he turned to leave and was soon out of view to Curtis.

"Okay. Maybe if I hold my breath, I'll be able to wake up." He closed his mouth and soon felt pressure build up in his lungs. After a couple of seconds, he felt the need for air. "This is impossible!" he gasped. "None of this can be real. If I'm not dreaming, then what is all of this?!"

He finally came to conclusion that something was wrong with the game he played earlier. The graphics weren't high definition. They were real. 'What could have caused this? Was I just randomly teleported to this world or something? But that isn't plausible. There is nothing that has the ability to do this."

This was how his mind worked the rest of the day. He eventually accepted it. If this is what happened, then this was his life from now on. That's when he noticed something. If his guess was right, then that would mean that he was now part of Equestria. He was no longer the social outcast of his world. No. He was Fortissimo.

The hours went by quickly for him. He had soon decided his new name was to be Fortissimo instead of Curtis. He would be called Forte from now on. If he was to be the pony he imagined, then he would be it to the fullest detail. He would choose to live his life like he imagined living Forte's.

Soon, the doctor returned with a smile on his face. "Do you wish to stretch your legs once more Mr. Fortissimo? You're ready to leave. We took the liberty of paying for your medical bills with your account. The total cost was around 1800 bits. Does that seem right to you?"

Forte only grunted as he thought about the costs. He couldn't possibly have payed for that could he? According to the doctors words he had. This was puzzling indeed.

The doctor laid his papers on a nearby desk as he opened a drawer to an over hanging cabinet. He brought a small key that he then proceeded to unlock the cast that inprisoned Forte. With a few clicks he had unlocked the body cast. He then brought his hoof up and behind Forte's head and unlocked a back lock.

Forte immediately felt his body once more as he rose his head. Apparently, the cast had took away his body's feeling. That's when he met his second shock of the day. Has he looked at his hooves, he noticed his skin wasn't white like he had designed. Instead it was a light shade of yellow.

He soon found a mirror hanging on the wall near his bed. He dashed towards it and looked at his reflection. He couldn't believe it. The design he had given his pony on the game was to hide his true features. Now, as he looked at himself he noticed his mane and tail were both a deep brown, while his hair on his head was still as long as ever.

His eyes too, were different than he had wanted. They both were a dark brown mixed with sadness. The only thing that stayed the same was the fact he was an earth pony and his cutie mark. It still showed a violin and bow. At least he was still talented at playing an instrument. Still, the whole reason he chose a different look for his pony was to become a better character. A character that was better in his life than Curtis was in his.

He turned back to face the doctor, who then handed him his billing list. It had a few injuries listed. He had a couple of cuts along the back of his neck and he had apparently had a huge gash in the side of his head. He felt his dome, trying to find where this "gash" was.

The doctor noticed this and exclaimed, "There's no use in trying to find your injuries. My nurse is a unicorn and had you healed up with magic. We didn't give you medicine to heal you. That was to keep you calm while we fixed you with magic."

"Umm, excuse me Doctor...what is your name?" Forte asked.

"Oh! My apologies. I forget to wear my name tag every now and then. The name's Doctor Maximus! What do you need?"

"How was I able to pay the bill here? I don't think I have any money."

Maximus looked at him seriously now. "You don't remember?, " he asked. Seeing Forte's expression, he continued. "You're Fortissimo! You could probably buy this hospital! Probably."

"What do you mean? I don't have any money." Forte was now certainly interested. If in some way he had money, then it sounds like he might be luckier than he thought. If he could buy a whole hospital, then who knows how much money he truly had?!

The doctor opened a small notebook and scribbled something down. He turned to a medicine cabinet and took a canister of pills out. "You seem to be experiencing some sort of memory loss. Now, usually we could use a memory spell to recover it, but it would take months before you could experience it."

"And why's that?" Forte questioned.

"Well, even at full health, a pony is at small risk of sickness. The memory spell is powerful enough that if used on a healthy pony, there is a small risk of Magic Overload. This disorder is not that harmful, and will only cause slight nausea and headaches. If used on a pony in a weaker state like you, it could cause severe damage to the nervous system and might even fry your brains so to speak."

He turned and faced Forte once more before handing him the pills and prescription. "Now, I want you to take these pills for a few weeks, you need to take one a day starting tomorrow. At the end of every week, I need you to visit my office so I can see if you're improving. If not.... Well, let's just hope you do."

Forte took the pills and paper before the doctor escorted him out. As they walked down the hall, Forte noticed other rooms with ponies who were in certain states of condition. He saw a small filly with all sorts of rashes in one room, and he had a quick glance at a pegasus with a blackened wing in another.

They took the elevator to the first floor of the hospital, and as they reached the bottom floor he noticed a clock that read 3:30 on it. He assumed that it was the afternoon as well. He noticed the yellow hue that spread through the windows. So unless in this world time was backwards, then yeah, it was after noon.

As they walked back towards the waiting room. Maximus stopped short and turned to Forte. "It was a pleasure meeting you Forte!" He began shaking Forte's Hoof. "Well not under your circumstances, but I hope you feel better soon. After all, it would be a shame if the Canterlot Symphony's star violinist didn't recover."