Secret Enemy

by IceFire

Chapter 1-Welcoming

Six ponies looked down at me hopefully. One white, yellow, purple, cyan blue, pink, orange and a white rabbit eating a carrot on a shelf over a dog bed occupied by a brown and white female thoroughbred with a red collar. Glancing to my left I saw yet more animals, all looking at me.. I wasn’t used to so much attention. I tried to bring my hooves up but I hurt too much. It took me a while until I noticed the ponies were talking to me.
“Are you alright?”
“Did you get hurt?”
“Ah ya aright?
“It’s alright darling; we’ll get you cleaned up in no time! I’m sure there is beauty somewhere under that mud…”
“Well her Mane is just a mess, and that can’t be her actual coat colour! Although if it is then I'm sure we can find something to suit it…”
“Wow! Another Pegasus! Finally! I can show you all my tricks… and teach you some stuff…”
“What about me Dash? Am I not a Pegasus?” This voice was so quiet I could barely hear it.
“Of course you are, you just…”
“Everyone! Stop! Can’t you see she’s getting scared?” The purple unicorn was right. I was terrified. All the noises where deafening me, I couldn’t make mane nor tail of anything they were saying. I had never heard so much noise in my life.
“Do you speak Equestrian?” asked the unicorn who had hushed the others. I pointed to my throat and mouthed yes.
“She’s lost her voice!” Exclaimed the completely pink one. I nodded once
“Okay, this is going to be harder than I thought.” Said the purple unicorn.“Well, my name is Twilight Sparkle, and this is FlutterShy, RainbowDash, Rarity, AppleJack, and PinkiePie!" The white bunny hopped down from its shelf, carrot forgotten and kicked TwilightSparkle.
"Ow! and this rascal is Angel Bunny." The bunny kicked her again, then jerked one ear in the direction of the dog.
"....And Winona."
*My name is SkyBlue.*I mouthed at them.
They seemed to be interested. For a moment. Seeing that the purple uni-TwilightSparkle- seemed to be in charge I asked her for a drink of water. To my surprise she turned to the yellow Pegasus, FlutterShy, and repeated my question. While FlutterShy dealt with that, RainbowDash interrogated me.
“Do you like flying?” Nod “Do you like flying fast?” Nod “Tricks?” Nod “Have you ever done a sonic Rainboom?” I tilted my head. “No?” The blue pony beamed down at me. “Ooh we will have so much fun, I can just tell!” Next the Yellow Pegasus stepped up, leaving the cyan mare to rant on about ‘sweet’ moves.
“Umm… do you like animals? I love animals!” she asked, in a soft and quiet voice. I mouthed, as best as I could,
*I don’t really spend that much time with animals, but, sure.*
The mares eyes widened in horror.
“Oh you poor thing! As soon as you’re well enough I must show you all my animals! Oh you will love them, there is Acorn a Turtle, and Speedy the snail… ooh, how rude! I haven’t given you your water, oh I am ever so sorry! If there is anything I could make it up to you with then I definitely would!” She offered me the water, elegantly stretching her neck to offer it to me. Mouthing thanks, I gingerly took the cup and gulped it down.
*Thank you!*
I repeated, gratefull to have water in my body again.
“Oh you are ever so welcome! And do you want some soup?" My stomach grumbled its reply before I could.
FlutterShy giggled and set off to find some.
"So, what happened? Birdie," TwilightSparkle gestured to a brown bird perched on a bar hanging from the roof, the same bird that pecked me not so long ago. "Found you in the forest and told FlutterShy, who told us, so me, FlutterShy and Dash-"
"Don't forget me!" Said PinkiePie, bouncing in place.
"-And Pinkie- Found you and brought you here, we found you when you screamed, or else we never would've seen you, because of your brown coat!"
*My coat is not brown, it is blue!*
"Ha! I mean- carry on, sorry that was very unlady-like of me." Rarity dipped her head, suggesting that they should continue.
"So what happened?" Asked the heavily accented orange pony, AppleJack.
*Well I was just flying over when a stray cloud zapped me, and then fell to the ground.* It sounded lame, but I had to purposefully leave out the Master, as per his instructions to me, years ago.
"Yea the weather over EverFree is really wild! Clouds can come out of nowhere at any time!" Announced Dash. I nodded my consent."Hmm... Well, whatever you were doing then, now you need rest." Said Twilight, levitating the covers to my chin. As Twilight turned around, I noticed a mark on her flank.
*What is that?*
"What? Oh, that is the symbol of Magic! As my special talent, I got a Magic CutieMark.
*What's a cutie mark?* I watched as each face turned from mildly interested in the conversation, to horrify faces, and Rarity even magicked a couch to fall on..
*What? Why are you all staring at me?*
"You-you mean you don't have one?" Stuttered FlutterShy.
*No... Is that bad?* just the look on their faces proved my theory.
"Don't worry darling, I know just the ponies to get you your CutieMark!" Rarity smiled at the others, and they smiled back, well apart from me, I just stared wordlessly at the ponies I had known for barely a day and wondered what in Equestria a CutieMark was.