Spike the Knight

by vadram

Chapter 57 I am the Mighty Kirabo, I am the Gifted One, I was born during the Night (M)

I am the Mighty Kirabo, I am the Gifted One, I was born during the Night (M)

Spike wanted to scream, to tell Zecora to be careful, but something seemed to tell him not to.

By chance he looked at Imamu who was looking back at him. The appearance of the timberwolves didn’t seem to worry him much, so, despite what Spike felt he should do he remained silent and watched on.

Kirabo was busy violently landscaping, while Zecora looked at him, a pack of timberwolves walking towards her mouth held ajar sap dripping from her mouth as they moved closer to their prey. Imamu and Spike were looking at all of them.

For a moment Kirabo seemed to noticed something was different and stopped. He turned towards Zecora and the timberwolves that were behind her.

Zecora raised her hoof and pointed towards Kirabo. As she did that the timberwolf that was closest to her, presumably the alpha, howled, and the rest of them started running towards the filly, passed by her barely acknowledging her presence and continued moving towards Kirabo.

“Giant killer marshmallows? Really Zecora? Really?”

The timberwolves closed in.

“Fine.” He said, a touch of sadness in his voice. “Giant killer marshmallows it is.”

He jumped into the air and landed on the snout of one of the wolves.

“Die you fluffy bastard.” He screamed as he drove his sword into the wolfs bark slicing the top of his mouth clean off, running onto its back and stabbing him in the rear before he jumped down.

He jumped onto another and cut his head clear off, the rest of his body falling apart. Another was cut into to pieces just above its waist, two had their legs chopped off, and one was torn apart by the force of the blast that accompanied the blow.

“Marshmallows monsters? Really?” He asked again.

Zecora paid no attention to him. She was instead busy with some of the ingredients she carried in her bag, mixing some, stirring with her knife, pouring some onto the ground, drinking others and moving on to another location.

The blue flames that Kirabo used to destroy the treants were not present on his sword since Zecora ‘kissed’ him, making him lose his concentration for a variety of reasons, one of those being the hallucinogens he ingested, so the wolves had no trouble pulling themselves back together,

Zecora repeated the process with little to no variance at seemingly random positions around the field, while Kirabo was busy fighting what he perceived as being “giant killer marshmallow monster with cotton candy eyes fluffy eyebrows instead of ears and polkadot bats for eyes.” He had no problems dealing with those. By the time she stroke the last one down, the first one had already reformed. It did not seemed to matter for him, he could always use the workout, and it had been too long since he could let loose, even if he now felt his head was splitting in half, and his stomach was ready to give up.

It was starting to get dull. Kirabo was getting kind of bored killing the legendary marshmallow beasts, now they seemed horrible underwhelming. So with a slightly clearer mind he broke all of them with a powerful blow and rushed to end this all, and hopefully get something to drink, and some sleep.

Zecora reacted at the explosion that destroyed all the wolves and scattered their remains over a large area by turning and throwing bright pink balls at Kirabo. In his mind that was a sneaky attack coming from her, as the balls were cleverly disguised as bright black flowers that did not stand out at all against the white coat of chocolate paint that covered the ground.

All the balls hit him and exploded in a mess of sticky gooey pink mess that made its way through his armor and severely impaired his movements.

“First you spit magical beans in my face! Then you put Luna know what in my mouth! Then you have freaking marshmallow monsters attack me! And now this?”

The ground shakes again.

Zecora finished what she was doing, then drank a couple of jars of yellowish liquid, before taking her ceremonial dagger in her mouth and making her way towards Kirabo.

“It’s over.” She said pointing the knife at his neck.

“NO. IT. IS. NOT.” He screamed before bursting into blue flames.

Zecora ran as fast as her little legs could take her, burnt tail between her scorched legs. After reaching a relatively safe distance she popped a few pills, and her eyes turned back to her natural color, dark cyan. Her whole body shook and her eyes glowed again this time they were not orange like before, but her own dark cyan.

Kirabo’s sword turned blue again and he charged Zecora trying to behead her. He was not holding back anymore. He grew even more angry as she managed to avoid his swings, although the blast that followed she had no chance of avoiding but did not seem to be affected by a force that should knock out a fully grown earth pony, at least.

Kirabo was busy trying to hit Zecora, she was busy trying to avoid that, while the timberwolves were busy pulling together their pieces to form one whose size would rival Imamu, a truly massive creature.

When it formed it let out a loud howl announcing its presence to the world.

Turning Kirabo threw his sword at the creature and it when it hit it the creature bursted into flames, and promptly ran away, leaving a trail of broken trees and devastation behind her.

“SHUT UP.” He yelled as he turned to Zecora and tried to hit her with his fists.