//------------------------------// // I // Story: Magically Saturated // by r4rBrok //------------------------------// The sun glared down on my face harshly. It felt... off. It was as if it was trying to purposefully annoy me. Regardless I took the hint and stated to wake. That was when I definitely knew something was off. First thing that I noticed was the blazing heat. Now, I am no stranger to hot days. Living in the prairies does that. This heat however was excruciating to the point where I felt I was being boiled alive. And it was early spring, not mid summer. It was usually around 15-20 degrees this time of year (or 60-70 degrees for you 'mericans) The next thing I noticed threw me for an even bigger loop. I saw that I was sitting in the middle of a forest. It wasn't even one of the smaller dried sort of forests. No it was a rainforest that you would find closer to the coast. This wouldn't have been as big of a problem except for I just came BACK from a camping trip last night. Naturally between the insane heat and the unfamiliar location I started to move to see if I could find some water. After all, if I had to choose from either a stomach flu or death by overheating I would choose the stomach flu. But given this temperature I would think that the water would already be hot enough to purify the water. That is when I noticed the third and probably most important piece of information. As I collapsed back onto the ground I found quite painfully that I had a broken leg. [What the hell?! What did I do last night?] I did a quick mental collection of what my current state was in. I was in so drastic heat that I needed to find water and shade or I would die of heat stroke within hours. I was stuck in a forest that I was completely unfamiliar with in a place I had no idea where it was. And last but not least my leg was broken, untreated and prevented me from walking at any speed more than a hobble. Long story short I was completely and royally screwed. The universe must have a real bitchy sense of humor as well because it decided that the best course of action at that point was put me in the middle of an earthquake. The ground seized and quivered beneath me swaying the trees back and forth. Luckily and to my immense glee none of the trees actually fell over. All that happened was the leaves fell in a shower of red and orange. Wait, what? Looking round in even more confusion I completely forgot to even realize that the leaves were not the green of spring, but the red and orange of autumn. Now I realized that it was just not possible that all of this actually was occurring to me, not I the strictest sense at least. I proceeded to run a series of possibilities in my head. One, this was a wicked ass fever dream. This was discounted because of the fact that I had felt actual pain from my broken leg. Two, I was in a coma. This was more reasonable seeing how few people actually know what being in a coma feels like, but if it was then why did I have a broken leg. Aren't comas supposed to just be like a more vivid dream? Any-who, the third option was I just woke up from a coma, unlikely seeing how I assume that hospitals frown upon tossing it's patients out into forests. Four was It being an elaborate prank, but I doubt that anyone could get me to the southern hemisphere in time before I woke up. Five I was tripping ba- What? Well, okay I guess this isn't that necessary. Okay I'll move on, sheesh. After that mental break I continued to feel the earthquake get stronger and stronger, but earthquakes don't get stronger like this is. That is when I realized that this wasn't an earthquake, it was a stampede! Instinctually leaping behind a tree, much to my pain, I looked around to see what was causing it. I assumed that the only things that could cause a tremor like this would be a buffalo. I was very much mistaken. What I saw was what appeared to be a strange breed of donkey. Fairly short and stout with feet that came wide at the base not showing any hooves or toes. Their hair came out of the top of their forehead all the way down it's neck to below the shoulders similar to a mane, but styled. And the most shocking thing about the animals was the fact that they were colored. Not in the typical sense in browns, blacks, whites, and tans, oh no. They were colored in everything across the rainbow and then some. They ranged from yellow to red, from green to purple, and every color between. And it wasn't enough that their colors were off, they manes had different colors then their bodies. And there were hundreds of them all traveling in a fairly straight path. Though there were many thoughts that went throughout my mind on a rampage, there was one that silenced all the others. "Yup, definitely tripping balls."