//------------------------------// // Chapter 2: Baptism through Fire // Story: MLP: What is sanity? // by Raventalon //------------------------------// MLP: What is Sanity? Chapter 2: Baptism through Fire As was the common theme lately, I awoke not having the slightest clue as to where I was. To make the situation even better, I had a throbbing headache that left my mind feeling foggy. Grumbling, I turned onto my side from my spot on the ground, taking stock of my surroundings. What I found wasn’t very comforting. I was in the middle of what looked to be a large forest. There was thick vegetation surrounding me on all sides. With large trees reaching far into the sky, their large canopies obscuring the sun and draping the terrain in shadows. Lovely. This is just what I needed. I rose to my feet with a grunt, the world twisting in a nauseating fashion before my eyes. I stumbled over to a nearby tree, leaning heavily on it in an attempt to regain my faculties. Releasing a series of deep breaths, I realized that I needed to find out exactly where I was. Considering I wasn’t back home in my bed, I was presumably in Equestria. Other than that general idea, I didn’t have much else. That meant my very first goal should be to find some sign of civilization. I wasn’t much of a survivor and I wouldn’t last very long in a forest I knew nothing about. Especially if any alien creatures were lurking within. Discord did say this wasn’t my world after all. I pushed myself away from the tree, already feeling a bit better than I had when I had first woken. All I needed was to decide a direction to go and hope I didn’t become hopelessly lost. That would be horribly disappointing. With a shrug, I started off in a random direction. If anything, a long walk through the forest would give me plenty of time to process what the hell had happened to me. At this point, I was thoroughly convinced that this wasn’t a dream or some coma induced delusion. I wasn’t nearly creative enough to imagine half the things I had experienced. Not to mention, this seemed far too real to be anything else but reality. With this in mind, that presented me with several options. One; I have a severe mental breakdown and a subsequent panic attack. While tempting, it wasn’t a very productive option. Two; I sit in the dirt and cry like a baby. I decided to simply save that option for later. Three; I just take what’s happened to me and roll with it. This seemed to be the best course of action. With my mental state sorted out for the time being, I turned my attention to the surroundings once again. From my admittedly small outdoorsman experience, I was able discern a well-traveled game trail. I smiled. While this wasn’t exactly a huge blessing, it would make my trek through the forest just that much easier. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I’m unsure as to how much time passed as I trudged through the forest, but it seemed to be more than enough time for the sun to dip under the horizon. Not that I could tell with all these damn trees in the way. Regardless, I was starting to get more than a little worried. I was stuck in a dark forest with no food or water and absolutely no clue as to where exactly I was. I couldn’t walk forever either; the fatigue of the day’s events was starting to catch up with me. However, every time I found a place to rest I was driven onwards by the sensation that I was being watched. It felt as if the forest itself didn’t want me there. With mounting paranoia, I picked up a quicker pace; my ears straining to catch the slightest of sounds. I was met only by an unnerving silence, broken only by my own clumsy footsteps. This didn’t last as I heard the lone call of an animal in the distance. “Oh come on!” I groaned. “When am I going to get a damn break?” Deciding that it would be a better idea to take shelter than become food, I occupied my mind with finding a suitable place to rest. My search wasn’t very productive, as the trees were all too tall for me to climb easily and I had wasted day light walking instead of gathering materials for a makeshift camp. The howls of the unknown creature broke me out of my musings. It sounded a lot closer than it did before. I picked up my search once again, feverishly looking for something, anything that would provide some of kind shelter or defense. I eventually found a long piece of timber that was weighty and easy to swing. Feeling a little bit more secure with my new ‘weapon’, I started off down the path once again. The oppressive nature of the forest continued to weigh on me, disturbed only by snatches of moonlight that shined brightly through the thick canopy. I was really starting to feel my exhaustion; each step I took was becoming more and more difficult. Fortune seemed to take pity on me, because I stumbled out onto a more open and less natural path. Squinting against the darkness, I was able to make out the faint hoof prints of horses. Or in this case, ponies. “Thank god.” I muttered. These prints meant I was at least on the right path to civilization. Of course, I wasn’t quite out of the woods yet. (Ha! I’m punny!) Shaking off my fatigue, I’m started off down the path with a new energy in my step. Unfortunately, the forest wasn’t planning on letting me escape unscathed. I was soon brought to a halt by the rustling of bushes a few meters behind me. Whipping around, I brandished my piece of timber. I was met by two glowing sickly yellow eyes that absolutely radiated malice. I shivered, the beginnings of an adrenaline rush starting to seep into my system. Its position exposed, the source of those horrible eyes emerged from the foliage. Its appearance was distinctly canine in shape, making me recall the howling I had heard not too long ago. However, something seemed to be off about it. Even in the faint light, I could make out unnaturally long stick-like limbs. It seemed unnaturally stiff, as if it were not entirely alive. I took a couple steps backwards, keeping my eyes trained on the predator in front of me. I knew there was very little chance that I could out run it. Exhaling shakily, I shifted into a wide stance, trying to keep my rising fear under control. There was more rustling in the forest and two more shadowy shapes joined the first. Dread took root in my mind as the three creatures started to circle me slowly. ‘Why God? What did I ever do to deserve this?’ I thought forlornly. Taking several more steps backwards, I readied myself with an inspiring internal monologue. ‘SHITFUCKMOTHERFUCKERGODDAMITSONOFABI-‘ My thoughts were interrupted by the sudden charge of the first creature. Reacting quickly, I brought my weapon back and swung with all my strength. There was a resounding snap as my swing intercepted the predator mid-pounce, sending it tumbling off to the side where it lay still. Turning as quickly as could, I brought my weapon up just in time for the powerful jaws of the second creature to snap closed on my weapon. Up close, I could easily see that it was a wolf. However, it seemed to be made out of wood. It had bark like covering that was camouflaged to easily blend in with the surrounding forest. But, what really drew my attention were the razor sharp teeth that were deeply imbedded in the wood of my makeshift staff. As I struggled to keep the second wooden wolf from knocking me over, I failed to notice the third circle behind me. I promptly took notice when it sank its teeth into my right calf. With a cry of pain, I pivoted and slammed the second wolf into the third, sending both a few feet away where they landed in a heap. Stumbling away from the two wolves, I chanced a look at my injured leg. What I saw wasn’t pretty. Apparently, as I shoved the two wolves away, wolf number 3 ripped a nice large chunk out of my jeans. Oh, and my leg too. Trying to ignore the debilitating pain in my right leg, I refocused on the two wolves in front of me. They had already regained their footing and were circling me once again. This time I was ready when they lunged. Wolf number 2 leaped towards me, jaws open and salivating. I swung my weapon, catching it in the side and sending it off with a yelp. Predicting that wolf number 3 would repeat his last strategy, I turned and swung low. Luckily, the wolf had indeed tried to use the same strategy. The piece of timber impacted with its forelegs, making it collapse to the ground with a sickening crack. Without hesitating, I brought my weapon down on the wolf’s skull several times, reducing it to green goo. Turning once again to face the last remaining wolf, I felt my confidence rise. Shaking its form as it rose, the wolf locked eyes with me. Regarding me with something akin to caution, the wolf started to circle once again; a snarl on its features. I imagine it looked quite dramatic, a wolf facing off against a human with moonlight filtering in to illuminate our impromptu battlefield. A bead of sweat dribbled down my brow as me and the wolf regarded each other. The moment was broken as the wolf suddenly lunged. Taking a step back, I swung with all my might. I was too slow. I gave a shout of agony as the wolf’s jaws locked on my left forearm, causing me to release the piece of timber. Unprepared for the additional weight, my injured leg collapsed beneath me, sending both me and the wolf to the ground. As it sensed my vulnerability, the wolf redoubled its efforts. Its teeth tearing in to the flesh of my arm while its claws raked across my chest. I cried out, thrashing and shoving to keep the predator away from my throat. Even as red hot pain poured into my mind, I could see what would inevitably happen. My arms were wounded and tiring, letting the damn beast ever closer to my sensitive throat. I was going to die, again. My throat ripped out by some freaky wolf in an alien world. After all I’d been through, I would still die. That was completely unacceptable. I felt a surge of rage as I stared up into those damnable yellow eyes. I felt a wave of inhuman strength course through me, allowing me to force the wolf’s muzzle closed. I turned and rolled on top of the wolf, which was now thrashing and clawing in an attempt to escape. As I held the creature down, a word came unbidden into my mind. “Burn.” I whispered hoarsely. To my surprise, the word seemed to have some kind of effect. The thrashing of the wolf increased as red haze rose on the edge of my vision. I gasped as I saw a small flame dance across my right arm. Strangely, it didn’t hurt. Instead, it felt as warm hand was grasping my arm. The flame soon spread, flickering across my shoulders and onto my other arm. The flames ferocity rose, freezing the wooden wolf in place as it gazed into the flames with fear. There was a sudden flurry of motion as the flame charged down my arms, completely engulfing the wolf below me. Pushing myself away from the unlucky creature and shakily standing. I could only watch as the wolf yelped and howled as it twitched madly on the ground. Its movements soon ceased as the flames consumed it. The flames soon died down, leaving only a patch of ashes on the dirt path. A wave of weakness flashed across my body as the last of my adrenaline left me. I fell to my knees as my chest heaved with exhaustion. I turned away from the grisly sight and focused my attention on the wounds I had obtained. I viewed the wounds with a strange sense of detachment, only reminded that these were my body parts by the pain I felt. As it were, my left forearm was completely shredded. I could see bone as blood seeped from the wound. With a shudder, I glanced down at my chest. It was marred with numerous gashes, my gray t-shirt barely clinging to my frame. Shifting onto my rear, I took a look at my calf. Yep, still missing a chunk. I spent the next few minutes tearing up the remains of my t-shirt and binding them tightly to the wounds. As I finished, I collapsed on my back. I took a moment to stare at the moon above me. It was larger than the one I was used to. I blinked, snapping myself back to reality. I needed to get up. The longer I stayed here the greater chance that another predator would stumble across me. Rising woozily to my feet, I limped over to my makeshift staff. Griping it firmly in my right hand, I hobbled down the path. I could only hope that I was nearing civilization. I wouldn’t survive the night otherwise. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As my life fluids flowed steadily from my body, I slipped into a kind of daze. My mind became foggy and thoughts were difficult to form. I became focused on only one goal; leaving the forest. Minutes passed in what felt like seconds and I soon emerged from the forest and into some kind of valley. I blinked dumbly as the oppressive nature of the forest left me, replaced by the knowledge that I needed medical help. Faintly, I noted that there was a village roughly two miles off. However, I wasn’t sure if I could make it that far. Walking had become increasingly difficulty, my feet dragging with every step. Turning slowly, I made out the form of a cottage far closer than the distant village. I decided to dedicate the last of my energy to making it there. The journey was torturous, each movement causing pain. As I neared the cottage, my dragging steps startled several animals out of the bushes. Ignoring them, I continued on my path. I somehow made it to the door. Leaning heavily on it, I knocked as loudly as I could. Startling several bunnies from their resting places. I pressed my ear against the doorway, listening for any movement. After a moment, I could faintly hear the sound of a female voice saying “I wonder who that could be at this hour.” There was the sound of a bolt sliding open. The door opened suddenly, causing me to lose my balance and topple inwards. My weight forced the door open and I collapsed on my side. I released a slight hiss as my wounds made their displeasure known. I clenched my eyes shut as the female voice exclaimed “Oh my!” There was the sound of movement as I heard the voice call out “Angel! Get the first aid kit!” I shuddered as I finally allowed my exhaustion to overtake me.