//------------------------------// // The Sue-minator's Greatest Challenge // Story: Queen Galaxia The Most Awesomest Amazing Alicorn To Rule Them ALL! // by JDC //------------------------------// ~Author: The Psychopath~ *boom* “How many does that make?” a terminator with a red stripe across the left shoulder asked. “Uhhh...Three hundred and fifty-fourth,” a terminator holding a billboard answered. Outside of the scanning room, terminators with their heads blown were being brushed out. Others, amongst many, actually melted. Other preferred to hang themselves...even though...robots can’t really kill themselves that way. They still succeeded. The red-striped terminator rubbed its chin pensively for a moment. “I’ll go see what’s so terrible about this one.” “Sir, don’t! It’s too dangerous!” the billboard terminator shouted. “When you’ve seen the crap I’ve seen, you don’t blow up. You just get nightmares with a creepy burnt guy for three weeks.” “How is that working for you?” “Eh. He makes a nice punching bag.” “...” The striped terminator entered the scanning room and, once at the proper console, pressed some buttons to acquire the actual information relating to the newly discovered mary-sue. The others waited outside the room, hoping that it wouldn’t be that bad. The next few minutes had the striped terminator coming up battered and brittle. It collapsed, only to be caught by its comrades. “S-sir?” “The Mary-Sue, IT BURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRNS!” “What’s so bad about it?” “That...thing surpasses every single character in that world, and then some! She supposedly destroyed the Borg from the Star Trek universe, then brought Chaos Emeralds from the world of Sonic the Hedgehog.” There was a moment of silence. Some found themselves collapsing into singularities so much the character was terrible. The terminators already knew what needed to be done. The announcement was made, and several thousands of terminators already armed themselves with laser rifles, beam cannons, and mini-nuke launchers. “Time to get shit done,” a terminator shouted to its comrades before they all entered the portal to reach the mary-sue’s world. In the scanning room, however, the scanner terminators suddenly received an incoming dispatch from dead scouts. The message demanded to initiate “Plan Omega”. “Haha. That’s the LAST plan we should employ,” said one. The other just stared at it with contempt and fury. “What?” The sound of struck metal rung throughout the complex after the starer slapped the one who made that terrible pun. As Queen Galaxia slept on the outskirts of Ponyville, a gentle breeze swept through the air. The alicorn barely noticed as she had created her own little atmosphere to remain warm and comfortable on her spot. However, what followed wasn’t weather’s doing, but a missile. The warhead blasted her out of her spot and into the air with a smoking appearance, only to get grabbed by a gigantic metallic biped and thrown powerfully into the ground, creating a small crater before she was kicked out of it and created an impact point much farther away. Getting up with a dizzy head, Galaxia spotted several more explosives being thrown at her. This time, she wasn’t having any of that. She turned the missiles into clouds and teleported the metallic beings towards her, where they lost their weapons. “What you have done is wrong. You shouldn’t attack ponies when they are sleeping. It’s inappropriate and very rude.” The queen expected these beings to understand their wrong-doings and immediately cease all further activity. She was wrong. They were immune to her powers, although two did spontaneously combust. The remaining machines activated some sort of self-destruct device within them, which created an immense vortex of green radiation which charred and burnt the queen. Before she could stand up again, she took an immense HE round to the face. The mare found herself projected even further, but she was expecting this. Using her immense wings, which made some of the terminators short-circuit when they saw them and collapse to the ground, she flew at extreme speeds into the sky, then immediately dove back down and created four sonic rainbooms. She planned on slamming into the middle of the whole lot of metallic beings. Unfortunately for her, these beings had enough experience against this sort of attack, that two gigantic mary-sueminators came out of nowhere and joined their punches against her. The ensuing impact obliterated any of the individual trees remaining around the flat plains, but it was enough for the other terminators to join in and start firing their munitions against the mare. “So, how’s the fight going?” a terminator asked. “Look for yourself.” The answering terminator moved aside to show its comrade what was happening on the screen. It was still in the scanning room, but the events were happening on a console placed on the third ledge starting from the entrance. “Wow. This is an ultra-sue.” “A what?” “Oh yeah. That’s true. You’re new to all this. An ultra-sue is a mary-sue that is super powered and uses things from other dimensions that it shouldn’t. Hell, they even brag about GOING into other dimensions and destroying undestroyable beings, like this one bragging about eliminating the Borg in the Star Trek universe.” “Well, there IS a universe where that legitly happened.” “I know. It’s one of the ‘possibility’ universes.” “Yeahhhhh. Sometimes, they make people rage.” “Oh. Hey look. They’re getting smashed.” “Quick! Find some young teens with attitude!” The standing terminator just stared at his partner with a thoughtful stare. “Haven’t heard that one before. Just summon one of the titans.” The land lay scorched and burnt as the mary-sue fought with all her vigor, even going so far as to become a super saiyan. The terminators were also used to this sort of action and drained her of this energy with suction darts before firing immense plasma cannons at her. The resulting explosions took away half of the nearby mountains with immense flashes of light, followed by the raining debris. Observing the field of battle, the terminators at their HQ determined the perfect point of insertion of the TIan MX-23. A red dot came from the skies, darkening a massive portion of it as the terminators and the mary-sue continued to fight. Then it happened, a humongous being fell through, and with the size and weight it possessed, slammed onto the ground with a terrifying force, cracking it and creating a powerful earthquake. It had a squarish upper body, but the lower was rather well armored for a bipedal being, judging by the thickness of the armor. Its arms were equally enormous, with the hands resembling gigantic maces more than anything. The mary-sue looked upwards to stare at this fifty meter colossus. It simply stared back down on the horrid abomination and threw its right fist forward. The strike was enough to blow open immense cracks within the crust as it struck Galaxia’s shield. The downdraft of air blew away many terminators and humongous portions of the ground upon the surroundings. Another blow destroyed the shield, throwing magical sparks everywhere and created a crack through the planet’s crust, bringing magma up to the surface. Galaxia flew out of the ground and remained in the air as the Tlan slowly turned around. Using her powers, the alicorn lifted an immense portion of the molten rock by performing bizarre martial techniques. The lava was then projected into the giant, who did not react to the puny attempts at harming it. Instead, it continued to walk towards the mary-sue, its intentions clear despite it having no real head. The normal terminators all got back up and began to surround the mary-sue. The immense size of the Tlan was enough to bring even the planet to its knees, let alone a whole army of the terminators. Struggling to get back to her feet, the terminators erected a ring around her, upon which a yellow-clad terminator climbed and yelled: “You don’t mess with the hulkster!” and body slammed her. It even went and clutched the alicorn, broke her legs, then pummeled her and threw her against the ring’s energy tethers to bounce her back and then arm slam into her. The yellow terminator then grabbed the alicorn by the hair and tossed her high into the air, where the Tlan moved its arms to clap once. The alicorn was right in the middle. Needless to say, the shockwave was so powerful that it tore what was left of the ground asunder. Clouds parted and mountains were destroyed. Eardrums were destroyed and bugs had a sudden evolution to resist wind. The author just stared at his computer screen for a while before getting scooped up into a bag and placed on a hook. A dandy looking terminator with a tenacious, manly mustache and cheerio haircut came about and had at the rustling bag. Forsooth. The bag did take a walloping of which the world had never seen. The bag then fell to the floor, to which a terminator grabbed another and was about to slam it onto the bag when Galaxia appeared in front of the terminators, urging them to stop.