The Curse

by FriendlyFire




Zecora and Rainbow Dash struggled to get out of the chains. Vinyl had her eyes closed and she was shaking her head fighting the vampirism from taking control. Rainbow Dash and Zecora were struggling as best as they could.
"It's no use." One pony said that was chained on the wall. He was a very skinny pony with a brown coat, white long beard, and white, receding hair. Zecora and Rainbow Dash looked at the old pony.
"We've been fighting these chains for years and years. It isn't any use." The old pony said.
"We? I only see you and us." Rainbow Dash said.
"They were all eaten. By the vampire king." The old pony answered. Vinyl grunted and she started squirming. Her chest was hurting bad and she started crying.
"Are you okay?" Rainbow Dash asked Vinyl. Vinyl's chest lunged out, then back. Vinyl grunted again, this time louder.
"Vinyl, are you-"Rainbow Dash said before Vinyl interrupted her with a loud, painful scream. Vinyl's head started shaking really fast. Then she stopped moving all together and looked down. She brought her head up and looked at Rainbow Dash. Vinyl's eyes were demonic; Rainbow Dash and Zecora started struggling again. Vinyl broke one chain with her right hoof. Then she broke her leg chains. A vampire guard came running down the stairs and opened the dungeon gate alerted by the commotion. He ran to attack Vinyl but before he could, Vinyl broke her last chain and teleported behind the guard, leaving only black smoke. The guard ran into the wall but quickly turned around gasping.
"A vampire unicorn." The guard said as he was punched through the brick wall. The guard fell into an ally way and Vinyl jumped on top of the guard. The guard looked at Vinyl, who had him pinned. Her horn glowed red and so did the guard. His body started swelling up bigger and bigger until he exploded. There was blood everywhere; but Vinyl levitated the blood and drank it. Vinyl climbed through the hole in the wall and looked at Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash, Zecora, and the old pony all starred at Vinyl intently.
"What's going on down here?!" Swift Shadow said as she walked through the dungeon gate. Vinyl looked at Sift Shadow and dashed towards him. But before she could grab him, he moved out of the way very quickly and Vinyl was kicked into a wall. Swift Shadow grabbed her by the neck and threw her up stairs. Vinyl turned invisible, and walked up a wall as Swift Shadow ran up the stairs and looked around. Vinyl slowly moved to the ceiling, and over Swift Shadow. Swift Shadow looked up.
"You can't hide from my eyes!" Swift Shadow yelled as he jumped up and punched Vinyl through the ceiling. They both landed on the top of the dungeon and Swift Shadow walked over to Vinyl lifting her by the neck.
"I'm going to finish what I've started." Swift Shadow said. But Vinyl turned into black smoke and floated into the air. The ground erupted with lava, the walls cracked and exploded and the ceiling flew up as they appeared inside a black tornado. Vinyl turned back into her original self and floated to the ground onto lava sinking through and disappearing. There was a pounding and the ground shook. Swift Shadow looked at the ground. It was cracking; and in that instant a giant flaming skull shot out from the ground and into Swift Shadow's face. He fell back and landed on his back. Hooves wrapped around him and he turned his head to try to look back. He was lying on Vinyl stomach. He tried to break free, but it was no use, Vinyl was too strong.
"It's no use. Your strength is nothing compared to mine." Vinyl whispered in Swift Shadow's ear. She bit into his neck and began draining the blood from his body.

Rainbow Dash, Zecora, and the old man starred at the stairs behind the gate seeing a shadow. The shadow was walking down the stairs. As it neared the end of the stairs Vinyl came into view and stopped in front of the gate. She looked at the three chained up ponies and walked to Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash was sweating, and she closed her eyes. Then she fell to the ground looking up; Vinyl was breaking Zecora's chains.
"I thought you were out of control?" Rainbow Dash asked Vinyl as she helped the old pony.
"I found the blood-berries." Vinyl said. As she led the ponies up the stairs. They opened the dungeon door and entered the bottom of the tower. Vinyl looked up the tower.
"You should go. I'll take care of Blood Sucker." Vinyl told the ponies.
"Can do." The old pony said as he trotted out the tower door. Vinyl turned around to see Rainbow Dash and Zecora still standing there.
"Didn't you hear me?" Vinyl asked the ponies.
"We're not going anywhere." Rainbow Dash told Vinyl.
"He is too powerful for you alone. You cannot defeat him on your own." Zecora told Vinyl. Vinyl smiled and the three ponies trotted up the tower. At the top of the tower, Blood Sucker sat on his throne and he stood up from his throne and stood in front of the three ponies.
"What are you doing here?!" Blood Sucker demanded.
"We are here to stop you and to free the world of the vampire curse!" Vinyl yelled at Blood Sucker, Blood Sucker laughed.
"You cannot get rid of the vampire curse. Even if you do manage to kill me, somepony in a hundred years will be born with the curse." Blood Sucker told Vinyl.
"Then there will be a hundred years of peace!" Vinyl said as she shot a fire ball at Blood Sucker, knocking him on his back. He got back up furious at the action; He yelled and the walls and ceiling crumbled. They crumbled so much there was nothing left. Blood Sucker shot a giant fire ball at the three ponies. It exploded sending the ponies flying. Zecora flew off the building and Rainbow Dash hurried after her. Vinyl got to her feet. She tried to mind control Blood Sucker. Blood Sucker laughed and he made lightning strike Vinyl.
"You cannot mind control other vampires." Blood Sucker told Vinyl as he walked towards her. Vinyl got up and used a powerful wind blast to cut Blood Sucker's face. Blood Sucker now extremely angered yelled. Clouds formed in the sky and started swirling. They swirled until there was a green vortex in the sky. He teleported behind Vinyl and slammed his hoof in the back of her head. Driving her face into the ground. She teleported away but Blood Sucker moved faster and punched her face. He punched and punched repeatedly. Then he grabbed Vinyl by the neck and started strangling her. Vinyl tried to shoot fire at him, but she was too weak. Her vision was fading and Blood Sucker was laughing. Then Vinyl heard an explosion, Blood Sucker was confused on the noise and loosened his grip. Vinyl took advantage of the moment and rolled out of his hooves. Then the floor exploded in a rainbow and Rainbow Dash rammed into Blood Sucker's gut and pushed him up doing sonic rain boom through the tower and threw Blood Sucker into the vortex. The vortex closed and the clouds cleared. Then sun was up, and Vinyl flinched. Nothing happened, Vinyl looked down at herself, she wasn't burning or smoking or anything; Vinyl smiled. Rainbow Dash grabbed Vinyl and flew her down the tower beside Zecora. A bunch of confused ponies started walking around town looking at themselves.
"We did it. The curse is lifted." Vinyl said. Then the ponies cheered. They ran over and carried Vinyl, Rainbow Dash, and Zecora. Then town was happy for the first time in a hundred years.

Six days later, Zecora returned to her hut. Lots of ponies needed her healing brew. Rainbow Dash washed out the black and purple in her mane and tail. Then she went into town to tell her friends about her amazing adventure. Vinyl went home and told Octavia about how she lifted the curse. Then she rested for a few days, until she was back doing the thing she loved. Making mad WUBS for her fans.