//------------------------------// // Chapter 5: Christmas! // Story: Never Forget // by Zuke117 //------------------------------// It had since turned to Christmas, and as it turned out Auburn were Calla’s doctor and physician. It was made apparent that her condition had worsened over the month that her head had been damaged. The brain cancer had developed ten fold, and Auburn had allowed Calla to come to her family’s Christmas at home because he believed it would be her last. As he put it, it was highly probable that she wouldn’t last a few more months sadly, but Aster was determined to make the best of it. He had since improved his relationship with Severus as a warrant had been put between Bluesky, including a threat of prison if he violated the four hundred feet distance between the two. It had also led to Bluesky having to relocate and probably a dead future for the lame-brained ignorant colt. His parents where actually going to take Calla out shopping, much to their pleasure, but Aster didn’t feel so pleased. Ever since his incident with Bluesky at the park he had highly much so disliked the outdoors. He much more preferred to stay inside where the worse thing that could happen to you is when you’re playing Call of Ponies some noob come up and start cursing you out. At least he got to meet this Auburn, to which he had to say was very… scientific-y. The pony was of auburn color, which is like a red tinge of brown. He had red and black striped mane with deep purple eyes and a cutie mark of a laptop. Aster pondered why the pony always wore a black bow tie and glasses though he had stated he didn’t need them… oh well, guess over necessary accessories where considered a nice feature to him. The weirdest part about him though was he always spoke in a stern voice, no wonder Calla had told Aster he wouldn’t of broken the rule of a game, because he didn’t play games. They where walking down the street on what was possibly the first white Christmas Calla and Aster would ever see. It was beautiful, snow on the ground, Santa Claus ponies all around, and Calla was enjoying herself. “You know,” The voice of Auburn caught Aster off-guard, as he was usually quiet, “For her condition she has so much energy.” He said, almost sounding defeated. “Oh, yeah… I guess… “Aster said, swiveling his head about as he tried to find Calla before spotting her in front of a window. Aster sighed as he quickened his pace in order to catch up with the awe-struck Calla. “You know, if you want anything, we can pay for it.” “Really?” Asked Calla, as she pointed towards a very expensive white coat. “Even that?” Looking over the price of a hundred dollars, Aster gulped but didn’t let it show to Calla, “E-e- yes, even that.” “Oh yay! I want it!” Sighing in defeat, but a faint smile upon his face, they walked into he store. Calla was quick to charge to the front desk and demand she have it. “I’m sorry little miss… “ The mare Pegasi behind the counter spoke, “But we’re sold out.” “Can I ple-ple-PPLLLEEEAAASSSSEEEE have the coat?” “I told you miss b-“ “She has cancer.” Aster heard Auburn say in that blunt voice of his, as the girl behind the table turned white. “H-how do I know you’re not lying?” She said desperately. “She has a brain tumor, and she has to take chemotherapy to stay alive. However, chemotherapy causes one’s hair to fall out and as you see well… she has no hair.” “Oh my… yes, just take it off the shelf for free! And anything else you might want!” The mare said as Calla happily smiled though Aster could tell she was just a bit sad. They gathered up the coat and where walking around gathering a few toys for Calla. The mare had informed her employer of the predicament apparently, as some large purple unicorn had strode up to her demanding an explanation and pointed towards them. Aster was watching as the mare’s employer approached the two. “I’ve been informed your philly here suffers from a brain tumor, yes?” “Yes, well… “ Aster looked awkwardly towards himself and Auburn, who shrugged. “She isn’t ours, her parents are away picking up surprise gifts and wrapping.” “Ah, well, I need verification.” She said, as Auburn stepped forth. “My name is Auburn,” He said as used his magic to bring out an ID badge from one of his pockets. “And I work for Cadence’s Foal Hospital. I’m this Philly’s physician.” “Oh, really? You must have a lot of kids to take care of… what is so important about this one?” “Well, I’m a teacher for one. Teachers get off on Christmas but we’re afraid she won’t have beyond this Christmas.” “Oh… okay… “ The mare paused, thinking. It was painfully obvious she was still trying to decide if the facts where in order. “Please, if you’ve got foals at home t-“ “I don’t have any foals at home.” The mare said as she stared at Auburn who stared back. “Well why not? Such a pretty mare like you shouldn’t be wasting away their youth.” “Excuse me?” “Erm... what I meant by that is if you should find that one for you and have some... I mean, they’re annoying at times but a kick too.” “I haven’t found that one yet.” She said, staring. “Well, I’m always open!” Auburn said giving his stern voice a rest. “Ha-ha, no. Just get what you want I’m tired of talking to you.” The mare said as she slithered away. “Reaaallll smmmoootttthhhh.” Aster said as he hoofed the shoulder of Auburn who decided to go back to that stern personality of his. Aster turned to see Calla had since disappeared. He froze, looking desperately around before he felt a tug on his tail. Twisting around, he saw Auburn pointing. Calla was playing with a toy that seemed to be the last one they had in stock. Swiftly treading over towards her and with a smile leaning down to her level, he asked, “What kind of toy is that?” “It’s a Queen Chrysalis special edition.” “Really now? What is so special edition about it?” “You don’t see?” “Wha-AAAH” He shouted a bit as Calla tried to shove her horn into his eye, “THAT TOY IS A SAFETY HAZARD!” He yowled as he jumped backwards practically into the hooves of Auburn who was behind him. “Its fine, believe me, she knows more then she pretends.” He said as he walked over- no- ON Aster. Aster scrambled to his hooves as he looked over towards Auburn and Calla who seemed to be looking at each other. At first he hadn’t noticed the third campaigner but it wasn’t long before he noticed. “Can I have it pppllleeeaaassseee?” Some little runt of orange color asked, “If I get that I’ll finish my Queen Chrysalis collection!” They said desperately. Calla paused, staring at her as she sighed. It was the last they had in stock and they could get it for free but it seemed generosity and kindness ruled over her heart that moment as she gave it to the little thing. “Thank-you!” They yelled as they turned around and stampeded towards their mother. “You know, Calla, you didn’t have to give it to her.” Auburn said, watching Calla. “I know, but still. This isn’t just my Christmas.” Auburn nodded as he twisted his way towards the counter. Aster lingered behind before following. As they walked up and the line shortened, they met their way towards the desk. Aster himself didn’t understand why they where in line. “Why didn’t you all just leave?” The mare questioned, watching. “I mea-“ “You have to take the tags off so the detectors don’t go off.” “Oh, yeah… right. “ The tags where taken off, and they quickly exited, but something held Aster back. Twisting his head around, he saw the child they had given the toy to desperately trying to keep hold of it, despite the fact their mother thought otherwise. He watched as the child put it away, as he practically stampeded over and took hold of it. Careful about the metal detectors, he exited and caught up with the two ponies who had noticed his absence and waited for him outside. “Here.” “Whats this for?” Questioned Calla, “I gave it to that one kid.” “His mother didn’t agree.” “Oh… okay then… “ Calla said a bit unsure but upon taking hold of the Queen Chrysalis toy and putting it away in the bag Auburn was carrying, she smiled. “You know you should put your coat on. Now that we have a thicker one for you, you’ll die from freeze-bite if you don’t.” “Fine, but can I ask you something Aster?” She asked as she took the white coat from the bag. “Sure, anything.” He said, watching her put it on. “When I die, eventually of course, can you make Auburn and dad ware tutus?” She smiled as she laughed at the thought. “Wh-what?” Auburn said, again cracking that stern stereotype of his. “Yea, sure!” He smiled, “In fact, lets go into the next store and buy some.” “B-but WHY?!” Auburn nearly cried from the sheer thought of being in a tutu, his stallionhood was certainly going to suffer for that. “Because, I don’t want anypony to be unhappy when I die!” Calla said as she ran into the dress shop.