//------------------------------// // Chapter 4: The Park // Story: Never Forget // by Zuke117 //------------------------------// Lily had taken calla and Aster to the park while Severus was at the metal forging facility doing nothing but work. Lilly was nice like that, but Aster still knew Severus would be deeply displeased with her actions. Being quite frank, however, Aster didn’t care. Even though playing with the filly at home was a chore, out here it could actually be fun. “Race ya!” She darted off. Being an earth pony and all, she was INCREDIBLY faster then the unicorn. He wasn’t allowed to use his magic too, or at least that is what Calla said. She had said he couldn’t use his magic and if he did she would throw dirt in his mouth and call him a cheater. Of course at first he thought he didn’t need magic, but upon losing it he found out how fragile he was without it. He had to force himself not to do some spell that would turn his hooves into makeshift thunder. “Beat yea!” Calla said for the fifteenth time, twisting around and wagging her tailless rump in the air as she eyed the mile behind colt Aster. Panting, Aster tried to mumble in some words,” Its… de-moralizin… racing… after… the… third… time… you’ve… lost… in… a… race… “ “C’MON ‘YE PUUSSSSIIIIEEEE” Calla shouted into the area jumping up and down. “CALLA! Language!” Shouted Lily from afar interrupting her talk with one of her friends; though it was blatantly obvious Calla disregarded her. Giving up, Aster slowed his gallop to a trot, and attempted to steady his breathing. By the time he got to the end of the line Calla was jumping circles around him. Collapsing onto the ground, he stuck his features into the mud as he soon felt a sharp pain in the back of his head. It was then made apparent to him that Calla was jumping on the back of his head and all over his body, pushing him into the mud further and further. “Calla- “ He tried to say though soon his head was pushed back into the mud, “Stttooooppppp!” Aster said through a mouthful of mud. Calla was more then happy to keep jumping on his back however. She had to of jumped several circles across his back before she paused. “Oh, what did you say? Get off your back? Aww… okay… “ She said forlornly as she slipped off his back. Getting up while doused in mud Aster attempted to get the sticky brown materials off his chest and stomach. “You look like a turd.” Calla snickered immaturely, as Aster turned to face her. “Oh, you’re going to pay for that one.” Aster said, his face becoming determined as he began to gallop at the small filly. Twice his speed, Calla twisted her way around like a pretzel and charged for the edge of the park. The horn of Asters began to glow as he planned to use the same thing he had done to Bluesky, and upon a few minutes after a good charge, he formed an orb around the young pony like that of a guinea pig’s ball. He made sure to have the ball unmovable, as he watched Calla run around in circles inside the ball. Once the speedy filly realized she wasn’t going anywhere, which was surprisingly quick, she turned towards Aster and seemed to be yelling something. For a few minutes Aster let the yelling linger since the ball also was soundproofed, but then decided to drop the ball and circle. “YOU CHEATER!” Yowled Calla as she charged at him, to which Aster just jumped over her. That process repeated several times before Calla calmed down, though she seemed upset, Aster just smiled. “You cheater… “ Calla said as she then whispered below her breath, “Auburn would’ve never done that… “ “I’m no- wait, who in hell is Auburn?” Bluesky said, his eyes narrowing as he leaned forward and almost got nose-to-nose in her face. “No pony!” Calla said, trying to come up with something. “C’mon, you can tell me anything. I’m not Severus, you know? If you got a colt-friend that’s a little more then a friend its fine by me.” “Well, if I can tell you anything then can you tell me everything?” “What? What do you mean? I’ve told you-“ “How did your parents die, Aster?” Calla said curiously. “Oh- um... well… my parents where turned to stone by a cockatrice.” Aster said uncomfortably. “And they couldn’t turn them back? I mean, aren’t there ponies for that?” Calla said curiously. “Yes but... they where already cold when I found them.” “C-cold? What do you mean cold?” Calla asked “Well, you only have oh so long before being turned to stone by a cockatrice kills you no matter what.” “Kills you… “ Calla said forlornly, “Can you tell me anything? And nothing but the truth too… I can’t trust Severus or Lily… “ “Yea, what question do you want to know?” Aster asked though he had a feeling he knew where this was going. Before Aster knew it, something tackled him from behind. Slamming and tackling him into the ground as Calla jumped to get away. His back stiffened as at first he assumed it was just some kid accidently flying or galloping into him, but it simply wasn’t. The rules of the world seemed to make it his enemy. At first he thought it might’ve been Severus, but the voice was too familiar. “Little unloved thing, aren’t you? It’s a shame really this family cares for a piece of trash like you.” The voice spoke as Aster tried to break out of the back pin he found himself in but to no prevail. The sound of wings hitting his backside, sharp and painful like needles, began to fill the air as he saw a blue feather fall onto his nose. Instantly he reared his tosh into the air and bucked, meeting some unknown part of the enemy but certainly sent them flying backwards. Twisting around to face Bluesky, he charged his horn. “Why… why are you so persistent? What did I ever do to you?” “Remember back when you where at school and I took that little love letter of yours and you used your magic?” Questioned Bluesky. “Yes, you deserved it.” “You where suspended so you couldn’t of seen it, but ponies started challenging me. They started trying to kick my position from the king of the school to the bottom of the scavengers.” He said, a hoof slamming against the dirt as Aster prepared for some form of a charge. “I tried kicking your ass once and succeeded, but they’re still mocking me, and I simply must reclaim my hon-“ A white blob shot out from the side of Aster’s eye as Bluesky stumbled to the ground. Aster charged his horn for a great blast, but with Calla on him he couldn’t hit her without hurting both of them and no matter how annoying Calla was and how ignorant Bluesky is, he simply could not bring himself to hurt one of the two. Then though one of his worse fears occurred and Bluesky easily got up. Aster tried to charge his horn up but what happened next stunned him from carrying out his attack. As Calla straddled a foreleg, Bluesky lifted it up feet off the ground and slammed it down repeatedly. Like a ball, Calla bounced off him but was even worse was Bluesky didn’t stop there. Rearing back for another attack, he hit her slam across the features and down she went. Aster could see blood. His next instinct was fire, and fire he did. Such a powerful ray it slammed Bluesky into the yards behind Lily who was charging, her eyes seemed filled with tears. The two collided and upon flipping Lily landed on Bluesky but Aster couldn’t see that, as he turned his attention towards his fallen sister. “Can I really ask you anything?” She asked, her nose and mouth bleeding badly. “Yes, of course… “ “What happens when you die?” He paused, as he thought over his words. Lily made her way from where she had landed to get at the fallen filly and take her away. For the rest of the day Aster pondered the words as he mentally jerked cords and tried to answer questions he had come up with. Trying to get a proper answer to tell a filly.