//------------------------------// // To Canterlot // Story: The Thing From Beneath the Sea // by Jabberwocky1996 //------------------------------// Twilight Sparkle was in her library doing what she did best outside of magic…reading. In this case she was reading a novel about poodles. It was a book Fluttershy had lent her. So far it was interesting. Just then a knock came to the door. “Spike, can you get the door?” Twilight called out. “Alright!” Spike replied from upstairs. Spike ran down the stairs and opened the door revealing Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Applejack and Rarity. They walked in and Twilight turned to see her friends. “Hey guys? What’s up?” Twilight asked. “Not much.” Applejack responded “Pinkie here says she’s been gettin’ her Pinkie Sense somethin’ terrible.” “Really?” Twilight inquired. “Yeah.” Pinkie Pie replied “It stops but then it comes back. It is so annoying! I thought you could help.” “Have you ever gotten anything like this before?” Twilight asked. “No, that’s the trouble.” Rarity said. “And she did it just before we arrived here.” Fluttershy said. Suddenly there was a flash of green light and the smell of smoke and a burping sound and everyone turned to see Spike holding a letter. He then tossed it to Twilight who levitated it towards herself and opened it. The letter said this: Dearest Twilight, you and your friends presence is requested at Canterlot castle at once. Sincerely yours, Princess Celestia “Come on, girls. To the train station!” Twilight exclaimed as she headed for the door. And then with a loud WHAM! Twilight hit the door. She dizzyingly stepped back and shook her head and laughed embarrassingly. She then opened the door with her magic and the ponies walked out. “Spike, watch the library while we’re gone!” Twilight yelled. “Can do!” Spike replied back. ///////////////////// Celestia sighed nervously and she tapped her foot. Just then her sister Luna flew in as the door closed behind her. She landed at the foot of the royal throne. “What news from Baltimare?” Celestia inquired. “The city has been decimated my sister.” Luna said “Many ponies are dead. Luckily, the city is being evacuated.” Celestia sighed and rubbed her forehead and then her eyes. “What attacked?” she asked. “I’m afraid we don’t know. But Doctor Whooves is looking into it.” Luna replied. “Good.” Celestia said “I hope we can stop this…thing.” “That may be a problem.” Luna said. “What do you mean?” Celestia demanded. “Remember how there’s a bay near Baltimare that also connects to a river?” Luna asked. “Yes, I-” Celestia said as it suddenly dawned on her “Oh no…you mean…?” “I’m afraid so.” Luna responded “The creature is moving upriver.” ///////////////////// A cow walked towards a stream. The cool water flowed through the grassy field. Insects and birds chirped and vocalized on the air and ground. The cow looked around. No reason I can’t take just one little sip. she thought. The cow lowered her head and began to drink. The water felt good as it trickled down her throat. Suddenly there was a rumbling noise and she poked her head up and looked around. “Robbie, if you’re trying to scare me, I’ll pepper spray you again.” the cow said. Nothing happened. She shrugged and turned to the river to drink. And that was the last she ever saw.