To Save Twilight Sparkle

by sushigeek

How We got Magic

"Oh hell it happened about 5 years ago," Spencer starts, "We had happened to get our hands on this 'mystical' unicorn horn piece and it was said, accordingly to the myth books on unicorns, is that when one eats a shaving of unicorn horn, they then get the ability to cast magic. We tried it and then boom! We have magic. When we started saving civies though, the government wasn't too pleased about our methods of doing so. They thought we where rebels and had to be removed so they send a whole legion of the 'best' to come take us out. They didn't succeed though otherwise you would be in the proccess of being raped right now--"
"Oh please don't mention it again"
"Ok, ok, I won't mention it, but anyways Zach and I kinda go undercover in suits when people are in trouble. We just keep an eye on the news," He gestures at the T.V. behind her, on the local news. "I am Pip and he is Pot. Ha ha ha I've still never gotten over your undercover name though Zach. But this is what we do for a while to keep us off the computers. We also enjoy annoying the government with the fact that we are still out there."
"So what happened to the legion that came to take you guys out?"
"They never found us."
Knock, knock, knock.
"Oh shit! They've found us! Quick Zach, the suits! Hide them!
"Coming! Just one sec!"
"Twilight, Just pretend as if we are watching the news!"
Spencer cracks the door whispers out "Password?"
"This is the Government Tactical Force under the Branch of the Marines. Let us in now."
"Ok ok!"
Spencer opens the door full swing to get charged by a military personnel with a riot shield.
"Hey what the hell man?"
The group still outside the door yells out "We've got them! Go, go, go!"
Spencer immediately slams the door before anybody else can charge in and puts the one inside asleep.
"To the basement!" Spencer orders us. "I'll grab the costumes and we'll get away!"
Slam, Slam ,SLAM!
"Shit they are trying to bust through the door!"
As Twilight and I get into the basement I close the door, when I hear Spencer yell at the militants who just busted though the door "Hey now you see me! Now you don't!" with the following Poof! of his teleportation into the basement.
"Search the area!" the commander of the militants yells.
"Quickly Zach, get the costume on!"
"Are you sure this will work?" Twilight asks with a worried look on her face.
"You darn right it will! We've put in some magical enhancers in the suits to give us more power!" boasts Spencer.
"How did you... never mind now is not the time."
"Right Zach get into position around her. Since you have the greater magic abilities and all, you will teleport her and yourself. I'll flick the lights off in three. You ready?"
"As ready as I could possibly be..."
"Three... Two... One..."
Extreme Poof!