Mane 6 and I

by TwilightHooves

Mane 6: Rarity

Mane 6

Chapter 1: Rarity


My T.A.R.D.I.S, malfunctioning, crashed down in Ponyville. I opened the door, and the T.A.R.D.I.S let out a cloud of steam with a, 'SSSSSS.'

"Ow......." I groaned, my face dirty and my body in pain from being tossed around the T.A.R.D.I.S constantly. Suddenly, I heard a scream, and whipped out my Sonic Screwdriver, ready for an attack. But then I turned and saw that the scream had come from a purple maned, white coated pony. I then put the Sonic away, embarrassed that I such a foolish mistake.

"How could you even THINK of coming to Ponyville while your that filthy!?" the pony spat at me.

"Hey!" I retorted. "I didn't get myself dirty on purpose!" BANG! The T.A.R.D.I.S had closed it's door for self-repair.

"Dang!" I screamed. "Now what am I going to do!?"

"Well for starters, you can clean yourself up." the pony said in a smug tone.

"Shut up."

An hour later, I was clean. I asked the pony, whose name I found to be Rarity, where I could find new clothes, but she said that Ponyville didn't stock clothes big enough for me.

"Although I COULD make you something. I do run a fashion shop after all."

"That'd be great." I said in relief. I then pulled a piece of paper out of my pants pocket. "Here are my measurements, and until your done, can I wear this robe you gave me? I asked, gesturing to the robe I was wearing that moment.

"Sure darling." Rarity said.

I went down to the ground floor, and was surprised to find the T.A.R.D.I.S sitting in the middle of the room.

"Argh!" I screamed. I knew it was time to regenerate, but I had to let Rarity know first. So I took out another piece of paper, blank this time, and wrote a message to Rarity, explaining what was going to happen to me. I then sent the paper upstairs in the form of a paper airplane. Then, I let it burst out. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA...." I screamed, yellow regeneration energy covering me. After the regeneration stopped, I started to look myself over. I pulled some hair down to my eyes and saw I was ginger now. "Ha! Doctor's gonna be so mad!" I laughed at the thought of the Doctor's face when he saw my new hairdo. Rarity came downstairs, my note in her mouth.

"I got your message." she said with as much importance as she could muster with a piece of paper in her mouth.

"It's still me though." I assured her. I turned to the mirror behind me. "Now, will you please be kind enough to leave me be for a minute? I want to "explore" this new body."

"Sure." Rarity left the note on a table and went upstairs to work on my new clothes again.

I untied the robe and looked at my new body. "Whoa." I was surprised at my new features, but, for the sake of little kids, I'm not going to elaborate.

I tied the robe up again, and turned to the T.A.R.D.I.S. "Oh yeah. We are gonna have lots of adventures together you Sexy thing." I noted how much I sounded like the Doctor when I said that.

I opened the door, and saw the new interior. "OH YEAH!" I was enthusiastic about the thought of the adventures Sexy and I were going to get into.

When night fell, I told Rarity I was sleeping in the T.A.R.D.I.S. She was bit confused when I said 'T.A.R.D.I.S,' but she nodded. When I got into bed, I knew it was gonna be AWESOME here!