Radio waves

by Ramboom


As I walked back to my farm the sun was setting, I needed time to think about what was happening to everyone else. They might not have noticed what is happening, maybe they do, but everyone must be scared. As I entered my house My feet started to hurt so I just went to bed.

In the morning when I woke up I had Hoofs instead of my feet. I said to myself that it would ba all ok, I knew it wouldn't be. I went downstairs to see my dad eating breakfast. He looked up. "Hey"
"Hi" I sat down and ate some food. I tried to keep smiling but I just couldn't. I started to cry, then a blue ball popped up. I fell off my seat and landed with a thud.

Dad came to help me up, I spoke first, "What is that?"
"How should I know." I stood up and touched it,
"It's warm" I pushed on the ball and my hand went through.
"It must be a portal" I nodded then took my hand out. "Maybe you should go in."
I spun my head around, I saw that my hair was blue, my eyes are probably too. "What are you CRAZY"
"It might be safer"
"Safer then out in the middle of nowhere." I looked at my dad as he has gorn mad.

I wanted to walk up to see Casey but my dad won't let me. Someone knocked on the door after dad took care of all the horses, it was Casey's mum. "We need to talk."
"Come right in"
I walked down and Casey's mum scared me so I stayed on the stairs listening.
"Now, I think you should turn in Sky, we did for Casey they are comming this afternoon, we won't turn her in."
My dad was shocked. "I am not turning in my daughter!"
"What will happen when she is fully pony?"
"I will take care of her the best I can."
"She has wings, eaven you don't know how to take care if a half pony animal"
"I will never turn her in, worst come to worst and they are knocking on my door I will send her through a portal."
"They will shut down your station"
"That is a hobby, it pays for things we don't need, we can live without it."
"Wait what portal? Are you hiding something"
"A ball we think is a portal to somewhere maby where there are ponies. Every action has an equal and opposet reaction"
"That's the only thing you rember from chemestry? What will you do if she breaks a bone?"
"While she is turning I don't know, but after I will have to guess"
"Her diet?"
"I work with horses"
"Fine, I won't turn her in but they will check I can promise you." And with that she left. I walked downstairs,

"Did you hear it all?"
"I'm sorry, it is to late"
"I know" I cried and fell into dads arms and he hugged me. "Will you go through too?"
"Maybe, maybe"

I left to go and pack some stuff if what she said is true it is best to be prepared. I packed I blanket, iPod, some relics to sell hopefully for a lot, a notebook and a letter if I have to explain this to the leader. While I was deciding my hands formed into hooves, I will miss you hands. A knock at the door alerted me and I ran downstairs and for the portal. I waited for Dad's signal. "ERIN RUN!" I jumped into the ball. And all I could see where rainbows.

"What is that." Said someone, I was kicked and then I jumped up scaring the living day lights out of whatever said that.
"Dash get away from that!" Said a new voice. I turned and saw Twilight, and Rainbow Dash my mind was yelling play it dumb.
"You can talk?" Said Twilight
"I have so many questions, where should I start?"
"By reading this" I handed her the letter and waited.
"That explains a lot, I should send this to Princess Celestia."
"Shouldn't you send it to the king or queen?"
"We don't have one."
Rainbow spoke "I will get the others" then she flew off
"Do humans have magic?"
"No, we have technology and hands."
"Lets go to my home"

After a little walk and a lot of stares we arrived at a library there where 5 ponies already there. The Elements, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Pinkey Pie, Rarity and Applejack. As soon as I stepped in the door I was jumped on by Pinky Pie,
"Can't... breath... "
"Oh, opps." And Pinky got off
Rarity spoke next, "oh my look at what you are wearing"
"I work on a farm"
Applejack spoke up next, "What type of farm?"
"You won't understand, I come from another world"
"I might know."
Twilight saved me, "Girls we need to get to Canterlot"

I walked behind the group with Rainbow Dash. "So what type of farm do you work on?"
"Ponies or horses aren't smart where I come from, I work on a horse farm"
"Oh, I can see why you didn't want to answer."
"I wonder what the Princess will do to me."
"Princess Celestia is really nice."
"I hope so"
"Can you fly?"
"I can teach you"
"Thanks" we arrived at the train station and I sat in silence wondering about Dad. What will they do to him. Applejack came up to me and sat next to me
"Rainbow Dash told me."
"It would be weird to tell it to all of you"
"It would. Do you miss home?"
"I miss my horse, Shimmer. I don't know if my dad came through with me or not I hope they did."
"It's complicated but they could do anything to him, but I can't go home because I will die"
We sat in silence until we pulled into Canterlot. As I left the train I saw Twilight and Shining Armer hugging. We where escorted to the palace and it was HUGE.

I walked in and I was taken back by the size of the throne room then I saw Princess Celestia and Princess Luna I did a makeshift bow and I was told to rise.
"What is your purpose here?"
"Ummm, in the casle or this country?"
"Oh that's because humans that where turning into ponies are being hunted down and killed."
"Fine you can stay, I can speed up the process of turning into a pony."
"Thank you Princess" I was sourounded by a golden glow and then I was a pony.
"Rainbow dash I am trusting you to take care of Erin, and Erin you will have to change your name."
"I don't know what to change it to?"
"What does your Cutie mark represent?"
"Radio hosting."
"How about Radio Waves?"