//------------------------------// // Squirm, Squirm, I'm a Worm // Story: For Want of a Quill // by bkaneshiro14 //------------------------------// The two young ponies ran as quickly as their hooves could carry them away from the death trap that once was their home, taking with them only the quill, ten rolls of parchment, a pint of ink, 10 feet of wire, and some impressive looking body armor that Smarts intricately drew for them. They left at dusk, and kept running for hours on end. As they grew farther away, a faint reddish-orange glow was growing increasingly stronger from the city. They could even hear faint roars and screams of the citizens of Ponyville, even from a whole ten miles away. Smarts noticed a single tear run down the cheek of Sally's face. He couldn't even imagine the thought of having the town he lived in for all of his life being burned to the ground in an unceremonious flame of war. Suddenly, the ground began to have violent tremors, which made the earth flow in large waves. "We just can't catch a break, can we, Smarts?" Sally complained. A large worm then unburrowed itself from the ground, and looked at Smarts and Sally, or more specifically in the saddlebag with the quill in it. It was at least the length of the Ponyville Express, and was a sickly pulsating brown color. Preparing for battle, Smarts quickly drew dozens of shuriken and kunai which all clattered on the ground in a pile. Picking them up, and trusting their power, he hurled a kunai at the worm with the velocity of a cannon. The kunai bounced harmlessly off of the worm's thick, rubbery hide. Turning to the side, the worm shot a lightning bolt tremor at Smarts. He couldn't react in time, so he braced for impact. The shock coursed through his entire body, and he felt his muscles tense up. He couldn't budge or use his magic at all. For the first time in his life, he felt completely useless. He wanted to close his eyes tight and let sweet merciful death swallow him up, but not even his eyelids wanted to respond. All he could do was watch the giant worm stare, (well he thought it was staring, as worms don't have eyes) at Sally, with bioluminescent drool pooling in its mouth. Sally was stunned. Not in the sense of being paralyzed like Smarts was, but just from seeing Smarts in such a compromising position almost made her cry. "So, this is how it's all going to end," she told herself, "we're going to die, the monsters are going to go on, and they're gonna destroy Equestria. All because Smarts had to pick up that stupid quill from the stationary shop." A light went off in her head. In her state of panic, she forgot the quill entirely. She looked at Smarts for the quill, but noticed that it was lodged forcefully between the ground and his right hoof. She then looked at the small pile of ninja weapons. She never told anypony else this, but she actually was very skilled in ninjutsu. She knew how to throw shuriken and to fight with kunai. She scooped up the shuriken and used some of her wire to make a chain of them. She strapped the shuriken chain to her body, grabbed the kunai in her mouth, and dashed to the worm, which was chasing after her slowly the entire time. It seemed like he was merely toying with them before he went in for the final blow. Sally made a quick hop and landed on top of the worm's head. She then jumped out, in front of it and threw half of the chain of shuriken at the worm. Every single one of them hit their mark perfectly, and sunk deep into the skin. The worm was sent into spasms, flinging the shuriken out of his face, and dived for the earth to retreat. As Sally saw the monster's face that was falling towards her, she quickly hopped to the side, and concentrated hard on the worm. In Smarts' eyes, it looked like Sally was glowing an electric green. She then opened her eyes, turned her head, and flung the kunai with all of her strength. It flew to the worm's midsection as straight as an arrow would, and coursed through it as though it were a hot rapier through a slab of butter. When it exited from the other side, it had torn the monster's heart cleanly out. By then, Smarts had regained movement of most of his muscles. "How did you do that? And how did you know where to throw that kunai?" he babbled incoherently. "Smarts, I thought you were the tsukkomi of our duo. I knew he had a heart because he somehow was able to use electricity to stun your whole body. He converted the electromagnetic pulses of his heart into actual electrical energy and projected the energy outwards, providing a powerful electric shock for anything that it touches, and anything that touches that." This was the second time that day that Smarts was left stunned. He didn't know that Sally knew so much. He thought that she was nothing more than a high school dropout up until that point.