//------------------------------// // Luna's Night // Story: The Sisters's Passage // by RachWrites //------------------------------// It is now Twilight in Equestira, everypony is falling to sleep, or lovers are staying up together enjoying each others company. Little foals and fillies are snuggled safely in their beds sleeping peacefully or getting ready for bed by brushing their teeth or having a little bath or shower beforehand, the adults are busy making dinners or putting their children to bed as the sun sinks lower into the sky. The birds and animals make their nests for bed and drift off to sleep, the sounds of nature quiet and grow softer as the sun sinks even lower in the now purplish sky, the sky is showing the first sign of the moon, and Princess Luna is getting ready to spread her marvelous night around the world. The ponies are excited for nighttime for it means rest after a hard day, or it means spending time with a special sompony, or fillies and colts have slumber parties with their friends and stay up all night and go to bed at midnight, when they are exhausted from playing, singing songs softly, or playing games. The night creatures are waking now, making little rustling sounds as they skitter through the forest and the woods, the owls hunt for their food and the field mice scurry away making little squeaks and twitching their noses, this is Luna's time now, making her night shine through Equestria and she raises her gorgeous moon, shining bright white and silver with the Her stars twinkling after she creates the night, making all of Equestria dark with only the moon as a beacon that shines through. The animals in the day rest during night and the night creatures rule, making sure no other critter hunts them, the mice make their nests and hide whenever they hear a hoot of an owl or a swoop from the night birds. The owls tilt their head asking "who?" and dive for prey sometimes missing, the bats swoosh over head making little clicking sounds as they hunt for mosquitos and flies, the bigger fruit bats look for yummy fruits. The night is a peaceful time when everypony sleeps and dreams about things they sometimes don't remember, the dreaming ponies are visited by Luna as she walks through dreamworld, making Her night a fun place for her, sometimes those dreams can become nightmares, and the ponies are scared but when Luna's near, they feel peaceful as she comforts them, she has had her share of nightmares, and every night she brings, she's reminded of her decent as Nightmare Moon, and she wonders how she missed of the beauty of the world at night and the ponies who are so grateful to her as the night becomes ever more beautiful and serene as she makes her home twinkle and shine.