//------------------------------// // Final Showdown - Silver Ghost // Story: The Return of Mare Do Well // by L_Wolf //------------------------------// Chapter 22 Mare Do Well made sure her presents in the city was known as she moved through the streets and across the roof of Manehattan. She didn't keep to the shadows or out of sites as she moved from the train station onto her normal patrol route. She wanted to make sure everyone knew she was out on patrol. After a few hours of stopping minor crimes she made her way to an abandoned building. She found a room that looked like it was in decent shape and used her magic to close off the door good enough that no one would be able get into it. She settled herself on the bed not even bothering to remove the costume and closed her eyes to get a few hours of sleep. She spent the better part of two days doing the same routine of sleeping a few hours, and patrolling a few hours, day and night. Stopping both serious and minor crimes that she ran across, all the while trying to draw out Silver Ghost or Nightshade. She rarely went out with out her suit on, and when she did it was just to get something to eat. Something she did little of since Sweetie had left. She was out on one of her normal patrols when she caught a glimpse of something shiny flash in front of her. She slide to a stop and backed away just in time to see a muzzle blade hit the roof. Turning quick she saw Silver Ghost standing in front of her pulling the blade loose. "Mare Do Well, out on patrol, again. Been busy the last few days, problems at home?" Silver Ghost said watching Mare Do Well grinning at her around the muzzle blade adjusting her stance. Mare Do Well narrowed her eyes and pulled her unicorn blade loose holding it at the ready in front of her. "I'm not here to play games, I'm ready to end this once and for all." She said rushing forward jabbing with the blade. Silver Ghost was honestly surprised at the sudden attack bringing her muzzle blade around to block the unicorn blade. "Whoa now, I was joking about the problem at home thing." She said jumping back avoiding stab with the blade. She rolled around to the side and bucked Mare Do Well in the side sending her sliding. "Do I look like I'm in a joking mood?!" Mare Do Well yelled digging her hooves in to stop the slide and charged forward again faking a jab to the right, when Silver Ghost goes to block she quickly pulled the blade around and shoved it into her shoulder. Silver Ghost let out a sharp cry of pain feeling the blade bury itself into her shoulder dropping the muzzle blade. "C.. come on... Starbloom... I never known you... to be this violent..." She said pulling the blade loose panting hard. She turned to buck at Mare Do Well again, but the pressure on her shoulder caused her to collapse forward and roll over trying to get her muzzle blade. Mare Do Well tossed the muzzle blade out of Silver Ghost's reach and levitated up the unicorn blade away from her. She moved in closer to Silver Ghost watching her as she struggled back to her feet. "I wouldn't have to be, if you had just stayed in prison where you belong." She said narrowing her eyes. Silver Ghost smirked and wiped her hair around quickly bringing the poisoned blade around, expecting to catch Mare Do Well off guard with it, but it was caught in a purple aura and came back around catching Silver Ghost in the chest. Her eyes going wide looking down at the blade stuck in her chest. Mare Do Well's eyes also widen at the blade suddenly going around and into Silver Ghost. "N.. no!" She turned quickly scanning the roof tops before spotting Nightmare standing on a water tower, looking down at them. "Why!? Why did you do that?!" Nightmare just turned and leaped away using short burst teleports to get from roof top to roof top. Mare Do Well turned back to Silver Ghost and crouched down in front of her using her magic to pull the blade loose. "Silver..." "G.. guess... I should of stayed... in prison..." Silver Ghost said smirking at Mare Do Well before she went limp. Mare Do Well narrowed her eyes and moved to her feet growling before getting hit in the side by a pegasus dive bomb sending her sprawling. She rolled back to her feet and looked seeing the police fleet of pegasi surrounding the building. "Mare Do Well, your under arrest for murdering Silver Spoon, AKA Silver Ghost, surround yourself," The chief pegasus called down at her. Mare Do Well wasn't about to let herself get taken in though. She turned and bolted for the edge of the building and jumped using her magic to glide across to the next building. She heard the pegasi following after her and growled, she knew it wouldn't be easy to loose them. She made her way to street level doing her best to avoid the ground force of earth ponies and unicorns. She could feel the white hot energy of unicorn magic fly around her. "I need to find cover," She muttered as she scanned the area while running. She grinned softly to herself and used her magic to pull the cover off a sewer entrance and dropped down pulling the cover back over it. Instead of heading further in though she doubled back and took as many turns as she could but kept going towards her apartment building. She activated her lens covers to keep from having to use magic to see, it took her time but she eventually lose the police force following her. She got to an access point near her building and removed her Mare Do Well suit finding a place to stash it before making her way out of the sewer. It was just past eight at night when she got out of the sewer sighing softly. "This... is bad." She said softly to herself slipping into her apartment building and to her apartment getting the spare key from where she kept it hidden going inside. First she knew she needed a shower, once she was good and clean she collapsed on the couch and snuggled down under a blanket falling asleep. Now more then ever she wish she had gone with Sweetie Belle to Ponyville, she could be with her mom, and her friends instead of alone in their apartment hunted by the police for a murder she didn't commit.