Time Trippin' Ride

by Derpy-Dash

Prologue: Glimpse of the Future

"Think of the present and worry not for the future, for unless you focus on the present, you can not reach the future."

Fifty years have passed and the Elements of Harmony are but legends and artifacts. Technology has advanced greatly in Equestria and so have the threats. An outbreaks of monsters known as Imagins are ravaging the kingdom and just as the Princesses feel like the war is about to be over, a mass invasion tips the scales, leaving their only hope of salvation in the hooves of ten ponies.

~~~~~Canterlot City, 3:17 PM, 2063~~~~~

The entire Royal Guard holds their ground valiantly at the walls of Canterlot, desperately defending against the hordes of Imagins, Guards rapidly fire their muskets with little to no effect against their other-worldy foes. As the battle drags on the Guards finally cave in from exhaustion and the Imagins storm the grand capital city of Equestria. As all hope seems bleak, a rift of bright light opens on the streets of Canterlot and from it a white bullet train roars out with tracks unfolding infront of it and a techno tune sounding as the horn. The train smashes through the clusters of Imagins and finally a motorbike shoots from the cockpit of the train and it lands off to the side as the train rolls away, onboard the bike is a bipedal creature, like the Imagins, but it looks different, like it is wearing armor more than just biological appearances and also it has a belt straped around it's waist with a circular "T" symbol engraved into the buckle and four different colored buttons on the right side of the buckle. All the Imagins stared in awe at the creature before them and quivered.

"It's Den-O!" an Imagin shouts in fright.

"That's right" the creature named 'Den-O' said calmly "now allow me to show you all the way out of our city." he dismounts his bike and takes a fighting stance.

"Y-you're outnumbered! Don't even try!" another Imagin wimpers.

"Well then, I shouldn't be much of a problem then." he gives a mischevious glare behind his mask and rushes the Imagins clothes lining a few of them and delivers a sharp kick to the one infront of him, two Imagins try to swing with their claws but miss as Den-O ducks away letting the claws hit other Imagins. As he knocks down various amounts of Imagins and destroy them with strong jabs and kicks, the Imagins slowly begin to lose moral.

"I didn't sign up for this!" an Imagin protested.

"Yeah, Kai said there would be no threat, but freakin' Den-O shows up!" another Imagin agrees.

"Kai?" Den-O notices the unfamiliar name "Since when did the Imagins have a leader?"

"Forget it, I'm out of here!" the Imagins all begin to flee, but a young colt blocks their escape.

"Hey kid, look out!" Den-O warns as the colt stands tall before the Imagins, but then, the Imagins stop and begin to tremble with fear.

"Hmmm, running are we?" the colt questioned sinisterly.

"Hey, you never told us Den-O would be here." an Imagin retorted.

"It appears i was wrong, Den-O continues to be a nuisance as usual thanks to your failures and now I'm really angry, caI have the face for it don't I?" he gives an extremely meniacal sneer.

"Y-yes?" an imagin stammers in hopes to keep on his good side.

"Well, I have no further use of all you I guess, DISSAPEAR." he glares at them with a displeased face and they scream in agony as they turn to sand and fall to the floor.

"How the..." Den-O watchs in awe at the power the colt displayed against the Imagins "That must be Kai, never thought a colt would be their mastermind, though that would explain why they are a bit slow." the colt turns and smiles warmly.

"Den-O, very nice to meet you," he calmly walks forward "in case you're wondering, yes, I'm kai, and I must say you've been quite a nuisance lately and I'm very displeased, I have the face for it don't I?" he smiles even more "No need to answer, I just have to do one quick thing, and I'll be out of here." Kai steps back and begins to focus silently, suddenly the skies begin to dim and fill with storm clouds.

"Hey what are you doing?" Den-O asked as he watched the events unfold.

"I'm goning to erase time, then, you won't be there to annoy me."

"What!? You can't do that, no mortal has the power to do that."

"Well nopony told me about that." he smirks mischeviously as he continues to build energy.

"Stop darnit!" Den-O rushes Kai ready to tackle him, but the Lion Imagin swats Den-O away with a claw and gives a vicious roar. Den-O quickly recovers and charges at the Lion, he ducks under a swing and sweeps it feet causing it to fall, as he attempts to stop Kai again, the Lion grabs Den-O by the ankle and drags him down, it then get's up and impales Den-O with it's claw sendling sparks flying and causing Den-O to let out a cry of agony. The Lion then flings his body over to Kai where he looks into Den-O's visor and sneers.

"You do know I was bluffing right? I'd never waste that energy destroying such a pitifull time as yours, I just need your Terminal Belt, no hard feelings." as he reachs for the belt Den-O swats his hoof away.

"You want the terminal belt? Well go get it." as he finishes his sentence, he removes the Terminal Belt and tosses it to the side, but as Kai is about to reach for it, the bullet train roars out of the rift again and blazes past it and as it moves away, the belt is gone.

"No! Stop the train!" he points at the Lion and it quickly leaps to action.

Den-O's armor fades to a layer of light and dispurses into shards, a drop of blood hangs from his lip and a hole shows through his stomach dripping with blood.

"You'll never catch it, they're going out of your reach." he smirks with triumph.

"They can't escape me, I can follow them wherever Denliner can take them."

"Well then, say good bye to that belt then, because they're going beyond the limits of Denliner." Kai snorts at his comment, but then he notices he's looking at something, he turns and sees that Denliner is heading towards the rift that had formed in the sky do to Kai's channeling of energy.

"You! You planned this!"

"Not neccesarily, more like it was destined, you'll never win." with his final words, Den-o closes his eyes and takes his final breath.

"Gaaaaaaah!!! He manages to be an even bigger nuisance right before he dies, how typical." Kai not accepting that Denliner is about to get away, he begins to channel his energy again.

"If I can't have the belt, nopony shall!" the clouds begin to move violantly and spit bolts of lightning as the time begins to grow unstable. Denliner beginning to shake and stutter as the pressure of the built up energy smashes down on it slowly makes it's way to the rift and then vanishes in the veil, just as Kai let's out a roar that could shake the entire Earth and the entire world is enveloped in a blinding flash of light, but not before a few colts are sent soaring through the rift, and their destinies now tied to the flow of time itself.