My New Bro Spike.

by neonrainbow

Hide And Please Dont Seek.

I grabbed spike' s hand and pulled him with me as quickly as possible with out him falling on his face. I led him up the stairs right before my dad entered again with the groceries from the door to the living room. While we were right about to get to the top of the stairs, spike accidentally tripped and let let out a small girlish scream.

"Shhhhh!" I quickly covered his mouth with my other hand that wasn't holding spikes from falling any further. He nodded as my dad called out,

"Kellen? Are you ok?"

"Yah I'm fine I'm just...going up stairs to wash up be for we make dinner, and I tripped, but I'm ok." I said pulling spike into my room right be for my dad turned the corner at the bottom of the stair case.

"Alright just hurry up, I got some reason fish from the store and I want to start cooking." As my dad said holding a fish up.

"Alright, in a minute." I said popping my head in the door way before I closed the door.

I looked at spike who looked completely confused. I picked up my kindle and turned it on to look at the clock. '5:23 great it'll be light out for a couple of Notre hours'. Then sat my kindle down on the floor not careing to turn it off.

"Now I want you to say up here until I get back and I need you to not say anything or make a noise, ok?"

"But why, who was that?"

"That was my dad and if he catches you in here he'll rather make fun of me for having a boy in my room or make you leave peacetime groundme ."

"What you mean make fun of you?" He asked looking around my room towards my bed.

"Well my dad isn't the nicest person and he might think I was... never mind that just be quiet quiet and stay here."

I opened the door and was in the door way when I looked back to him looking around. I was started to head down stairs when I remembered I left my kindle on on the floor and I just know that is a bad idea. I quickly as I could ran up the six or so steps back up to see spike with my kindle in his hands, but luckily it wasn't on the internet or anything and was on some game that looked like fruit ninja.

"Don't go on any thing but games while I'm down there, ok?"

he nodded and brought his attention back to the game. I walked back out and down the stairs again only to see my dad at the bottom. He looked upstairs more directly at my room.

"Did you talk to some one up there?"

"NO! I mean no I wasn't talking to some one I was... listening to the rest of my song without my headphones on." 'Yah that was a bad lie I know it'. He didn't look at me the whole time, he was just looking at my slightly open door. And of course just my luck, there was a shadow that past my door.

"Oh really, music. Seriously I thought I told you to not bring any one in the house until I get back." He said walking up the stairs and went right by me even though I was blocking the way but he still got through. He's tall and fairly muscular dude, so there was no way of me doing anything to stop him.

"Don't! There's... a-a bee! Yay there's a bee in there and I was telling him to get out out of fear he'll sting me, so don't go in there unless you want to get stung." Of course the wouldn't work for some people but my dad is highly allergic. Ever since when we were in las Vegas he has been flipping out like a little girl every time he sees a bee. But of course he doesn't believe me. Damn!

"Yah sure a bee, well let me see if there's really one in there." And with that he opened my door only to see nothing in there.but my stuff.

"Well I guess the bee left so let's go back down stairs now, ok." I grabbed my dad's arm to pull him out of the room but then he saw the closet doors being closed so he walked up to the door while I was sweating bullets bullets the idea of him finding spike.

I looked down to see my kindle charger letting to a cabinet table that is holdind up the tv that's next to the door. the tv's cabinet thingy can even hold me on and in it. (Oh and when we got to the house there was a little things left behind because we knew the people who lived here before us and asked if they can leave some stuff behind like the furniture.) I quickly pulled the cabinet door open slightly to see spike in there, as my dad opened the closet and inspected inside of it. I motioned spike to run out the door to the main level. He did as he was told but as he left he hit the side of the door with his foot, and with that my dad looked back to the door and started to walk out.

"When I find that kid I'll seriously ground you, sit down until I do." He said pushing me down on my bad as he exited the room.

"But dad I-" I was cut off by him closing my door.

Spike was running as fast as he could without falling on his face out of the living room into the kitchen when he heard a door slamming shut. He looked all over the kitchen until he heard my dad coming down the stairs. that was his cue to hide under the sink and closed the cabinet door to hear my dad walking into the kitchen for about a couple of seconds. Then he heard him slowly walk away. He let out a breath he was holding without even noticing he was holding it. But it was cut short with the sound of someone coming in again but this time It started to get louder and louder until it was right in front of spikes hiding spot. Suddenly the door opened and reveled me popping my head in to see a scared spike.

"Spike, hurry up and get out before my dad gets back." I grabbed spikes hand and pulled him out of the cabinet.

"That was scary." Walking quickly with me.

"I know it was too close, you've might've gotten caught."I said leading up the stairs.

"What do we do now?"

"Simple, you just hide out in my room until we find a better hiding spot."

"But what if your dad comes in and finds me?" Sounding a little scared.

"he won't because you'll stay in the closet which you will be sleeping in and staying and not doing any thing stupid."

We got in side my room and I lead him in the closet as I grabbed a huge blanket that covered my bed and through it in.

"There, now stay here and don't come out." I started to close the closet to only to be stoped by spike.

"What if I have to go to the bathroom or if I need to eat?" Looking to the floor.

"Well I don't know about the bathroom but I will give you food that is left over from my meals."

"So you will give me scraps. How nice." He said pouting a bit.

"Look I've been not eating much so I'll just give you my food until I can come up with something but for now if you need to go to the bathroom hold it!"

I closed the door to only find spike opening it again.

"What about getting me home to twilight. I miss my friends and I just want to go home."

"Well I'll be helping you by looking for ways to get you home but you just have to help make things easier by not being seen or heard, ok?"

"Fine because I need to get home."

"Alright just stay in here until I get back and then we can talk about how to get you home." I grabbed my kindle and handed him it. "Here you can play games while I'm down stairs, ok. No going on the internet." He grabbed the kindle and looked back at me.

"What's the internet?" Looking at the Kindle.

"Well... Do you see that icon?" I pointed to the Icon looking thing that which I don't really know what it's called called gets me to the internet.

"Don't go on there, just these." I pointed at the games.

"Ok thanks."

"No prob." I smiled and closed the closet door and was about to close my door to my room until I remembered. I walked back in and grabbed my headphones and through them in the closet. He looked at me confused.

"You plug these in so you can listen to the games without anyone else hearing."

"Wow this is cool, thanks again." he said putting on the head phones phones as I plugged it in to the headphone hole.

"No prob again."

with that I walked out of the room and closed the door to find my dad at the bottom of the stairs.

"Kellen let's make dinner dinner and put the groceries away, but after that we need to talk."

'Damn.' "Ok." I said putting on a fake smile.