//------------------------------// // Out In The Open // Story: Alternate Geoverse #3: Sharing The News // by GeodesicDragon //------------------------------// CHAPTER TWO Out In The Open The journey to Canterlot was a quiet one. Neither Twilight nor I were interested in talking, as we were more focused on how her family would take the news we had for them. The train arrived in Canterlot and we got off, Twilight leading the way through the unfamiliar streets. Part of me had always hoped that my first time in Canterlot would be a happy one — but now I was seeing it as the source of my impending doom. I dutifully followed Twilight until we arrived at a large manor-type house. As we walked up the path, Twilight finally spoke. "Well here we are." She said. "This is my parents house. As you can probably tell from looking at it, they're quite well-off." "I don't care about how much money they have." I replied. "All I care about is getting their approval." Twilight reared onto her hind legs and nuzzled me. "And you'll get it, don't worry." She cooed. "Just be yourself – the wonderful man I fell in love with – and you'll be fine." I nodded and kissed the top of her head before she got back to all fours and rang the doorbell. The sound of hoofsteps soon followed, and then the door opened to reveal a white unicorn stallion with a blue mane which had lighter blue highlights. He looked at me strangely, but upon seeing Twilight his face lit up and he grinned. "Twiley!" He chuckled and hugged her. "Long time no see, sis!" "Hi, Shiny." Twilight giggled. "I know it's been a while since my last visit, so I came here for that very reason — as well as to share some news with you, mom and dad." "And Cadence." Shining Armour said with a grin. "She's here too. Now, who's this you've brought with you? He looks familiar..." Twilight's smile widened at the mention of Cadence, but she quickly composed herself and motioned towards me. "Shiny, this is Geo. Geo, this is Shining Armour." She introduced us. "He's my brother and my best friend forever." "Twilight has told me a lot about you, Captain." I held out my hand. "It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance." Instead of shaking my hand like I expected, Shining Armour instead narrowed his eyes and glared at me. "I thought I recognised you!" He yelled. "You're that human who arrived in Equestria some months ago... and under very violent circumstances, from what I've heard!" I withdrew my hand. "Shiny, please." Twilight groaned. "That's all in the past. Can we come in? There's something we need to tell you all." "All right, Twiley, you can come in." He prodded me sharply in the chest. "But I'll be keeping a close on you, buddy. Any funny business and I'll kick your flank." "Duly noted." I replied nervously. "But I can assure you that I am not here to cause trouble. Twilight brought me up here so that I could meet her family." "Why?" "You'll find out soon enough, Shiny." Twilight said as she dragged me into the house. "Now where's Cadence? I haven't seen her since the wedding!" "She's in the living room with mom and dad." Shining Armour said. "Whatever this news is, it had better be worth you dragging this guy all the way up here." "Trust me, Shiny." Twilight groaned. "When have I ever let you down? I was right about Chrysalis, wasn't I?" Shining Armour winced as though Twilight had pulled the scab off an old wound. He didn't reply and allowed his sister to steer me towards the living room where three more ponies were sitting talking around a roaring fire. "Hi, mom! Hi, dad!" Twilight called. "It's me, Twilight, and I've brought somepony who you need to meet!" The conversation stopped as all three of them turned to look at the door, only to be greeted by the sight of a six-foot tall human being pushed along by a four-foot tall unicorn. Eventually Twilight stopped pushing me and stood in front of the trio. I could see two mares and a stallion. One of the mares looked like Twilight, except she was a light grey colour with a purple and white mane, so I assumed that this was Twilight's mother. The stallion was blue with a dark blue mane and tail. "Hi, Cadence!" Twilight squealed. "It's so good to see you again!" The third pony in the room stood up, revealing herself to be a pink alicorn. The sudden realisation that I was in the same room as a Princess, a Princess whom Twilight happened to know, only served to make me even more nervous. As I watched, Cadence and Twilight started doing a dance routine of sorts. "Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake! Clap your hooves, and do a little shake!" They said in unison before falling over giggling. Cadence was the first to recover and hugged Twilight. "It's wonderful to see you again, Twilight." She said. "I hope you'll stay a while, as we need to catch up." "You're right, Cadence." Twilight replied. "We do need to catch up. But there is another reason why we're here." "Yes..." Twilight's father said. "I can see that. Say, aren't you that... what's it called... oh yes. Aren't you that 'human' who appeared a few months ago? I read all about it in the papers... with some trepidation, might I add." "I am indeed that human, sir." I replied, eager to make a good impression. "I've been in Equestria for a while now in the company of your daughter, who is a good friend of mine." "I should think so too." Twilight's mother chipped in. "Our Twilight is one of the friendliest ponies I've ever seen." She paused for a moment. "Where are my manners? I am Twilight Velvet, Twilight's mother. This is Night Light, her father, and Cadence, her foalsitter from when she was a filly." "I'm Geo." I replied. "It's lovely to meet all of you. I just... er, I just wasn't expecting a Princess to be here." "I get that a lot." Cadence chuckled. "It's okay, Geo, you don't need to be formal with me. Any friend of Twilight's is a friend of mine." "Yeah well I still don't trust him." Shining Armour muttered as he pushed past me. "You're all forgetting the violent circumstances under which he arrived. And as far as I care, that makes you a potential threat to Equestria." "Shiny..." Cadence grumbled. "Leave him alone. He seems nice, and Twilight appears to have taken a shine to him." Twilight and I both chuckled sheepishly, which caused Cadence to raise her eyebrow slightly. "Unless..." She said. "You two share a bond which surpasses that of mere friendship?" When Twilight and I didn't answer, Cadence closed her eyes. Her horn began to glow softly, and I felt myself being enveloped in her aura. On the other side of the room, Twilight was also affected. After a few seconds Cadence stopped casting her spell and opened her eyes, a sly smile spreading across her lips. "I know why you're really here now, Twilight." She said. "You and Geo love each other, and you've brought him her to seek your family's opinions of him." Twilight nodded while my jaw hung open in shock. "How did you..." I stuttered. "How did you know that?" "Put simply, my special talent is love." Cadence said. "I am able to feel it and, on occasion, help two ponies realise their affections for each other." She chuckled. "It's unreal how many couples I've stopped from arguing!" I nodded in understanding, oblivious to the fact that Twilight's parents were dumbstruck and Shining Armour was grinding his teeth together furiously. "That's not all." Twilight said. "Not only are we together..." I crossed the room and stood by her her side, laying a hand atop her head. She held up the foreleg with the band on it and allowed everypony to see it. "We're getting married!" We said together. A dull silence descended across the room as the occupants took the time to process what was just said. The results varied immensely. Cadence squealed with glee while Twilight's parents passed out. But then everything went black as Shining Armour suddenly charged across the room and cracked a forehoof across the side of my head. The last thing I heard before I hit the floor were the raised voices of two angry mares and an even angrier stallion.