Beyond the Mirror Pool

by Sin Kurtiz

Chapter 3: The Start of the Journey

Pinkamena stepped out of the Legendary Pokemon Clone room then walked next door to the Pokemon Clone room. Same as before, she heard many garbled noises coming from the room. She looked in and saw many creatures. But, they weren't as awe-inspiring as the legendaries. They also ranged in sizes smaller than Pinkie's nose to larger than that of Sugar Cube Corner at Ponyville. The room that all these creatures were in looked like the real world, with mountains that scratch the sky and oceans that seemed like they could flood all of Equestria. There were many of these creatures known as Pokemon. Too many to count. She stepped inside and started looking for Lucario, the one that Arceus had mentioned. She walked up to a large hill and looked around. She then realized that she didn't know what Lucario looked like. She sighed in anger. Pinkamena then grabbed her large megaphone and yelled into it.
"Lucario! Are you in here?! I was sent by a really large and strange Pokemon called Arceus to look for you! Would you mind coming over here, pretty please with whipped cream, sprinkles, 3 extra scoops of ice cream, and a cherry on top? Thankies!"
Many of the Pokemon had turned and looked at her. Many spoke between each other whispering about Pinkamena no doubt. Pinkamena was surveying the area, seeing if any of these Pokemon stood out. She noticed part of the crowd was parting to let one Pokemon through. He stood on his hind legs. He had blue and black fur all over him. He had spikes through his front paws and one right in the middle of his yellow chest. His red eyes shined with power. He walked up the hill towards Pinkamena and he spoke to her in a voice that made her scared. "Why did Arceus send you to look for me? He promised me rest."
Pinkamena smiled at him and said happily, "He sent me to tell you that he said that you need to help me leave this crazy world and that you're the only one that has ever left. Except that you came back because your trainer passed away. What did he pass? Was it a ball? Was he playing Wonderball?"
Lucario groaned angrily. He then looked towards the crowd of Pokemon and waved his hand. The others then continued with what they were doing.
Lucario looked towards Pinkamena. "Listen I can help you get out of here, but I have a few rules if I'm going to help you."
"1. I lead, not you."
"2. You don't do anything unless I say so. "
"And 3. You do not ever bring up my trainer. Do you understand?"
Pinkamena happily nodded her head. Though she still wondered...What does passed away mean?
Lucario had started walking towards the door and gestured for Pinkamena to follow. She does, but bounces instead of walking. When they enter the hallway Lucario turns right and walks all the way down the hallway. They both end up reaching a large blank wall with nothing on it. Lucario then grabs a door handle that wan't there before. He pulls and they walk out.
When Pinkamena had gotten outside she had taken a large breath of fresh air. She hadn't been outside since all of the clones were sent through the Mirror Pool to this strange land. Lucario came up behind her and spoke to her. "Here you go, you're not in the clone world anymore."
What?" Pinkamena asked, "This isn't Equestria! I want to go back to my home!"
"You said you wanted to get out of the world of clones. Not back to your home. If you want something you need to be specific."
Pinkamena looked down. Lucario was right, she wasn't specific. But she didn't expect there to be more to this world. She thought once she was out of that hallway she would be back home. But, there was more.
Lucario looked at her and asked her, "It's going to be along and dangerous journey. Are you ready to go Miss...?"
Pinkamena looked up at Lucario. "My name Is Pinkamena Diane Pie. And Yes, I am ready to go."