//------------------------------// // It Arrives // Story: The Thing From Beneath the Sea // by Jabberwocky1996 //------------------------------// On the ocean floor, it seemed to glide through the cold water. It was an unusual creature. It had a very strange face almost like a cross between a toad and a bulldog. It’s teeth were long and dagger like. They were as big as a man. The creature had black seemingly soulless black eyes that stared into the blue and white bareness before it. Instead of ears it had pink flab’s that seemed to act like gills. It had long arms that seemed to have thin wings attached. With these it seemed to glide through the water. On it’s belly were tentacles that searched through the sand. Suddenly they lunged into the sand and in a few moments a small dead shark was brought the monsters mouth. It opened it’s mouth so wide you could fit a semi-truck through it. When the shark’s lifeless body settled on the tongue of the creature it slammed it’s jaws shut causing the sand ahead to form a cloud of dust. The creature then launched itself towards the surface water. The water collected around it’s face as it hurtled towards the surface. ///////////////////// Above water, the sky was a bright blue. White clouds hovered like puffs of wool. In the distance was the city of Baltimare. Floating on the ocean was a small 20 foot long wooden boat. In it were two ponies, each wearing yellow life vests. One was a dark grey earth pony with a white mane and tail and a fishing rod cutie mark. The other was a brown unicorn pony with a black mane and tail and had a boat for the cutie mark. “I just can’t believe it, Clem.” said the grey pony “Three hours and not a single bite. The fish just up and leave?” “Maybe.” Clem said “Who knows, Rick.” Suddenly a faint rumbling sound came from under the ship. Clem and Rick looked down at the water around them. Bubbles began coming up. “Huh. Maybe the fish are comin’ to us.” Rick said. “Hey, you might be right!” Clem said “Look!” Sure enough with the ever increasing bubbles came the tell-tale silver reflections of fish. “Get the net!” Rick yelled. Clem rushed towards the edge of the boat and in no time had the net. He then threw it into the ocean, with his magic levitating the edges. “I can just taste them fish!” Rick exclaimed excitedly. But Clem noticed something. The bubbles were getting larger and the fish were getting closer to the surface but he noticed something else coming towards them. Something huge. “Uh…are you sure this is a good idea?” he worryingly asked. “Oh what could go wrong?” Rick inquired. Within seconds the little boat was engulfed in cold salt water. Amid the water, the creature flew out of the water above Clem and Rick. Rick looked up and eyes grew as big as dinner plates. It was the biggest thing he’d ever seen. Seconds later the creature slammed back into the water sending another wave of water slamming on the boat. The salty water stung the eyes of the two ponies. When the water finally dissipated and only swells were left the two ponies were left flabbergasted. And then fish began falling back into the ocean. Most of the fish hit the boat and the ponies. Clem and Nick looked at each other. “Told you this was a stupid idea.” Clem said. ///////////////////// Baltimare wasn’t exactly the size of Manehattan or Canterlot but it was a decent city. With 30 story buildings climbing into the clouds like metal and glass trees and paved stone roads winding through the city. Everywhere ponies walked and talked as usual. Watch Chain’s horn lit up with magic as he opened his umbrella’s of his antique store. The addition of tables for visitors to eat and chat had boosted business. Lauren’s Fishery was busy and loaded with ponies getting gear, bait and so on and so forth. It was summer and Baltimare was known for being one of the number one fishing places in Equestria. It had taken it years to earn that reputation. The water was never too hot or too cold. It was perfect not only for swimming but also for fish. At the beach, ponies were either swimming, sunbathing or playing. The sun shone brightly over the city and beach. There were very little clouds. “Hey, what’s that?” a pony exclaimed. In the distance, some waves were collecting into one huge one which was slowly getting bigger. The ponies all stoop up and looked at the on-coming wave and noticed it was coming faster and faster towards land. It didn’t take long for the ponies to run screaming towards the buildings and hotels and streets. In an explosion of sand and sea water, the creature arose from it’s oceanic refuge. It roared a loud roar that hurt the fleeing ponies ears. ///////////////////// Celestia sat on her throne room discussing with the ambassadors of the Griffon kingdom. Then without warning a guard burst into the room panting like everything. “Your highness! Your highness!” he yelled “News from-” He then stopped and noticed the ambassadors. “Oh, um, my apologizes, your highness.” the guard said. “It’s alright, sir.” Celestia said softly “Gentlemen, will you excuse me for a moment?” “Oh course.” the first ambassador said. “Indeed.” the second ambassador said. The two griffons walked out leaving Celestia and the guard alone. Celestia then turned to the guard. “Now, what’s wrong my good man?” she asked. “Well, your highness, it’s about Baltimare.” the guard responded. “What’s wrong?” Celestia inquired. “The city was attacked today.” the guard replied. Celestia gasped. “The Changelings?” “No, your highness, that’s just it.” the guard responded “The attacker came from the sea. They said it was a huge monster as tall as a building. What should we do?” “Find Cadence and Shining Armor!” Celestia ordered “Assemble the Royal Guard! And get the elements of harmony!” “At once!” the guard said. The guard turned and ran out and Celestia wasted no time in writing a letter. ///////////////////// Pinkie Pie walked with her boyfriend Pokey Pierce through the quiet streets of Ponyville. The birds chirped in the trees and the wind danced through Pinkie’s hair. Suddenly Pinkie began shaking violently much to Pokey’s surprise. “Whoa, Pinkie! What’s wrong?!” Pokey demanded. “O-O-Oh man!” Pinkie Pie stammered “I-I don’t k-know! S-S-S-Something b-big m-m-must b-be going o-on!” And then just like that she stopped. Pinkie then looked around. “Never got that before.” she said. “What about that time with Twilight and that Hydra?” Pokey pointed out. “This was bigger then that.” Pinkie replied “You think I should tell Twilight?” “I guess.” Pokey said “It’s probably nothing.”