//------------------------------// // The Meeting // Story: Different Dimensions // by MidnightInk97 //------------------------------// The walls vibrated making dust rain down onto the not-so-white bed sheets that were tucked neatly around my body. I turned my head to Silver. She did not look good at all. She sat in bed with her head bowed as she drew invisible lines on her bed with her hoof. Her blue mane had lost some of its color and her usually silvery coat was now a dull, matted gray. “I wonder if that’s what I look like.” I thought to myself. “You had the same dream too.” I concluded. Silver nodded and wrapped her hooves around herself with a shiver. “It didn’t feel like a dream though. It felt so real,” She said. “I think this is something we should talk to the princesses about.” “You’re right but we can’t just go up to them in the middle of all this. They have enough to deal with already; they don’t need to worry about two alicorn queens or whatever.” I said. “Good point. So what’s the plan? We can’t just sit here and take up space.” "Yeah… How are you feeling?” I asked. Silver shrugged. “I feel fine. Ha, maybe the portal gave us healing powers.” She answered with a half-hearted chuckle. “So it’s agreed? We are going to help at any cause?” “Yup,” Silver said as she jumped from the bed. “Let’s go kick some villain butt!” I jumped down after her and trotted through the doors of the infirmary. We were so excited to get into the fight that we completely forgot about Fire and Winter. The doors swung open at our command, scaring Fire and Winter right out of their chairs. I was too enveloped in a battle planning that was taking place in my head that the two loud thumps and the clattering of hooves didn't faze me until Winter and Fire skid to a halt in front of us. “And where do you two think you are going?” Winter asked as she glared down at us. I didn't say anything and let Silver do the talking and while she was explaining our plan, I noticed that I was almost as tall as Winter and I wasn't this tall a few days ago. “Sapphira? Sapphira?” I heard Fire calling out as she shook my shoulder and I looked at her and saw that she was shorter than me now. “That’s strange.” I thought to myself and then shook my head. “What?” I answered in a dazed tone. “I won’t allow you girls to go out and fight these monsters. No way, not a chance. I am responsible for you two and I defiantly don’t want the fact that I let two little fillies gallop to their death on my conscience.” Winter stamped her hoof on the concrete floor. “We have to do this.” I said defiantly. “My instincts tell me we have to help in any way possible.” Winter shook her head. “I won’t allow it.” She repeated. We stood in silence for a while waiting for somepony to speak up. After about a minute Silver finally said, “Can we at least see what is going on? You know, instead of being cooped up like this.” Winter bit her lip in thought “I guess. I heard that one of the rooms down here is being used as a war room at the moment, but I don’t know if they would let you girls in.” “That’s good enough for me.” I stated and Silver nodded in agreement. Winter sighed and started leading us down the underground hallways. “But you have to let us in.” Silver demanded. “Yeah, we need to talk to the princesses right now.” I added. “I’m sorry but no one see’s the princesses…” The guard started to say when a door opened and Princess Luna stepped out into the hallway. The guard turned and bowed. “I am deeply sorry for the interruption, your majesty.” “That is quite all right and as for these ponies, they are allowed to pass.” Luna said. The guard righted himself and bowed his head one more time, “As you wish.” Luna turned to Silver and I. “Come on girls; Winter and Firebird too.” With that, the princess turned around and strode back into the room and we followed. The room was narrow and white with a large table in the center. Celestia was at the head of the table with Twilight and a couple of other important looking ponies standing around as well. They were talking in hushed tones with their heads bent, looking at a map. The door was shut quietly behind us. Luna went to her sister’s side and whispered something to her. Celestia looked at us with a sad smile. Her face looked worn and she had dark circles under her eyes. “Hello girls, I delighted to see that you have healed for the most part.” Celestia said as she ushered us to come to the table. “I have a feeling that you ponies don’t want left out of the loop. So if you feel you are ready, we are willing to incorporate all of you.” Celestia said. Silver and I looked at each other and came to a silent agreement. “Yes.” I answered. “During your recovery, we were able to push some of the monsters back into the Everfree forest. Chrysalis’s changlings are patrolling Canterlot up above and Ponyville while the Griffons are in control of Cloudsdale, the cloud city, and all the other major cities around Equestria.” Luna explained. I raised my hoof. “Sorry to interrupt, but what are griffons?” I asked. Everypony in the room looked at me quizzically until Twilight said, “Oh, sorry, I forgot that you are not from this world. Well, griffons are creatures with the body of a lion and wings and head of an eagle. They live in a territory south of here. They haven’t been the nicest of neighbors, so I am not surprised that they took the chance to help Chrysalis, Nightmare, and Discord with the invasion,” Twilight finished her explanation with a sigh. Celestia continued where Luna left off. “The Crystal Empire, north of here, is the only city that hasn't been touched yet for some reason. We think that since the Empire was just restored about a year ago, that our foes haven’t figured out that it exists yet. This is our only lead we have on them, so if we go about this correctly, we can set up our ranks there for safety and then plan an attack on the leaders once my scouts have located their hideout.” I nodded to show that I was on the same page and Silver did the same. “Is there anything at all that we can do to participate?” Silver asked. Celestia looked at us with the same sad eyes as before but before she was about to answer, Luna nudged her sister and motioned for her to step to the side. They whispered a few comments back and forth until Celestia dropped her head slightly and turned back to the table. “My sister has suggested an idea for you and Sapphira that will really help us and is less dangerous for both of you than a hoof to hoof battle.” Luna then spoke up. “Yes, we have a mission for you, Sapphira Night and Silver Dream, if you are willing to accept. We will be sending you two with Princess Twilight to the Crystal Empire to check in with Princess Cadence and Shining Armor. Twilight will be able to teach you some defensive magic along the way as well, if time permits. After everything is secured in the Crystal Empire, you will be accompaining me on a different, to-be-determined mission.” I really wanted to smile at this point but I forced myself to keep my composure. “I accept the mission.” I was the first one to speak up. Then Silver followed my example. “I accept the mission as well.” Celestia and Luna nodded. “We will meet again first thing in the morning at the loading dock in tunnel five to make last minute preparations and leave by early afternoon. Dismissed.” Celestia said and she stomped her hoof on the tile and the meeting was over. Silver and I were about to leave with Winter and Fire when Celestia told the two of us to stay back. Everypony else left except us and the princesses and Luna used her magic to close the door once again with a soft click. “Thank you girls for volunteering and sorry for dragging you into this mess. I cannot fathom what you two have been through and I didn’t think that you would want anything to do with this being in a different universe and having new things to deal with.” Celestia said as she gestured to our wings and horns. “Twilight is still diligently working to find a way to get you home but at least for now we can help teach you to control your magical abilities.” said Luna. I finally broke into a smile. “Thank you so much for helping us. All of you are doing everything in your power to get us back home and it is more than we could have asked for.” I said and the three princesses returned the smile. I looked at Silver and saw that she was looking at the ground thoughtfully. “Is there something wrong child?” Celestia asked. Silver looked at the sun princess and then at me. “I think this is the only chance we will get to tell them about the dream.” I heard Silver say in my head. “Agreed.” “Yes there is princess. During mine and Sapphira’s recovery, we had a dream…” Silver stated and the princesses nodded for us to continue. “It was the same dream where we were guided by a wolf and a raven to a library where they called us queens and they called themselves guardians. They showed us a book that had pictures of Celestia, Luna, Cadence and Twilight as alicorns and their animal guardians. We were wondering if you knew about this.” I finished. Luna, Twilight and Celestia all nodded. Twilight stepped forward, her long purple and pink mane swaying as she walked. “I was shown the same thing by my guardian. When I realized that you two were alicorns as well, I was wondering when your guardians would come. But what I find interesting was that your animals decided to come to you at the same time and place.” She said thoughtfully. “We had a theory that when we were thrown into the portal, that something happened and now we are connected on more than just a physical level because sometimes we can communicate without saying anything aloud.” Silver explained. “It is quite unique but that may also mean that your powers can be doubled when used together in the right manner.” Twilight suggested. “Thank you for letting us know, I am glad that things are working themselves out. If any of you girls have any more questions or concerns, we are all here to help when needed.” Celestia said. “Sorry to cut this short but if you will excuse me; I have some business to attend to. I believe Luna can take you to your living spaces for the moment. Goodnight.” Celestia said and then walked out of the room followed by Twilight who gave us a small wave good-bye. "Come, I will show you to your rooms." Luna stated as she turned and walked gracefully out the room and Silver and I followed obediently, both too nervous and excited to think about sleep.