//------------------------------// // Chapter 0: Prelude // Story: Into Oblivion // by ChaosZero460 //------------------------------// PRELUDE "Do the circumstances of one's birth truly matter? Does your natural biology dictate your direction in life? Just because you're different by no fault of your own, does that make you inferior or superior to anypony else? Of course, many... 'progressive thinkers' tell you this is a crock of horseshit. These ponies are fools. Would they let a surgeon with tremors operate on their foals? Would they allow a blind pony to steer a wagon? No, because they only cling to their precious ideals and forward thinking as long as it doesn't inconvenience them. So if nature chooses to bestow a gift to a select few, does that truly make them better than those who received nothing? Some would say yes, others no. Life is a cruel mistress, life is not fair. It amazes me how so many fail to realize this, even into adulthood. They feel a sense of entitlement, they think the world owes them something. I'll tell you right now, the world owes you absolutely nothing. However, if you had the opportunity to right a wrong, a wrong that had persisted for centuries with no change... would you take it? Even if you knew that in the grand scheme of things, your actions would merely constitute a single grain of sand on the beach, if you could improve the lives of millions, would you pass that up? The foundations of this kingdom were laid by a select few, and any attempts to alter their position of power and authority is often met with swift intervention. They brand you as a traitor, a bloodthirsty psychopath, a monster as they spout meaningless drivel about tolerance, love, and equality. Equality. What a joke. I knew the Princess had a sense of humor, but that... that's the best one I've heard yet. I haven't spent my life in this forsaken hole for nothing, I've been preparing. Preparing for this day, the day we return Equestria to it's rightful owners. The ponies of this nation. Canterlot Royalty has fed off the blood of the ponies like a bloated tick, and like a tick, the only way to deal with the problem... is with fire. The day has arrived, the pieces are in place. Canterlot is a house of cards. And mark my words, it will fall. Oh, how it will fall.