FriendlyFire: Rainbow Dash's long lost brother

by FriendlyFire

Four - Meeting Rainbow Dash

Four - Meeting Rainbow Dash

FriendlyFire woke up in the Everfree forest. It was dark and FriendlyFire could see.
"How'd I get here?" FriendlyFire asked himself. He looked around, then he saw a pond. For some unknown reason he was really thirsty. He walked over to the pond and looked into the water at his reflection. His eyes were different. They were normal. They were red. FriendlyFire was shocked to see normal eyes on himself. He leaned forward and began to drink the water. It was good. It was better than regular water. It had flavor. He closed his eyes and drank some more. Then suddenly, tentacles wrapped around his head and pulled him underwater. FriendlyFire squirmed free and swam to the surface. But he couldn't get through, it was frozen. He started beating on the ice. Then the water evaporated and he was standing on the ice. It started snowing, FriendlyFire was no longer in the Everfree forest. He was somewhere in the arctic. FriendlyFire started walking. He had no idea what was going on, he just wanted to get away from this place. He jumped up in the sky and fell back down. He tried to fly, but his wings were gone. FriendlyFire's eyes widened and he started panicking. He started running really fast. The ice turned into sand, and the snow also turned into sand. He ended up in a desert. He stopped running and looked behind himself. There was no ice or snow, just sand.
"What's happening" FriendlyFire asked himself. Then he saw princess Celestia in the sky.
"PRINCESS!" FriendlyFire yelled.
"PRINCESS!!!" FriendlyFire yelled again. Celestia then looked down at FriendlyFire. Her eyes were glowing red. FriendlyFire was frozen in fear. Celestia looked very angry. She then raised her hoof at the sun and brought her hoof down. The sun followed her hoof, it grew very large and it was going to crash into Equestria! FriendlyFire screamed and the sun crashed and burned everything.

*Knock knock knock* FriendlyFire was woken up, somepony was knocking on Rarity's door. Rarity came down the stairs.
"Pardon me, darling" Said Rarity. She opened the door and the sunlight came in. It burned FriendlyFire's eyes, he immediately tied on his blindfold. He couldn't help, but to eavesdrop on Rarity's conversation.
"Oh, Fluttershy. What brings you here this morning?" Asked Rarity.
"Oh. Ummm. Me and Rainbow Dash were wondering if...ummm...if you wanted to go on a picnic with us and Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Twilight?" Said Fluttershy. Rainbow Dash jumped up from the sofa and ran to the door. Startling Fluttershy.
"Did you say Rainbow Dash?!" FriendlyFire asked excitedly.
"Ummm...y..yes" Fluttershy said quietly and nervously.
"Th..the park." Fluttershy said wither head down. FriendlyFire turned to Rarity.
"Thank-you again, miss Rarity." He turned back to Fluttershy.
"Thank-you Fluttershy." FriendlyFire said as he flew over her head and headed to the park.
"" Fluttershy said.

FriendlyFire finally arrived at the park. He could hear laughter from the ponies he met in PonyVille. He remembered Fluttershy talking about those ponies. He must be in the right area. He landed next to Applejack.
"Hey look, its our new friend." Said Applejack. FriendlyFire was pretty sure she was talking about him.
"Hi. Does anypony know where Rainbow Dash is?" Asked FriendlyFire.
"She's finishing clearing the skies and then she'll be here" Said Twilight.
"Hey, I been meaning to ask you. How do you see with that thing on? And why do you wear it?" Asked Rarity, as she walked in the little circle, with Fluttershy following her.
"I wear it, because I was born with night vision eyes. If I don't wear it, my eyes will burn. And I don't see, well not at least the way you do. I feel the vibrations of the ground and the air, I listen to everything around me, and I smell my surroundings. Like a snake." Said FriendlyFire. He could feel the stares of the other ponies on him. They were so interested in him.
"That's quite an amazing story." Said Twilight.
"Oh look! Its Rainbow Dash!" Said Pinkie Pie. FriendlyFire could hear a Pegasus flying in the sky, then she landed.
"Who's this?" Asked Rainbow Dash. FriendlyFire stood up and aimed his face towards Rainbow Dash.
"Who am I? You don't know this but I'm your long lost brother, FriendlyFire." FriendlyFire said.
"I think you got the wrong pony. I don't have any siblings."
"I don't have the wrong pony. I am your brother."
"I don't think you are, I mean...we don't even look the same."
"I guarantee you, I AM YOUR BROTHER."
"Listen to me, I HAVE NO BROTHER. Do you even have proof? How are you so sure we're related?"
"Speed. I'll prove to you we're related. A race, we'll race." Said FriendlyFire. Everypony starting laughing.
"Rainbow Dash is the fastest pony in Equestria." Said Twilight.
"She can do a Sonic Rain-Boom." Said Rarity.
"Look. If your so sure Rainbow will win. Lets make it interesting. If you win, I'll let you spend a day with my other sister. If we tie, you'll believe I'm your brother." Said FriendlyFire.
"Tie? Don't you think you'll win?" Said Twilight.
"I'm saying me and Rainbow have the same speed." Said FriendlyFire.
"I don't know. Why would I want to spend a day with your sister?" Asked Rainbow Dash.
"Because my other sister is SpitFire." Said FriendlyFire. Rainbow Dash's eyes grew wide and her mouth dropped.
"Do we have a race, Rainbow Dash?" Asked FriendlyFire.
"Oh, we have a race!" Said Rainbow Dash. She spat on her hoof and stuck it out for a hoof bump. FriendlyFire spat on his hoof and they hoof bumped.