The Magic of Love

by Flames173

Apple Pie

Shortly after being temporarily shocked to the point of paralyzation when she saw her brother and Rainbow Dash in the barn doing 'it' Applejack headed over to sugarcube corner to buy some sugar so the Apple family could make apple cider. When she arrived, a pink land pony was running the register.
"Hello Applejack, welcome to Sugar Cube Corner, if you need anything salty then you've come to the wrong place!" Pinkie Pie said in her normal super fast manor.
"Hi Pinkie, I've come for the monthly sugar."
"Ok, let me go get the bag from the back!" The pink pony zipped off faster than Applejack's eyes could register and came back a couple seconds later with a 50 pound bag of sugar.
Applejack pulled her wallet out of the bag she had. "How much is that?
"Its on the house today.
"Why thanks Pinkie."
"Anything for such a beautiful mare! Will you go out with me?" Pinkie said a little faster than normal.
"What was that?" Applejack asked struggling to pick up the sugar bag.
"Just forgot to give you your complimentary cupcake, Mr. Cake ordered too much mix so we give them out for free." Pinkie slid a red velvet heart shaped cupcake across the counter and into Applejack's hoof.
"Thank you sugarcube."
"Anything for you! I love you!"
"Ok then." Applejack said a little cautiously and started heading home. On the way there she looked at the cupcake she got and read it out loud. "Love you lots Applejack, come to my room at 8 tonight." She started eating the cupcake. When she finished she started thinking. "Am I just imagining this or does Pinkie act like shes in love with me?" Her mind said "She must've thought I was someone else!" "No way! The cupcake quite obviously said 'Applejack' on it!" Applejack stopped walking in front of Big Mac and she dropped the sugar bag.
"Whats on your mind?" he asked seeing that Applejack's brow was furrowed.
"My mind is fighting with itself!" she said trying to block out the battle enraging in her brain.
"What about?"
"Pinkie's been acting weird around me for some reason, I think she might be in love with me!"
"Well, you know she is lesbian right?"
"Yeah, she told me. She even showed me her collection of female porn magazines."
"I don't believe it!"
"Well you better start believing." Mac said sitting down putting his hooves behind his head and resting one of hid hind hooves on his other leg.
Applejack checked her watch. 7:49. She decided she was going to confront Pinkie about her lesbianism. "Mac, I'll be back in a few." she said starting to go back to Sugar Cube Corner.
When she arrived she went straight up to Pinkie's room and arrived at exactly 8.
"Applejack, you came!" Pinkie exclaimed.
"Yeah, Pinkie, I know about you being lesbian."
"What really? How did you know?"
"Well, you acted funny around me, gave me 100 bits of sugar for free, gave me a heart shaped cupcake, and Big Mac told me you showed him your magazines."
"That obvious?"
"Yeah, anyways. I just wanted to say, I totally agree with your lesbianism."
"What really?"
"Yes!" Applejack went up to Pinkie and kissed her cheek. "The reason why, I always had a crush on you." She whispered in her ear.
"No way, really?"
"Yeah, now come over to my place and lets have a sleepover."
"Why can't we do that here?"
"Your posters, they scare me."
"Oh ok, I'll be over in a little bit, just let me get my sleep over stuff."
"All right, see you soon." Applejack said and trotted home.
When she arrives, Applejack hadn't even made it up the stairs when the doorbell rang, so she opened the door. It was Pinkie Pie.
"Sorry it took so long, I couldn't find my blanket, then I realized I left my present for you home. Then Fancy Pants walked up and started talking to me."
"Well, I barely made it here before you, so you obviously walk pretty fast!"
"Really? Because I've been walking for half an hour!"
"How, I was talking to you 5 minutes ago."
"Time works differently for me, that's why I do everything so fast!"
"Well, that explains a lot."
"Yeah I know."
"Hey, want me to get my brother and Rainbow Dash and play Truth or Dare, Spin the Bottle, or Seven Minutes in Heaven or something?"
"Sure, I'm ok with any of them."
"Ok, you look up which game is more liked on the internet and I'll get them."
After a few minutes, Applejack returns with Bug Mac and Rainbow Dash.
"So Pinkie, what game?"
"Lets play spin the bottle!"
"Sure, I got the bottle." Rainbow Dash said pulling a bottle from her invisible pony pocket.
The four sat in a square and put the bottle in the center.
"I'll go first." Applejack said
"Wait," Rainbow Dash said, "is it kiss rules make out rules or sex rules?"
"Lets go with make out." Big Mac chimed in. "Its not too much but its not too little."
"All right then, lets start." Applejack said as she spun the bottle. It landed on Big Mac, oh the irony.
The four of them played until they could barely stay awake.
"I think we should go to sleep now." Pinkie Pie said at normal speed.
"How are you? Never mind. Lets sleep." Applejack responded a little slow and with a yawn.
Big Mac and Rainbow Dash went into Mac's room and Applejack and Pinkie Pie went into Applejack's room. Then they all fell asleep.
When Big Mac and Rainbow Dash woke up, Rainbow Dash went home and Big mac started work on the farm.
Applejack stayed asleep longer than any of them. When she woke up, she was shocked at what she saw, and felt.
"Pinkie, what are you doing down there?"
Pinkie stopped what she was doing and looked at Applejack. "Sucking on you." Pinkie said with a smile and went back to it.
"Stop, please!" Applejack said. "And let me get you while you do it."
The two then proceeded with some 69. After some while they stopped.
"Well, now what?" Applejack said.
"Kiss me!" Pinkie said and tackled Applejack. They started making out behind the door. After a few minutes the door creaked open and Rarity walked in.
Rarity turned her head around to see behind the door and was shocked at what she saw.
"Applejack?! Pinkie Pie?!" Rarity asked.
Applejack quickly got away from Pinkie as fast as she could.
"This isn't what it looks like!" Applejack replied the second her lips left Pinkie's.
"What does it look like? Does she know? Who is it? Oh hi Rarity how are you doing today?" Pinkie Pie started her torrent of questions.
"Oh shut up Pinkie!" Rarity said. "I saw what happened. No amount of questions can cover it up!"
Pinkie started talking but Applejack put her hoof in front of her lips so Pinkie couldn't talk.
"Rarity, uhh, we're drunk! That's why we were kissing!" Applejack said
"But your sober enough to talk normally?"
"Uhh, did I say drunk? I meant we were playing Truth and Dare with Rainbow Dash and Big Mac!"
"Mac said he didn't even know you were awake!"
"Ok, fine, I admit it, Pinkie and I are," Applejack paused, she quickly tried to think of any more excuses besides the truth, but she knew Rarity would see right through all of them. "We're lesbian." she said and hung her head in shame.
"No way, I have to go tell Twilight!" She said the dashed to the door and headed straight to Twilight's tree.
"No, don't tell anyone!" Applejack barely got out before Rarity got out of earshot. She took her hoof away from Pinkie's mouth. "You can talk now sugarcube."
"OH THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU all my words were building up inside me I almost EXPLODED, if you didn't stop I would've died!" Pinkie said so fast Applejack barely understood.
"Pinkie, shut up and kiss me!" she demanded
"Ok!" The two then made out. It probably would have set a world record for longest make out session without a breath.