//------------------------------// // Chapter 7- How Was Your Day? // Story: The Farmer and The Rocker // by mibevan //------------------------------// Chapter 7 How Was Your Day? Thrash and Applejack browsed through every section of the museum. Applejack couldn’t remember the last time she saw fine art. Then again, she hadn’t been to the Ponyville museum in so long. Thrash could easily recognize the different types of art after everything he learned from his travels with the band. He was able to explain each artistic technique to Applejack whenever she was curious or had any questions. Later they browsed through the history section. Applejack knew almost everything about Ponyville. She told Thrash that if it weren’t for the family of her grandmother, Granny Smith, Ponyville would have never existed. He was pretty surprised. They stood in the lobby looking at a large map that displayed the present layout of Ponyville. Applejack told Thrash about each building on the map and where it could be found. She even took the liberty of telling him about where each of her friends lived and worked. They wanted to walk around some more but an approaching security guard informed them that they were closing for the day and had to leave. She looked at the large clock in the center of the lobby and was shocked to see that it was 6:13 in the afternoon. She must have been so occupied that the time had went by faster then usual. Guess that’s what you get for having fun. They both exited the building as the lights went off. “Well, what did you think?” Thrash Asked Applejack. “I’ll admit, I enjoyed seeing all that fancy art they had,” she said with a smile. “I’ve been apple bucking for so long I never even thought about going to that museum.” “...I have no idea what you just said, but I wasn’t expecting to have my own personal tour guide.” Applejack blushed a little. “Well...I hope that I wasn’t being annoying or anything...” “Are you kidding? I've never felt honored. It's not everyday that the Element of Honesty gives me a history lesson." “It’s weird. I always thought all rock bands were full of mannerless ruffians that cared more for themselves. But you’re different you know that?" Thrash chuckled a bit. “Well I’m not that kind of stallion. But there are some. Like I know this one band called Spears And Roses, they have this lead vocalist that’s a complete and total...” “It’s ok! You don’t need to give names. I wouldn’t know any of them anyway.” Thrash stopped walking. “You don’t seem to get out much do you?” Applejack stopped and faced the white stallion. “No. I usually work on weekdays from dawn till dusk. And when the weekends come and I get a break I like to spend time with my friends." “Then why didn’t you come to the concert?” “Huh?” “It was at night. You said you worked “from dawn to dusk”. Why didn’t you join your friends at the concert? Is it just because you don’t like our music?” “Well…it’s not that I don’t like YOUR music in particular. It’s just not the kind of music that I enjoy. But the main reason I didn’t go was because I needed sleep so I could get up early the next morning to do my chores.” She turned and continued walking. “Eh. It would have still been fun to have you there,” he shrugged as he followed from behind. “Anyway, when we were looking at that map of the town I became eager to see the real thing. Would, you mind showing me around town tomorrow?” Applejack stopped and looked at Thrash. “Beg Pardon?” “Well you seem to know this town better then anypony I know, so why not show me around?” Applejack was all tied up inside. She was hoping Big Macintosh would have returned her alarm clock when she got home so she could resume work the next day and get on with her life. But she did have fun hanging out with Thrash at the museum. She had no idea how to respond. “Well…I don’t know what my schedule is like tomorrow. Let’s just see what happens.” Thrash raised an eyebrow. "Well what should I do?" “Just meet me at town hall in the center of Ponyville. I’ll see if I can get off work another day. What's a good time for us to meet?” Thrash took a moment to think. “I have an early rehearsal so how about noonish” "Works for me. Just wait until I arrive." "Ok, but how will I know if you didn't get off work?" "If I'm not there by 12:15 then I couldn't get off work." "...Well I guess there's no other alternative." “Ok then.” She started her way back home as Thrash rung for a cab. “Oh Applejack,” he shouted to her. She turned around to face him. “Please don’t tell anypony I’m here. It’s not everyday I can meet with a friend without having my fans get in the way” Applejack felt a little sorry for him. It became clear to her that Thrash Trotter had a hard time making friends. Applejack was just an ordinary pony in Ponyville and despite her past heroic deeds she was still treated like everypony else. Thrash on the other hand was beloved by ponies ALL AROUND THE WORLD. Whenever somepony saw him all they saw was the lead vocalist of Blank Flank. She was one of those special types of ponies that treated him like Thrash Trotter despite knowing what he does for a living. She was still unsure if she would be able to show up or not, but now she felt like she wanted to do anything she could to get off work and spend time with this new friend of hers. “Of course sugar cube,” she said with a smile. Thrash arrived at the spot where the tour carriage was parked at about 7pm at night. He opened the door and trotted up the stairs. Whiplash was sitting at the table reading a book. She looked up and noticed the stallion as he walked in/ “Not everyday you come back this late. What happened?” she asked. “Nothing really,” he said. “Sorry I couldn’t join you. I just had to see Ms. Rarity in action. Did you do ok on your own?” “Yea it was a great day. I went to that museum Princess Celestia told me about, and made a friend.” “Oh good for you. Well I’m heading back tomorrow to…wait, what!?” Whiplash dropped the book on the table. “Yea we’re hanging out tomorrow.” Thrash turned the knob of his door and entered. “Tomorrow…!? Wait, Thrash! Hold on a Second!” she said with worried concern as she got up a trailed behind him. Shredder was still asleep on the couch, but immediately woke up when Thrash strolled in. “Hey Shredder,” Thrash said as he passed the black Pegasus. “Did I miss dinner? How long was I out?” he said lazily. Whiplash walked in the room. “Does this pony know who you are? Does this pony know your name? Have they told anypony else who you are?” “What's going on?” Shredder asked. “Yes she does know who I am. Don't worry I was fine. This friend of mine is keeping my identity safe,” Thrash said as he pulled out a bag of hot chocolate mix. Whiplash sighed with relief. “You met somepony that kept your secret. There’s something that happens once in a blue moon," Shredder said.“But seriously, did you guys save any food...?” “Just try and be more careful Thrash," said Whiplash. "You should know that if anypony see's through your disguise, they might track you to the rest of the band and then we’d have to get all new disguises. Do you remember how hard it was to get new outfits without fans noticing...?" “Relax. Everything is fine. I would never let that happen,” Thrash said all cool and collected. Whiplash starred at him as he started up the boiler to boil water for the hot chocolate. “You always worry me Thrash. Your lucky I know how trustworthy you are.” “OH FOR PONIES SAKE! I’m just going to order Chinese!” Shredder shouted as he left the room. “So what was this pony like? Was it a mare?” “Does it matter?” Thrash said. “IT DOES TO ME!” Snap shouted from his room under the floor. “Well you know I’m Just asking. No particular reason,” Whiplash teased. “So was it a mare?” “Yea, it was a mare,” Thrash sighed. He knew what was going to be asked next. “Was she a cute mare?” “I don’t know and frankly I don’t care,” he responded, They would always get on his case if it was a mare. He presumed it was because he was the youngest. “I’M COUNTING IT AS A YES,” Snap muffled below. “Can you two leave me be. I wish to bathe.” Whiplash rolled her eyes and left the room. “Drama queen,” She said to herself. Applejack opened the door to her bedroom. She looked to see her Alarm clock returned to its rightful place. Dropped her hat on her bed and undid her ponytail. She could hear Big Macintosh walking downstairs and rush out to catch him. “Hey Big Mac,” she shouted at the red Stallion. He turned and faced her. “I had a feeling you’d be back this early,” he said. “How was your day?” “It was fine. My friends were busy to do anything today but I did what you said made a new friend,” she said with a smile “Well that wasn’t too hard now was it?” “Yea, which reminds me. Can I ask a favor?” “Eeyup.” Applejack bit her lip. “Look this may sound both weird and annoying buuut...” “What is it AJ?” “...Would you be willing to cover for me again tomorrow from 11:30am through the rest of the day?” Big Macintosh was a bit shocked. He was actually hoping that she’d go back to work tomorrow. “You want another day off…?” “Well not the whole day. I’d just work until the afternoon.” “Why so?” he asked. “I promised my new friend that I’d meet with him tomorrow.” Big Macintosh was a bit surprised. He knew that his sister had many friends but he never heard of her ever-spending time with a stallion. He wasn’t the type to get over protective; it just fascinated him a bit. “Well, it was a bit difficult to keep up with my regular work flow without you today sis.” “ I know, but I promise you that I’ll make it up to you for this.” “Well...I don’t see why not. Just don’t come back too late.” “Thanks, I swear I’ll make up for the work I’ve missed." Applejack hugged her brother and ran back up to her room. “It’s not like her to just want to get off, nevertheless for the sole purpose of seeing a friend. I just hope she’s ok.”