Princess Celestia

by Nuhri1995

My Kin


It was a dark and stormy night that our story shall take place. High upon the mountain side rested the capitol, ever stoic in its glory. The main attraction of the city was the castle where the rulers of this nation lived and governed. At the top of the highest tower, the one place not specked with gold and white marble, but violet and midnight blue, stood a lone mare. The top was not dominated by a spire, but rather a narrow, flat platform with intricate patterns carved into it. There was only two ways to get to this place, and that was trough flight or magic.

The mare at the top stood silently in the rain, soaked to the bone, yet her mane seemed unaffected, flowing in a breeze much fainter than the gale force wind ripping through the air. She had the wings of a pegasus, but it was through magic she arrived at this place. She had many tittles, but like any pony, only one name: Luna. Her dark coat appeared to look black in the night, yet her teal eyes shone brightly against the darkness. The Princess of the Night gazed at the kingdom far below her, with a sight that allowed her to see clearly even to the horizon where the landscape curved to the planet's shape. The lighting flashed and the thunder sounded, the rain pattered and the wind tore, yet she still stood still against the nature's forces.

After what could be minutes or hours, a blue aura lightened on the tip of her horn, and a similar colored swirl of magic started to whirl around her. The first thing to be noticed was that she grew in size, reaching about as high as the Princess of the Day, followed by her coat becoming the opposite of the white her sister carried. Within the magic solid objects slowly took shape, six in number. She lifted one hoof at a time, letting horseshoes that fit snugly apply themselves. A breastplate somewhat resembling a yoke fixed itself against the base of her neck, denying access to the chest where her heart beat calmly. Finally a helmet settled on top of her head, her flowing mane somehow disregarding the presence entirely.

She opened her mouth to take a deep breath, revealing fangs similar to those of a predator, then let out a content sigh through her nose. Throughout the entire process her eyes had been closed, and when she opened them they draconian in nature, keeping their teal coloration. A smile slowly crawled across her face, a twisted kind. A low chuckle escaped her, then a louder one, until it built up to a full blown laughter, one that would cause shivers to run down the spines of anypony if they could hear it.

"Ahahaha, Ahahahaha! Muhahahahahahahahahaha-"

"Sis, what are you doing up here?"

The interruption caused the laughing pony to exchange laughter with a very loud 'eep!', followed by suddenly losing her balance and tripping on her own hooves, sending her tumbling to the floor with an 'oof!'. She quickly scrambled herself into sitting on her haunches, turning her attention to the white alicorn on the opposite side of the roof.

"Shouldn't you be holding court? Wasn't it you who demanded to re-establish the Night Court?" Her sister tried again.

"We, uh... Uhm... We were just, like... ah..." The black alicorn feebly tried to come up with an excuse, but nothing seemingly reasonable came to mind. Eventually she settled with a plain, "We were bored."

Celestia raised an eyebrow, apparently not affected by the rain in the least, even her coat remained dry. "So you came up here and decided to practice your Nightmare Night act?" she asked, keeping her tone level and her face emotionless.

"No, We decided to try and make night eternal, and become Nightmare Moon once again, thou arrogant fool!" the younger sister bellowed with the Royal Canterlot Voice.

Waving a white hoof that was lacking a golden shoe in front of her face, Celestia merely replied, "When was last time you brushed your teeth? And haven't your time with Fluttershy taught you not to shout?"

"Ugh, ruin Our fun and complain all day and night, wouldn't thou, sister of mine?" Luna accused her sister, reverting to her original shape in the blink of an eye, seemingly without magic as her horn didn't even glow.

Celestia's lips seemed to twitch slightly, but it could easily have been the trick of the light the lightning momentarily cast. "Come now, Luna, don't be like that. I'm merely keeping you on track so you can actually rule along with me."

"How come 'ruling' is listening to ponies complain about a doughnut shop not serving on 'on time', signing or declining laws about what ink to use and reprimanding Bluebal- We mean, Blueblood, for not acting like a proper prince?" Luna then asked with a scowl, barely catching herself with the slip.

"Those ponies are those who trust us the most, these laws and similar ones are entertaining to watch being developed, and my nephew is acting like a proper prince... if it was 1200 years in the past, so what's there to complain about?" This time her lips did twitch, no question about it.

"Art thou making fun of Us? We should shout those ponies through the doors when they are closed, burn all the paper and lynch that damned fool!" she then claimed, fire burning in her eyes brighter than the sun!

"I'm not making fun of you, I'm trying to teach you how to make fun of all the ridiculous things going on about the castle so we don't go insane from boredom," Celestia explained, then added with mirth dancing in her eyes, "and leaving a prank here or there doesn't hurt anypony."

Luna's eye twitched, the feathers on her wings bristled and her mouth turned to a snarl. "Thou art telling Us thou did this on purpose to Us? For thine entertainment?!"

"Oh, don't sound so hurt, it's all in good fun, right Lulu?" Celestia said, finally letting herself crack a big, smug grin. A bolt went flying through the air, missing the white alicorn's cheek by an inch, yet she didn't react physically. "Now now, no Prank Spells, we agreed to stop using those because of the disasters the castle staff experienced as casualties of war."

At this Luna looked like she was about to sprout more, but instead let out a long sigh and lied down on the floor with a pout and a longing look in her eyes. This caused her sister to drop her smile and carefully trot over to the pouting princess. She lied down next to Luna and draped one of her wings over her sister. Luna closed her eyes and let out another sigh. "We art sorry sister. Tis just... So much has changed and," another sigh, "We don't know how to feel about this."

A short, tentative silence, in which the weather took time to calm down a bit. "Look, I'm sorry if it got a bit much, what with all the staff often reacting so randomly to your presence, Quill Pen giving you pointless assistance, Twilight arriving believing you had a crush on her, Discord being allowed to cause light chaos around you, ink being enchanted wi-"

"Sister of mine, shut up and let Us cuddle under thine wing in silence." At this Celestia let an awkward chuckle roll out, then looked up a small crack in the clouds allowed the moon to shine down upon the two ponies. "We hope thou know the consequences of thine actions," Luna then said with a cold tone.

"Wouldn't change it for the world," Celestia replied with a smile only meant for her sister. "My kin..." They cuddled some more before separating for business, Luna watching over the night and Celestia arriving at her quarters with a bucket of liquid rainbow waiting above her door.