//------------------------------// // Chapter 1 // Story: The Mission: Operation // by Blueness //------------------------------// As I hopped out of bed, not minding to make it, I decided to start by seeing what I could find in the library. I figured that since I was in the library, which would be a good place to start. As I descended down from the bedroom, I heard some clamor coming from outside. Looking through the window, there was a small crowd of ponies outside the library, as if they were waiting. Then there was a knock on the door. I went to get it, and it burst open in a blur of pink. As quick as it had opened, it was shut, with a pink pony holding it shut, as if trying to keep the crowd out. She wore a tired smile as she looked up at me. "Hey, Blue! Did you sleep well?" "Actually, no, I'm still...getting used to the new place. How about you? What's happening?" "OH, you mean the crowd? Well, when everyone heard about you moving in, they were excited that the library would be up and running again, so they're outside, waiting for it to open!" "I see." Forgot: I have to run this place. "Well, give me a minute to freshen up, and then we'll open." A few minutes later, we were outside, standing in front of the crowd of ponies, some I recognized from the party last night, including the town's heroes, minus one. Now that I was fixed up from my bedhead, I was ready to hear the Mayor make a statement to open the library. "I am happy to announce the re-opening of the Ponyville Library!" The crowd cheered, ready to enter. I know it wasn't that original, but it did the trick. We didn't have any red ribbon with huge scissors, so we just opened the door, and let everypony in. Soon, the place was bustling, and business was pretty good. The place, luckily, was surprisingly clean, so we had no complaints there. I did my best to help those looking for books, but I wasn't familiar with where anything was, so I needed to familiarize myself later. Just as there were ponies borrowing books, there were ponies returning them. They said they were unable to return them for so long because the library was closed. Because of that, I decided not to charge late fees, but still had to charge for damage, which there was a little of. Some books had stains, others had small rips. Pinkie and her friends were a great help, because they had organized the place before with Twilight, so they knew where things went, and such. "It's a shame Twilight's not here," Applejack had lamented at one time. "She would have loved to see this place so busy. Hope this gives you a good start, Blue." "I think it will, Applejack. Thank you and your friends for your help. I need to get myself acquainted with where everything is once we close for the day. I'll be better at this once I am." "You most certainly will, and it was no problem helping out! That's what friends do!" "Friends, huh? That has a nice ring to it...anyways, thanks again; maybe I'll give you each a cut of the earnings for your hard work." I gave her a mischievous grin and a wink. She grinned. "Well that would be mighty kind of you, but don't feel obliged to. It's all because we wanted to help, right guys?" she asked to the others as they walked up. Rainbow spoke. "Actually, I could use the bonus." She got a dirty look from everybody. "What? Just saying." I chuckled. "Don't worry, girls, I'd be happy to give you each a share. I have to repay you somehow." Applejack brought her hoof to her chin, like she was thinking. "Well, if you want to repay me, you could do some work on the farm if you want. I don't really need the share." That got them all thinking. It appeared that they each had something they could get me to do. Rarity said she had a new line of clothes for stallions she needed a model for. Pinkie Pie had to babysit the Cake's children again, and needed some help, and Fluttershy had some new animals to take care of. "Umm...that is, if you don't mind," she said, hiding behind her mane. Another chuckle from me. "Don't worry; I'd be happy to help." Rainbow Dash spoke again. "Well, he's not a Pegasus, so I don't see how he could help me with anything." She got more dirty looks. "What?" And still I continued to chuckle. At this rate, I'd be Rolling On The Floor Laughing. "You sure, Rainbow? You don't need your cloud cleaned, or something?" Now everypony was chuckling with me. "Actually, yeah, I have to, but I haven't got around to it, yet. You don't mind helping, do you?" She asked, almost embarrassed to need help for such a simple chore. Will I ever stop chuckling from the amusement of these ponies? "Sure, why not? So it's settled, then. I'll help you, in return for helping me." "That's what you said," Applejack responded. "All right, then. When do you want me to come to help?" They said I could come over whenever, as long as I kept my side of the deal. "All right, then. Now that we have that settled, let's get back to work." The rest of the day ran smoothly, and everypony began to file out around lunch. After that, the rest of the day was quiet, as a library normally should be. Applejack and the rest had gone home as well, so I had some time to myself. Now I had to get myself familiarized with the place, and find some information for Nightmare Moon. Even though these ponies were really nice, I still had my family to think about. Call me a two-timing jerk, but a guy in a tight situation has to do what he has to do. From getting to know the library, I got to know some things about Twilight Sparkle in the way she took care of the place. Of course, she was really organized. The books were organized in their proper genre, and in alphabetical order. Nothing seemed to be out of place, because it had a place to go. As I said before, I could not see any dust or dirt anywhere. Maybe she put a spell on it before she left to keep it intact. I also found some calendars around to schedule out each month; one activity I always found was a scheduling time for the next month. There were also times for reorganizing the library, as well. Yep, really organized. There were also some blank calendars. I might use them to plan ahead, because that helps, sometimes. Once I was familiar with the layout, I started looking for some books that would bring some useful information on Canterlot Castle and the Princesses. The History section seemed the best place to start to me. I started looking: A, B, C, D, E, F, and I saw some thing that might be of use. The book was called The History of Canterlot. Now that I had a lead, I needed to figure out how to get it off the shelf...