//------------------------------// // Chapter 3: The red head vs The Rainbow Dash // Story: Infinite Undifscovered Friendship // by khandmlpfan //------------------------------// Capell could only stare at the cyan pegasus that had slammed into his body only moments ago easily get back up from the contact to his armor. Not only that that same pegasus managed to slam into him and send him flying like a rag-doll, and landing on the ground where he still was, laying on his back. Noticing this he slowly started to turn onto his stomach and started to push up to his knees. It took him a bit since he was still getting over the initial shock of being thrown off his feet, not only by a flying pony, but a flying pony with rainbow hair. He would then slowly rise to his feet before he stared at the pony and reached down towards his sword. The mare had attacked him, but he thought that she was only reacting out of instinct, and he was not going to harm something. Especially not when it only seemed to have a need for speed on its side. Sighing a bit Capell got into his usual battle stance and stared at the pegasus, waiting for her next move to commence. *rainbow dash point of view* The cyan pegasus scraped her hooves on the ground and grunted as she saw the thing slowly get up, even after she had hit him at full speed with her sonic rainboom. She watched it stand up and reach for it's side, most likely with the thing that it tried to rob rarity with. It grew a large crystal sword which looked way too heavy for any of the guards within Equestria to wield, well any that she knew of at least. Despite the thing's stature or how he could hold the weapon, she would defeat it and save her friend from it. All she needed to do was a few loop-de-loops and then finish it off with a sonic rainboom canceled into the buckanear blaze. "Oh yeah, you are going down for sure!" The thing spoke and she could understand his words clearly. "I won't lose to you, while i have something to fight for." All she could do was grind her teeth a bit before she flew into the air, doing a few loop-de-loops to look cool as she climbed higher and higher. She climbed higher and higher until the town looked like a toy model to her, and then she dove straight down towards the ground, picking up more and more speed. Her speed was enough to start making the mach-cone that was the sure-tell sing of her about to break the visible-light spectrum and preform her specialty, the SONIC RAINBOOM! Quickly with her increasing speed, she started to break through the mach-cone that had formed around her, and sure enough. An ariel-nuke explosion went off in an array of rainbows as she sped down at mach-10 speed. *Capell's point of view* His eyes stay trained on the slowly incoming blue dot in the sky, readying his blade, but more of the blunt side so he didn't kill the creature. He didn't want to harm her either so he would time a guard correctly and book it for the everfree forest. That was if he wanted to succeed in both living and not harming the young looking mare that was no.... coming from a rainbow explosion! "W-What the!?" What he saw next was the same mare he had his eyes trained on coming down in an alarming rate with a rainbow wave appearing behind her. His eyes widened before a voice whispers inside of his head, one he knew all too well. "Don't lose focus Capell!" An image of his 'twin' popped into his head, but this 'twin' of his was his father, Lord Sigmund. With slightly renewed vigor, Capell nodded and waited, closing his eyes as he waited. He heard the before impact wing starting to kick up and his eyes shot open as his blade started to glow with his power. His energy manifested into a visible white-blue magic aura that surrounded his blade, as his knuckles turning white behind the gauntlets he was wearing as he gripped the hilt of his blade tighter. Slowly he looked up and saw that the pony was close enough to use one of his mothers, which he called out in his usual voice, "Laviathan slash!" He swung his sword up and was rocketed up with it, only to end up feeling him and something else staggering as his blade made contact. He landed on his back, stunned before he was able to move again. It annoyed him to no end how he was able to be stunned, just like his opponents, but he had no time to worry about that since now he could feel the effects of the stun wearing off on his body. Soon enough he was able to completely move his body; and slowly he got up as he started returned to his battle stance before seeing a pissed odd pegasus being held down by Applejack and Rarity. "Calm down Rai'bow!" "Come on you saw it Applejack! He was attacking rarity!" Rainbow Dash said as she struggled against the combined weight of both her friends, which she had thought were on her side with this one. Rarity then did the most unlady-like thing she could do. She smacked her friend. "He wasn't attacking me like some brute! He was saving me from some neanderthals that tried taking all my gems away. Now listen here Rainbow dash, you are goign to apologize to that man or you are going to be VERY sorry!" Rainbow Dash, as Capell now knows, stared at Rarity as if she had groan a second head before her ears folded back and she looks to Capell. "I-I'm sorry! There i said it." Rarity just smiled and nods as Rainbow was still left with a bit of fear of her friend and what she ment by 'being VERY sorry'.