//------------------------------// // Epilogue // Story: Kydo & Slick // by Slick Dash //------------------------------// -Epilogue- Days later Rainbow Dash sat in her living room, in her favourite arm chair. She had the picture of her brother and her in her hooves, she gazed into it, almost mesmerized by the face she now knew for sure she would never see again. As it lay buried in the dirt underneath their- her cloud home. “Do you have a moment?” a tentative voice queried from the open window. Dash looked to see a smiling Celestia gazing into the house. Dash bounded of her chair, and moved to the door to open it. It was a wonderful day outside, but she still wanted to stay inside her house, at least for the next few day’s she thought. “Princess Celestia, is everything alright?” Dash asked, worried for yet another unexpected tragedy. “Yes, it is my dear. But I thought if owed you an explanation before I left for Canterlotte” “Oh don’t worry, i understand the idea of what happened, Slick...” she paused for a moment as she cursed her use of the wrong name, “That thing, told me how it all happened, that my sonic rain-boom caused the avalanche, everything.” Dash rushed the sentence out quickly as she sat back down on her chair. “Well alright, but you should know what happened with him after the accident. Dorian, or ‘Dirt’ as you know him explained everything to me. You see,” the Alucorn moved across the room and sat in the chair opposite Rainbow and continued, “the oil that I sent Slick to find ten years ago, is very special. You see when treated correctly it can cure the most deadly of diseases, and mend the most fatal of injuries. Your brother’s talents would make it easy to find a small spring of the oil, collect some and bring it back, so –knowing how much he wanted to prove his worth to...certain ponies” the Alucorn looked away from rainbow Dash quickly as she said this. And rainbow realised with a sinking feeling that Celestia meant her. Slick had wanted to prove how cool he was by completing a task for the princess, all just to please Rainbow Dash. She kept quiet and let the princess continue. “Now when” she chose her words carefully, “the accident happened, what happened was, the oil was released and it found your brother’s body, unfortunately this spring was un-purified. Meaning all the dark magic that helps the oil do what it does was able to grow inside him as it healed his injuries. Now if I had been given the oil, I could have purified it so that the dark spirits that reside in the ancient liquid would never have awoken. Then Slick would have made the same recovery but... he...” “Would have still been slick” Rainbow finished the sentence for her. “Yes.” The Alucorn sighed. “So you know what happened next, the newly created ‘Kydo’ was then swept away when the clearing crew arrived. Now what you don’t know is that the head of my clearing crew disappeared that day also. A young Unicorn named Dorian. Since Saturday night I have spoken to him and he described to me how he saw your brother falling off the cliff after his team pushed the rubble away. He followed the Pegasus without a word to anyone, eventually he found him. He was unconscious but was miraculously unharmed, over the next few years Dorian severed his ties to my court and cared for Kydo. nursing him back to a conscious state. Now the reason he took so long to wake is due to the oil’s spirit, it was repressing Slicks thoughts and mind and warping it into something it preferred. Dorian claims that over a span of five years, black markings began to appear on Kydo’s coat. And when he eventually woke up he was the creature we saw the other night. Something wholly different from your brother. The first word he said-apparently- was ‘Kiddo’ which he later adapted to be his own name. But you see?” she asked the rainbow pony smiling. “Even after all of that even after being mentally crushed for five years, the first thing he thought of, was you! Rainbow Dash.” The filly didn’t look at the Alucorn, she had only just been able to stop crying, and she didn’t want to start again. “Well I won’t hold you much longer, just let me finish and then I will leave you to grieve on your own. “Well, after the years of being so close to the unicorn, the spirit inside Kydo had begun to absorb his magic. This meant that he would eventually be able to build up enough power to do whatever he wished. So the spirit seemed to come up with the idea one day. Kydo approached Dorian and suggested they played some music. The two were, quite good, and well you as a former fan of their music know the story of how they became so popular. But the key thing about them being a band was that they had many unicorns helping them with their staging, setting up sound systems etc. Which meant Kydo was surrounded by even more power. That coupled with the thousands of unicorns he played to over the years in his concerts eventually he believed to have enough power to overpower the elements of harmony and come and exact revenge on me for what happened to your brother. For you see, as he said on his death bed, that spirit was all his anger and hatred embodied in one being without remorse. So then he came here to find you and Big Mac, knowing it would eventually lead to me and his revenge on you and I.” The Princess finished and looked at the little filly. Fresh tears fell down her face. “So it’s still my fault?” she sobbed quietly. “No dear,” cooed the princess “your sonic rain-boom couldn’t have caused the accident, your friend Rarity is proof of that.” Dash looked up with a puzzled expression. “R-Rarity?” “Yes, she was very close to where the accident took place and yet no earthquakes or avalanches happened around her. All that happened was a rock cracking in half in front of her. Which means that seeing as she was closer, she should have had a worse incident then Slick. I believe what happened was simply an act of fate, if the oil’s spirit finally decided to break out of its prison and it sensed someone nearby, or simply a stray falling stone began a chain reaction. But what I assure you Rainbow Dash is that your amazing feat that day, was not the cause!” she smiled at the filly and just before she left she came over and stroked her rainbow mane softly. As she reached the door she heard a faint “Thank you” from behind her. With a smile she spread her wings and glided to the ground where her golden carriage awaited her. As she boarded a concerned magenta unicorn asked tentatively. “Will she be alright?” Celestia looked up at the cloud home, made Cumulous, Cirrus and Cirrostratus clouds. The last labour of a great stallion, and smiled. “Yes Twilight, I do believe she will be.” And as she sailed through the sky in her golden carriage, Rainbow Dash curled up in her chair holding the picture close to her chest. She may forget a lot of things in her time but she’d never forget that week, she wouldn’t talk of it again out of fear of more pain to anypony else, but Rainbow would always have that picture, now whole once again. Her and her brother, both happy, both content, both alive. And for the first time in a long time, Rainbow slept easy, knowing finally she wasn’t to blame.