//------------------------------// // Chapter 3 // Story: Kydo & Slick // by Slick Dash //------------------------------// -3- The air was electrified. It was Saturday night, and the field in front of the stage was packed with ponies. Three lines from the front row, dead centre were the gang. Rainbow had adorned red and black face paint as well as her band T-Shirt, which both clashed heavily with her already colourful main. Twilight stood next to her, looking the same as always, she had bought a band anklet, and was wearing it proudly, not caring if she didn’t look as... fanatic as rainbow. Rarity stood on dash’s other side, wearing a black waistcoat. She had used temporary die to tinge streaks of vibrant green into her purple hair, though strange, like almost everything she did with her appearance, she looked beautiful. Pinkie pie was already in the spirit of the concert, she was bobbing up and down on her knees, ready to jump for all her life with a seconds notice. Typical of the pink Filly, she had bought every different type of merchandise she could find. She wore the same shirt as dash, and the same anklet as Twilight. But she also wore a lanyard around her neck with nothing on it but the logo of the bad, a baseball cap with the band name on it, which sat precariously on her bouncy and wild hair, she wore three different wrist bands and finally a ring with the centre silhouette from the logo – the singer- blazoned on it. “Hey y’all!” the girls turned to see AJ and Big Mac pushing through the lines of ponies to reach their friends, neither had bought anything. They simply stood there like many of the other ponies waiting for the gig to finally begin. “Ohmygosh, Ohmygosh, Ohmygosh, Ohmygosh, this waiting is killing me!” rainbow Dash nearly cried, only just keeping a hold on her cracking voice. She could see movement behind the great curtain covering the stage, it took every thought in her head to stop her flying up there and diving under it to see the Sky Ravens preparing. Twilight put a calming hand on her friends shoulder, smiling. She herself was beginning to understand what ponies love about these concerts, the crowds, the memories; they all just help bring ponies together she made a mental note to send that to the Princess in a friendship report later. “Oh!” Twilight remembered, “Pinkie, where’s this friend you bought a ticket for?” The unicorn hadn’t seen her friend enter with anypony else. “Oh yeah!” The filly exclaimed, “She’s here all right, I’ve seen her trust me you’ll know exactly who it is when you see her.” She beamed at her friend wildly. “Aaaannnd I think that’s gonna be sooner than you think.” Pinkie explained as she noted the lights on stage erupting into life. The entire field screamed as the lights began to twirl and spin, the sound of a guitar sounded as it held a wavering note. Then with an explosion that made many jump, the pyro boomed and the curtain dropped. The stage is covered in a red mist, and a single stallion stands on stage. He continued to hold the note on his guitar looking at as many members of the audience as he could. As he looked on, more fans screamed. And with that he slammed down his hoof and began a blistering guitar introduction. Pinkie Pie began to jump, and jump, and jump, getting wilder as she did so. She bounded away further back into the audience were the more rowdy ponies were beginning to ram into each other’s shoulders in Ponnyville’s first ever ‘mosh pit.’ Her friends smiled for a moment before turning back just in time to see a unicorn stallion walk on stage, using his blue tinged magic to hold two drum sticks. As the fog cleared, they could see that his coat matched his magic, dark blue fur and a silver horn. The guitarist was an earth pony, his mane blonde and long. His coat was a brilliant shade of white, which stood out against the painted black hooves on the end of his forelegs, which he was using at that moment to make his guitar scream to the pleasure of the audience. As the drummer took his place, he looked down into the crowd, a superior look on his face. Then his eyes met hers, Rarity. His face went blank for a moment just looking into her wondrously blue eyes. She looked back just as mesmerized by the dark blue stud before her, his hair fell over one eye, but the one she could see was shockingly green. But after a inaudible comment from the guitarist, the drummer came out of his reverie and began to play, winking at Rarity as he did so. At this Rarity lost all lady like composure, and began screaming like all the other ponies! “HEY WATCH IT!” shouted an unbelievably loud voice from behind the girls. Turning yet again towards the pit, they saw Pinkie pie bouncing and smiling ear to ear, bumping into any pony that dared challenge her. But she had not been the one shouting, the pony next to her, had her back turned to the girls but was bouncing twice as violently as she really got into the heavy angry music playing across the field. Wearing matching studded bracelets the yellow and pink pony span around, a face not too unfamiliar, it resembled that of the night of the Grand Galloping Gala. Fluttershy’s hair was already slightly messy, and all poise gone she was now slamming her head up and down daring anyone to come towards her or her friend. Rainbow dash’s jaw dropped at the sight, as did the others. “Well,” she swallowed “We know who Pinkie’s friend was.” “Honestly why didn’t we all just organize it so we all bought these tickets together?” asked Rarity, but her voice was drowned out by the following explosion of Pyro, as a spot light picked out something high up in the rafters. A Pegasus stallion, glided down majestically from high above. The singer had arrived. He landed unbelievably hard on the stage for effect, it worked. As he looked up everyone went nuts. He smiled. Scanning the audience. As he did so he showed off his unique coat. It was hard to say if he was black with red patterns or red with black, but the effect was amazing. Similar to the tribal tattoos humans have the pattern stood out against his blue eyes, the Pegasus looked unbelievably amazing. Strangely he wore a waist coat similar to that of Rarity’s if not manlier, but Stranger still, he wore tight black trousers. Unbelievably he looked as if he was the most dressed stallion in all of Equestria. But the effect didn’t look bad. Combined with his magnificent coat, he looked as if he was born to perform. He found what he was looking for; he stared into the eyes of Big Macintosh for a moment, a thin smirk spreading across his muzzle. Then just to the right of the huge earth stallion, a blur of colours rocketed into the air. His attention stolen, the front pony began to sing. The lyrics weren’t angry, but not the usual happy songs the ponies in this town were used to. But even as he sang, the Pegasus looked into the sky just above the audience. Incredulous at what he saw. A multi, coloured pony, spinning, flipping and spiralling through the air leaving a jet stream of rainbows behind her. The sight was amazing to all three of the performing Stallions. The night carried on, and the whole time everyone had fun, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie pie and Fluttershy especially. All three ended up bouncing in the pit together by the end of the concert, and they all loved it. The only person who seemed not to be enjoying themselves was Big Mac, his eyes never left the singer. Tracking him, the way he walked, cantered, the way he built up to a quick burst of flight. He wasn’t imagining this. He knew that Buck, and it was impossible! ....................................................................