//------------------------------// // Chapter 1 // Story: Sonic Rageboom // by redhotfillypepper //------------------------------// "Hey, Applejack. What's keepin' those apple fritters from coming?" yelled an impatient Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash is sitting in the dinning room at Sweet Apple Acres waiting for her breakfast. She has a big day ahead and she can't be late. As she waits for Applejack she repeatedly taps her hoof. Stress cracks are slowly appearing on her face as her impatience builds. She begins to grind her teeth and her breathing gets more rapid with each breath. Applejack then comes into the dinning room and is puzzled by Rainbow's anger. "Hey, Rainbow. Is somethin' wrong?" asked Applejack. "You better believe it," cried Rainbow. "Not only do I not have my apple fritters, but I also have to bring overcast clouds to Ponyville, which requires a lot of pegasai to pull off." "It don't seem hard. You're an expert flyer." "This isn't a regular cloudy sky we're talking here. This is overcast we're talkin' about. It is a big smooth cloud that has to cover a large area. We need a lot of pegasai for this and if one thing goes wrong, it's going to be a super patchy mess. And another thing I'm upset about the stupid overcast itself. The one time I take some time off, overcast for a week. How am I suppose to enjoy my getaway at the pond now?" "Ahm sure you can do it. Besides, the weather in Ponyville has been hotter than the inside of mah hat on apple buckin' day." "T.M.I., Applejack. T.M.I" "Tmi?" said a voice. Applejack and Rainbow look over and see that it is Apple Bloom who was asking the question. She also has the tray of apple fritters on her back. "What does 'tmi' mean?" "Nevermind," said Rainbow Dash. "Just give me my fritter." Apple Bloom begins to walk towards Dash. "Here ya go- woah!" She suddenly trips forewords causing her to launch the fritters into Dash's face. Dash's face begins to tighten with anger and her teeth are clenching super hard. She is about to explode with rage and take it out on Apple Bloom. Then she stop abruptly and takes a deep breath. Even though she is mostly calm, Apple Bloom is still clenched with fear. "Oh... uh... Sorry, Rainbow Dash," said Apple Bloom. "Don't worry about it," Dash replied. "It's ok, Rainbow. Ah got another batch cookin'," said Applejack. "I'm in a hurry," said Rainbow Dash. "I'll just get something from Sugarcube Corner." Rainbow then turns around and flies away in a dash. Applejack then turns to Apple Bloom. "Remind me again why Scootaloo looks up to her," said Applejack. *** All is calm in Ponyville as the citizens enjoy their morning. Roseluck is wattering her roses, Lyra and Bon Bon are talking to each other at a cafe, and Berry Punch carries her basket full of fruit back home. Then without warning, Rainbow Dash comes zooming into town and flies by Berry, causing her to knock down her fruit basket. But being in a hurry, Rainbow does not stop. She zooms through Ponyville and sees Sugarcube Corner in her sight. She does not slow down as she approaches it. Then she slams through the front door but lands and tries to stop because Rarity is ahead of her. Her hooves screech across the floor as she comes to a halt. The skidding across the floor caused her hooves to really heat up causing her to hop in pain. "Rainbow, please be patient," said Rarity. She resumes making her selection. "Hmmm. Cupcakes? Doughnuts? Cookies? Ugh, too fattening. Gaining weight is career suicide in the fashion industry. Just think about what could happen if..." As Rarity goes into an anxiety filled rant, Rainbow's stress cracks re-appear across her face. Her impatient mounts as many thoughts ran through her head. If you don't want to get fat, then why did you come here? I'm gonna be late thanks to this knit picking diva. Get a cupcake and tell those Canterlot fashion snobs to buck off. Rage swells within her like a ballon. Her face gets tighter and vains pop out at the side of her neck. Suddenly her anger explodes. "RARITY!" shouted Rainbow Dash. Rarity and everypony in the bakery stares at Rainbow Dash with an awkward stare. Dash looks around the room filled with wide eyes and hanging jaws. Eagerly wanting to end the awkward silence, Dash tries to play it off. "Why not get a croissant?" "Well, at least it's not as fattening as cupcakes," said Rarity. She then turns to Mrs. Cake. "One croissant please." Mrs. Cake then gives Rarity her croissant. Rarity then pays for it and leaves. Once she left, Rainbow quickly approaches the counter. "Why hello, Rainbow Dash," said Mrs. Cake. "What will you ha-" "I'll have a doughnut," interrupted Rainbow Dash. "Excuse me?" "I said, I'll have a dough-" "Hey, honey. Can you help me back here?" interrupted Mr. Cake from the kitchen. "I will." said Mrs. Cake. "Pinkie, can you cover for me?" "Okie Dokie Wokie," said Pinkie Pie as she bounced behind the counter. "Hey, Pinkie. Can I have a doughnut?," said Rainbow Dash. "A doughnut? How about a cupcake. They're so yummy, and baked with love, and so sweet, and so delicious. I can live off of them forever but I'll get fat. Wait, I already do live off them. But why am I not fat? I don't really work out that-" "No cupcakes! Just a doughnut." "You sure?" "Yes." "Are you really sure?" "Yes." "Are you really 100% absolutely positively officially certainly definite-" "PINKIE!" yelled Rainbow Dash. Noticing she made another outburst, she takes a deep breath calms down. "The customer is always right." "Okay," said Pinkie. She bounces off and gets Rainbow Dash her doughnut. She is about to give the doughnut to Rainbow Dash. "Are you sure you don't want a cupc-" Rainbow Dash then gets in Pinkie Pie's face gives her a rage filled eye stare. "That will be two bits." *** In an area of sky just outside Ponyville, Pegasai prepare to fly in the cloudy blanket that is overcast. Many of the Pegasai are nervous because not only is moving overcast a complicated procedure, but are also beginning to notice that Rainbow Dash, the leader, is running late. "Where's Rainbow Dash?" said Medley. "It's not like her to be late." "Yeah." said Thunderlane. "But on the plus side, we can have the day off if she doesn't show up." "Typical Thunderlane," said a voice. Thunderlane turns around and see that the pony who said it is Rainbow Dash herself. "Always trying to find a way out," said Rainbow Dash with an increasingly angry voice. "Always faking an illness so you can GO HOME AND LAY ON YOUR FAT PLOT ALL DAY AND NOT DO ANY WORK WHILE FILLYDELPHIA KEEPS THE RECORD FOR HIGHEST WINGSPEED AND PONYVILLE REMAINS THE LAUGHING STOCK OF EQUESTRIA!" Rainbows words rips through Thunderlane. His bottom lips begin to tremble and his eyes swell up with tears. "Get outta my sight," she demanded. Thunderlane takes off crying. An unforgiving face remains on Rainbow dash. With enough bravery, Medley approaches Rainbow Dash. "Take it easy on him. He is already stressed as it is," she said. "Stress? Don't give me that sissy talk. We need this overcast to be as smooth as it can be when we bring it to Ponyville," said Dash. "This is overcast. There is bound to be some patchiness." Rainbow then gets in Medley's face and gives her an intimidating eye squint. "You're on thin ice," she threatened. Rainbow dash then flies above and addressees the pegasai. "Ok, listen up," she yelled. "This is a huge task and we can't afford any mistakes. I'm splitting you guys into four groups. The first one will help pull the overcast toward Ponyville by spiraling along the front of the overcast. The second team will aline along the back end of the overcast pushing it foreword. If you push it to hard or too soft, we got a disaster on our hooves. The other two teams will fly across the overcast to make sure it stays smooth. One for the top and one for the bottom. Now lets get to it!" The pegasai divide into their teams and quickly get into their position. Rainbow dash overlooks everything and sees that everypony is in position. After a second glancing over, she e gives the signal. "Okay, let's go." The pegasai at the front start spiraling and the ponies in the back start pushing. The overcast starts to move and the pegasai both on top of and beneath the overcast swirl around to make sure it stays perfectly smooth. Slowly but surely, the overcast approaches Ponyville. All this time, Rainbow Dash is monitoring the whole procedure from above to make suer nothing goes wrong. After what seemed like hours, the pegasai finally and successfully placed the overcast over Ponyville. Rainbow Dash swoops down and inspects every square foot of the overcast to make sure it's perfectly smooth. After a couple minutes of inspecting, she gives confident and proud grin now that something has finally gone her way. "Way to go," she cheered. "I told you we can do it and with no patchiness in sight. Give yourself a round of applause." Then without warning, Derpy leaps up from underneath the clouds while cheering. She looks down and notices she has poked a hole in the over cast. Rainbow Dash notices the damage and tightens up her face in anger. "Oh, Sorry," said Derpy. "Let me try and fix it." Derpy scoops up some cloud and tries to fill in the hole she poked. She turns around and notices that she made a bigger hole when she scooped the cloud. The worried gray mare then turns to Rainbow Dash whose face has become even tighter with rage. Then all of a sudden, she darts off into the distance. Derpy is confused, but relived. "Huh. I guess I got off pretty easy," she said. Then a lighting bolt strikes a hair away from her. She turns around and notices that Rainbow Dash has a storm cloud and coming for Derpy. Derpy flees and tries to escape Rainbow Dash and her storm cloud. She flies left and right across the overcast trying to avoid the lighting bolts Dash shoots at her. "First there was the Ponyville town hall dome, then there was getting the southern birds from the west, and now this," cried Rainbow Dash. "Well you picked the wrong day to ruin what I've worked so hard for." With one final punch to the cloud, a lightning bolt finally strikes Derpy. She falls through the overcast and and hits the ground with a loud thud. Rainbow dash flies through the Derpy-shaped hole in the overcast so she can give Deroy one serious scolding. When she arrives in Ponyville, she discovers that Derpy landed on Mayor Mare. Rainbow's heart sunk. Her breathing becomes more spaced out. She worries and tries to think up of an apology. "Sorry, Mayor Mare... About Derpy falling on you...uh...let me help you up and we can put this behind us, right?" nervously asked Rainbow Dash. The mayor gives Rainbow Dash a threatening glare. She then raises her hoof and points behind Rainbow Dash. Although confused, Rainbow Dash turns around and what she sees makes her worry more. Half of the roofs in Ponyville have been destroyed. Rainbow Dash realized that it was the lightning bolts from the cloud she had that caused the damage. She then turns to the Mayor with a forced smile, which is hiding a face of nervousness. "I can fix that," said Rainbow Dash.