It's just a little drizzle

by Mem

Salt-blocked, or plot-blocked?

~~~~The Salt Lick~~~~~~

"Oh, you should've seen the way I flew with that rabid bee! It was like 'ZOOM' and 'FWASH!'" Rainbow proclaimed to no one in particular, she was just content with crawling and hopping around the rim of Braeburn's hat.

"That's mighty impressive, now try and keep it down Rainbow." The city streets in Appleloosa weren't as empty as the cowpony had hoped. All around him, there were clusters of ponies, most not even from here! But that wasn't what concerned him, it was the fact a few gave him a look over, and spotted the moving bundle in his golden locks. Even a few pones had took to stalking him, only to end up lost as Braeburn turned around each and every corner he could.

"I didn't even know I could do a rain boom like THAT! I rock!" She giggled to herself at the memory of how the broken window's crystallization was her doing. That was immediately ripped from her mind as she felt her entire seat whip around. Luckily, she held tight onto her mane-made harness and found herself dangeling close to the corner of the colt's eye. She watched the humongus organ scan the area, until a wave of wicked glee crossed her features.

"You have pretty eyes!" Spread wings out...

"Wh-YOW!" Braeburn quickly tucked her under is hat and held the eye with a hoof at the mischievous prank. After rubbing the sore area under his lids, he looked around to find all eyes on him. "Eheh, sorry folks..." He muttered before trotting away, easily picking up on their gossip.

The small Pegasus kept moving around in the yellow pony's hat before peeking her head out again to stare at the night sky.

"Why can't ya jus sit still?" Braeburn hissed as Rainbow nearly tilted the hat off his head. As he moved farther away from the onlookers, the familiar sounds of a double door slamming open made him stop quuicky before an elder stallion fell in front of him, Dash sliding onto his snout, wings splayed. "Do that again!!!'

"AH SAID NO MORE SALT FO YOU!!!!" The grey stallion angrily trotted back inside the Salt lick while the unconscious stallion fell into slumber there on the path. After looking at the elderly pony for a few seconds tiny blue hoof began slapping at the space between the cow pony's eyes.

"Can we at LEAST have a little drink?!" Rainbow popped her head into his vision, giving the best foal eyes she could. Even messing with her hair to give it a few youthful curls. And the voice, so high and cute, made it worse. Braeburn was so shocked at the face that he took a step back and screwed his eyes shut. "Prwetty pwease with apple sweds on twop!?'

'Luna give me strength! He cracked open one eye towards the moon, and then past the mare on his nose to a group of other pegasi staring right at him. More like the flying blue bug that hover/hung dangerously off his snout with a strand of mane around her wrist.

"Maybe we should, for a lil' while!' He added as the cyan flier did a summersault and laid sprawled out on the same spot. Dash perched her head in her hooves and gave a large smile at the colt. "...ya, you were drinkin before..."

The two passed through the double doors with two squeaks; one that sounded like hinges and the other, It was just two mugs!

~~10 minute lapse~~
"She's so tiny1"

"Like a parasprite!"


"Ya'll startin' ta drool." Braeburn took a sip of his cider from a hay straw. The bartender, plus a few other sober patrons, huddle together to see Rainbow dipping her head into the nearly full jar of cider and holding onto the straw, face up, with her hind legs.

She got a good swig and sat back up most of her mane drenched in the drink. Feeling a little adventurous, the little Pegasus jumped up into the air leaving a rainbow double eight in her wake, and nose-dived into a small chocolate cupcake that sat between Braeburn's hooves. After a few seconds, she popped back out, covered completely in blue frosting, resembling a bear with a crumb as a nose.

"Nailed it!!"

"Aww! She's so cute"

"She's so drunk!"

"Can I keep her?"

"Heck no!" The bartender startled all the ponies there, excluding Rainbow as she began licking the icing off her wings, full of appley-bubbley bliss, and the only two ponies left in the bar, too wasted to care. How the heck Braeburn stayed this long with his neighbors was beyond him. "It's finder's keepers here boys. And it's not like she was born this way, so she's not a pet!"

"Well, golly we know that, but what if Brae has some kinda weird kink?" The little rainbow giggled wildly to herself as she watched the three stallions get caught in a shower of warm cider. The yellow pony right above her started to babble on with a reddish orange face. The bartender slowly disappeared behind the counter while he was gripped with the same confliction that held Rainbow a few seconds ago.

The other stallions were roaring with laughter, well, a deep red and grey one was, a younger blue one was trying to get the liquid off his face with the red one's long puffy tail. If she was her normal size, they'd look like regular ponies, well, aside from the fact they're the equivalence to Southern Ponies. It might be the buzzing bees and hummingbirds in her head doing this, but they all looked much different.

Her body started tilting around as she took notes on all of them; the grey one had started growing a nearly faint trail of black stubble across his mouth, the red one had multiple amounts of thin patches of fur around his hooves, and the blue one's mane actually had a strand of grey in those black tresses, even if he was just a little older then Braeburn.

They started to get boring, plus their deep voices became too get to zoon in on, and Rainbow decided to look around her to touch her hooves on something solid. The yellow hooves on each side of her were in more detail then she imagined; they were mostly covered in fur, but she could see the rock-hard ends of them shine through, covered in shallow scratches that seemed like it was too thin for her to notice.

"Ah said 'it an't like tah!"

Loud..... The poor little mare looked up at the giant yellow pillar of fur as his voice sent waves into her form. His vest was off and in his lap, so she could easily find all the indentions of muscles on the earth pony. Every time he moved, she could see the mass underneath the fur move, and it made her a little scared. I never knew they were so big... She also didn't notice that when she backed away to the edge of the treat the side had started to crumble. So, without a yelp, the Pegasus slipped down, the icing making the descent into a gradual stop, and slip onto her stomach, making a nice blue streak. Then her eyes fell onto a tiny white cube in front of her snout, then turned to the much larger one behind it. It was almost as big as she was.

..salt?... The top half was already deformed at a slope with a clear liquid coating it. It almost looked like it was shaped into a couch...

"And you'd think that alicorn would cast a spell ta find you guys by now. Or at least told one of the princesses!" The blue pony grumbled as he sat between his friends and Braeburn, it was the only thing he could think of to stop the younger pony from strangling the two buzzed ponies beside him. "But ah still don't particularly believe that a bee would really chase her that far much."

"Ain't nona ma business what a bee does, but all ah kno is that I don't wanna risk a tiny drunk Pegasus flying around my house." The small beat in his head was only a warning of what was to come from the alcohol. The yellow pony bent down to take a few licks of his salt block, and froze at the fourth lick, tongue seemingly stuck on the spot.

The bartender and the blue pony gave curious stares at the younger pony; his ears fell down, eyes were wide, and his mouth hung open with his tongue still on the block. '...bad cider?' They simultaneously thought.

Then they saw what caused him to freeze like that. The blue pony's face turned from it's royal color to a darker purple, and the bartender crashed to the floor, laughing as though he was possessed by a hyena! "...uhhh..."

The other two got up to see what was happening, then both followed the dapper owner's lead.

"Ar-are ya sure ya aint got no kink Brae, ca-cause SHE sure as honey does!!"

"Brae~ I'm getting cold!"

~~3 minutes later~

A large white pegusus with red eyes and budging muscles and the tinest wings you could see was standing near the door to the train. In his hoof was a small opal he got from wrestling a buffalo as a reward. It was a good night if does say so himself. He tucked it into his pocket and looked up at Luna's night sky, absorbing his first day in the pristine little town.

"OUTTA MA WAY!" Snowflake's breath was knocked out of him as the golden blur slammed into his chest and threw him into the box cart, into a seat, and sped down the isle.


Even though he didn't see the owner of the squeaky voice, he still answered. "YEEEAAAAHHH!"