//------------------------------// // Forgotten Tests of The Foundation - Theo Mccoy and Surprise Royalty // Story: Forgotten Tests of The Foundation - The Adventures of Theo Mccoy // by DerpinDirty //------------------------------// ************************************************5 Minutes After Leaving The Library, Streets of Ponyville***************************************** After making sure Twilight was alright, the girls left for home. Being early in the night, the girls decided to go somewhere to eat. As they were walking (or in Rainbow's case flying) together, Applejack spoke up. "Ah'm not sure ah trust that Theo guy." "pfft, he's nothing to worry about. I bet I could beat him down in ten seconds flat." Rainbow Dash boasted. "I'm a little afraid of him." Fluttershy said, her voice dropping in volume as she finished the sentence. "I thought he was a rather nice, if not a little rude fellow. Although I do not like those dreadful rags he calls clothes." Rarity said, putting extra emphasis on the word 'Dreadful'. "Ah'm still not buyin' it. Aren't cha girls just a little worried?" Applejack said "Whats there to worry about when you got the fastest flier in equestria on your side?" Rainbow Dash then flew in front of the group and made a heroic pose. "He's probably just a big wuss. We don't have anything to worry about!" Pinkie had no input as she was wondering what humans like at parties. **************************************************9:02 in the morning, Twilight's Library********************************************************* I woke up to the sound of talking downstairs. Damn its time to get up already? Ugh. Fine. As I got up out of the bed which for some reason was big enough for me (go figure), I could hear the voices coming upstairs. I got up close to the door and put my ear to it. "The human is this way princess. I let him stay in the guest bedroom." I heard Twilight's voice say. Princess? I know that Twilight is the princess's protege, but I never expected that she would have the time to not only visit but read Twilight's 'Friendship Reports' and run the country at the same time. Plus she raises the sun. I know she has a royal sister to help out but she only works at night. "very well, is he up?" I hear the princess say. "Hold on princess I'll go get him" alright time to meet a prin- *slam* *thud* "OW!! Jesus that hurt!" I shout, trying not to swear in front of royalty."Oops.. heh heh... sorry." Twilight said. As I stand up I see the princess and Twilight in the doorway." I don't believe we've met. My name is Princess Celestia, but you may just call me Celestia." Celestia said in a regal tone as expected. I had met with national leaders to help discuss more funding for The Foundation. And by that I mean I was there to carry diagrams, charts, and progress reports. I had a general idea of how to act. "Nice to meet you Celestia. My name is Theo Amadeus Mccoy, at your service. Just call me Theo." I said. "Its nice to meet you too. As for service that's one reason I came here. I am here to make sure you are no threat to the kingdom and to ask for your help." Celestia said, cutting the regal stuff down a bit. Well it's good to know the princess trusts me. And service usually means money. "I assure you I am no danger to your subjects. Now what is this service you require me in particular to do?" I said. I'm honestly kind of worried for what this job could be. after all she is the princess. she could request me to do whatever she wants. " I need you..." What if she make me fight a dragon? I have Skyrim knowledge on my side but come on. A dragon?"to investigate..." Please don't say dragon's nest. Oh god please. "This mysterious book Twilight found." Oh come on really! a fucking book! Dammit. "Why do you need me to investigate said book?" "The book has magical properties and when you entered they activated. Twilight will you explain this to him? I do have a country to run." "No problem princess!" Twilight said with enthusiasm. And with that the princess vanished in a blinding light. "So Theo, what do you need to know?" Twilight said, happy that she may be able to get more information from his world out of this book. "Just give me the book." I said as she handed (or hoofed) me the book. What could be strange about this book? Doesn't have a Title or an Author. There's only one page with anything on it yet the symbol is glowing. Makes you want to poke it. I really want to poke it in fact. You know what, I'm gonna poke it 'cause yolo right? ... wait did I just say yolo in my mind? What the hell's wrong with me? Whatever. I'm going to poke it. "...are you ...ok?" Twilight said. After all I was just sitting there for five minutes staring at the symbol in the book. it reminds me of something familiar. "Yes I'm ok. And I'm going to poke the book now." I stated "Why?" "I don't know" And with that I poked the book. Nothing happened. I poked the book with two fingers... nothing. nope. nada. I then decided to put my had on the symbol like it was a hand scanner to the living quarters. I almost expected to hear a cli- *click* "what the fu-" I looked around. I was in a dark chamber that appeared to have stony walls and reminded me of Class - D's that got stuck in S.C.P. 106's Pocket dimension and managed to escape and tell the tale. There were three podiums in the center. One looked like a scale model of site 0. Another looked like a scientist doll. The last appeared to be Mobile Task Force Epsilon. All of a sudden a man appeared. "Hello Theo. We've been waiting for you." More men came out. In fact the first man I recognized."Doctor Gears?" I said, confused as to what was going on or why the newest member of O-5 was talking to me. "The very same. Me and the rest of O-5 have brought you here to tell you that earth is destroyed." "Earth is what!?!?" "You being thrust into that portal set off a nuclear reaction that ripped the world apart. There are humans and animals still alive, but very few." "At least they're not extinct." "That's one reason you're here. About a year ago at the first incident, we knew that this was going to happen." "You knew?" I said shocked that they didn't try to stop the event. "It's not that we didn't try to stop it, its that we couldn't." "what?" "Read this and you'll understand" I did what he asked. I read the document a couple times over to make sure it was real. "what the fuck..." All this time I thought that the Foundation was good despite their sick experiments and captured things on their own. "You know now the truth." "You sick fuck." I said. "We come to you to ask you create the Foundation, accept this time actually catching dangerous sentient objects and containing our mess." I calmed down and thought. If I could contain the S.C.P.'s and destroy or tame them as well as finding evil sentient beings here, I could become famous and also right the wrong done. "That you could Theo. You won't be alone either. You will have an Underground facility as well as 50 staff members and task force epsilon." "You're kidding right?" "No I'm dead serious. You are the only one who can save this world and any other worlds that our creations find their ways into." "..." "You must do this Theo. It is destiny." "...Fine. Will the Facility have the vending machine and fully stocked with food and other things the staff need?" "Yes. S.C.P. 261 will be there and so will everything else the staff needs. Now go. A map shall appear in the second page of the book telling you where to go. the staff and task force will be there waiting for you." And with that I was back in reality. I turned the page to find the map. "Twilight, I'm going on a walk with the book." I then ran out to find the facility. I had things to capture, lives to save, and a facility to manage. It was all really confusing but I got the general idea of what was going on. I ran as fast as I could. I had to get there fast. Though I was running to fast to see the apple stand I crashed into.