//------------------------------// // Aquashock (FiE Challenge) // Story: Friendship is Epic - Book 2: Dat Mareami Heat // by FlareGun45 //------------------------------// Hey brahs! It is once again time for another session of the Friendship is Epic Challenge! In this challenge, I replaced all my legs with octopus tentacles. It may be easier to swim with them, but walking will definitely be a major challenge! Let us begin! Over at my friend Aquatic Armor’s house; his sister Wind Racer was making breakfast for them both. Ironically, she doesn’t know how to cook though. Aqua walked down stairs, rubbing his eyes. “Good morning, Aqua!” Wind Racer said. “Mornin, sis!” Aqua said. “What’s for breakfast?” “Well, we got eggs and bacon; egg sausage and bacon; egg and spam; egg sausage and spam; bacon sausage egg and spam; spam eggs bacon and spam; spam eggs bacon sausage and spam; spam spam spam bacon and spam; spam spam spam spam spam spam baked beans spam spam spam spam spam spam spam.” Wind Racer said. “Err… ya got anything without spam in it?” Aqua asked. “Well, we got eggs sausage bacon and spam; doesn’t have too much spam in it.” Wind Racer said. “Uhh, can I have eggs sausage bacon, without the spam?” Aqua asked. “Ewww!” Wind Racer said. “What do ya mean, ewww? I don’t like spam.” Aqua said. “Well, you can give me your spam, Aqua! I love it! I’m having spam spam spam spam spam spam baked beans spam spam spam spam!” I said, sitting from across the table as I waved one of my tentacles in front of Aqua’s face. Seductive music played in the background as I waved it. “Baked beans are off!” Wind Racer said. “Flare, when did ya get here?” Aqua asked. “Just now.” I said to Aqua, and then I faced Wind Racer. “How about having spam spam spam spam spam spam baked beans spam spam spam spam without the baked beans?” “You mean spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam?” Wind Racer asked. Just then, a bunch of Viking ponies walked inside the kitchen and sang; “Spam spam spam spam, spam spam spam spam, spam spam spam spam, SPAMLEY SPAAAAM, SPAMLEY SPAAAAAAM; SPAMLEY SPAAAAAM, SPAMLEY…” “SHUT UP! SHUT UP!” Spike yelled, banging on a pan with a wooden spoon, and the Vikings stopped singing. “Spike’s here too?” Aqua asked. “I’m actually just here for the spam.” Spike said. “The spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam….” I said. Aqua was feeling very confused to what is going on, but he didn’t want it to bother him too much, so he just went outside to get the mail as the Vikings started singing again. Aqua reached into his mailbox and got a couple of letters out. He looked through them; there were two bills, three magazines that Aqua never subscribed to, and a strange letter from a pony by the name of Tissue Lion. “Hmm? What is this?” Aqua asked himself. He walked back into the kitchen as Spike was yelling shut up to the Vikings again, then Aqua asked Wind; “Wind, can ah speak to ya in private?” “Of course, Aqua!” Wind Racer said. She then turned back to us and said; “Please excuse me!” “Don’t wait too long! I WANT MY SAUSAGE!” I yelled. “And spam right?” Spike asked me. “Ok that’s starting to get annoying.” I said to him. Wind Racer walked with Aqua to the living room and asked, “What is it, big ‘n skinny bro?” “I just got this strange letter from someone named ‘Tissue Lion’. Ever heard of a name like that?” Aqua asked. “No, I haven’t.” Wind Racer shook her head and said. “Must’ve delivered it to the wrong house.” Aqua thought. “I don’t think so, Aqua. Your name is written on the address, and our family crest is on it.” Wind Racer said, pointing to the stamp that shows a shield and a water drop. “Our family crest?” Aqua said in shock. Aqua quickly opened the letter and read it. It reads: ‘Dear Aquatic Armor, Have you ever felt that you’re in a place you don’t belong? Do you think you want your ideas to be roamed freely without judgment? Have you ever wanted to use your powers for a better use? Well, I got a proposition for you! I am a dear friend of your parents, and before they died, your father along side me had a business deal. Him and I own a city under the sea; a city for seaponies. This city goes by the name of Hoofture. Since you’re a descendent of a pony that created Hoofture, I would like to share my finances with you, and give you a chance for your face to shine along this city. This letter has a map that’ll show you a way to one of the entrances to the Hoofture. Find your own boat ride. See you soon! Sincerely, Tissue Lion.’ “Our dad build a city for seaponies?” Wind Racer asked. “I suppose he did.” Aqua said. “Since when?” Wind Racer asked. “I don’t know, sis; but I don’t know what’s up. There’s so much of our family that we have completely forgotten. It’s all a blur for me.” Aqua said. “Although, this might be a chance for us to learn who we really are.” “But we’re Wind Racer and Aquatic Armor living freely and happily in Ponyville. That’s who we are. Isn’t that enough?” Wind Racer saked. I don’t know what to expect. Maybe I should go alone.” Aqua said. “Aqua, this is a family matter. I’m your sister! Allow me to come along!” Wind Racer insited. “I appreciate it, sis, but I think this trip might be too dangerous.” Aqua said. “How can it be dangerous? It’s a land of the seaponies, Aqua!” Wind Racer said. “But I think there’s more to this than we think, sis.” Aqua said. “I’m coming along with you, Aqua.” Wind Racer said. “Ok, but you should stick by me the whole time!” Aqua instructed her. “Trust me, if I was to be separated from you, it would be for a bathroom break.” Wind Racer said. “Yeah, that’s what ya said when we were at Las Haygus for a convention. Ya had to take a bathroom break in a casino, and then ya blew all our money.” Aqua reminded her. “I doubt Hoofture is anything like Las Haygus.” Wind Racer said. “Can I come too, Aqua?” I asked with a puppy-look on my face. “Nuh uh, no way, Flare.” Aqua said. “Why not?” I asked. “This is a personal family member, Flare.” Aqua said. “If you think this is dangerous, YOU KNOW I can handle myself.” I said. “I know.” Aqua nodded. “So why wouldn’t you let me go?” I asked. “I’m sorry, mate, but I don’t want to risk anything gettin’ screwed up.” Aqua said. “Oh, and you think I’ll screw up?” I asked. “Basically.” Aqua said. “Since when did I screw up?” I asked. “Name ONE time!” “I think it’s best if I don’t answer that.” Aqua said. “Would you please let me go, brah? I’ve always wanted to see seaponies in personal!” I said. Just then, Aqua had a strange look on his face, like something got triggered in his mind. Aqua’s face froze, like something was triggered inside of his mind, and then he said, “Ok, Flare. Ya can come.” “YAY!” I cheered. “Can we bring the Vikings too?” “No.” Aqua said. “Awww. Sorry, brahs.” I said to them upsettingly. “Ehh, it’s ok.” One of the Vikings said. “We had our spam. We’re good to go!” “I’ll go on with them. They’re tourists anyway.” Spike said. “You don’t wanna come, brah?” I asked. “I’ve seen these seapony types before, Flare. They’re strange ones. No thanks, but I rather stay behind.” Spike said. “Sounds good, brah!” I nodded. “Well Aqua, it’s time to head out to sea! Can we sing Come Sail Away again?” “I think once was enough.” Aqua said. “When did you sing that? I LOVE that song!” Wind Racer complained. “Gotta love Styx!” I said. “Wait… who’s Styx? Doesn’t South Park sing it?” Wind Racer asked. “The sad thing about the classics is that if people hear them and like them, they’re either from a TV show or games like GTA. On YouTube I keep seeing songs with the words ‘GTA brought me here’. C’mon, brahs! If you really liked the music, you would’ve liked them before it hit those games!” I complained. So I went back to my trailer to get some stuff packed up for our voyage; Aqua and Wind Racer did the same at their house. Aqua studied the map, and we rented a boat. My friend Shadow Hooves let us use his boat so we can head out to the Hoofture entrance. It was stormy and rainy out, and the waves were high. “Are we getting closer?” I asked Shadow. “Getting closer, Flare! What are we looking for exactly?” Shadow Hooves asked. “We’re looking for some sort of structure I assume.” Aqua said. “Might look like an ancient….” “Oh, you mean like that?” I asked pointing to a lighthouse up ahead that looked ancient. ”Yes, exactly like that lighthouse.” Aqua said. “What? Oh no, I’m talking about that plane crash next to it that looks like it’s been there for ages.” I pointed out. “Pull us over there, Shadow.” Aqua pointed. “Roger that!” Shadow said, driving the boat over to the lighthouse on the island. “Thanks for the ride, brah!” I said to him. “Don’t mention it, Flare! Call me if you need me to pick you up.” Shadow said. “No problemo!” I said, as Aqua, Wind Racer, and I stepped out of the boat and Shadow drives the boat away into the open sea. It was still stormy, and it was pretty slippery as we walked up the stairs to the lighthouse. I slipped quite a few times. “How is climbing these stairs so easy for you guys?” I asked. “Maybe because we’re not wearing tentacles like you are.” Wind Racer said and winked at me. “Good point.” I said, trying to stand back up, but I slipped again, and nearly fell off the stairs. “These tentacles are REALLY hard to control! “Need some help?” Aqua asked, rolling his eyes. “No, no, I got it!” I said as I continued climbing up the stairs very uncontrollably, but ironically, I beat them to the top. The three of us walked on inside the lighthouse, and then door slams behind us. “AAAAH! Haunted lighthouse!” I yelled. Just then, the lights turned on, showing a statue of a pony with lion hair, holding a banner that said; ‘No princesses, no gods.’ “No princesses, no gods? Only ponies?” Aqua asked confusingly. “They probably don’t believe in religion here.” I said. “Last time I was in place where nopony believed in religion was Gamestop.” The three of us walk down more stairs, which made me complain, and we eventually find some sort of pod-like structure at the bottom. “What is this?” Wind Racer asked. “Looks like some sort of golden submarine-like thing.” Aqua said as him and Wind Racer walked on inside, but as for me, I completely miss the opening hatch and I just banged my head on the side of the sub. “OW!” I cried. “C’mon! Walk… straight!” I then just banged my head on the side again. “NO! Stupid legs! Not that straight! Left… left… other left… ok why is one of my legs spinning around my body?” “Everything ok, Flare?” Wind Racer asked. “Yeah, I’m fine. Everything’s fine. It’s normal.” I said. After some struggle with my octolegs. I was finally able to enter the sub, but I wacked Aqua in the back of the head while doing so, and then my ink bar starts to go up a bit. “What in the ocean world is that?” I asked as I looked down and saw the ink bar. Aqua looks over behind him and sees a lever. He pulls the lever and the submarine hatch closes and seals up. “We all live in a yellow submarine. Yellow submarine. Yellow submarine.” Wind Racer sang as the sub pod began to decedent into the ocean. “Technically, it’s a golden submarine.” I corrected her. “Gold is a type of yellow though.” Wind Racer reminded me. “No it’s not.” I corrected her. “Yes it is.” She argued with me. “No it’s not, look it up.” I advised her, “No! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP!” Wind Racer cried as she held her ears. “Wow, Aqua’s right. You are a bratty teenager.” I said. “I never said anything like that.” Aqua reminded me. Just then, the lights in the pod turned off, and a projection screen went down. “Oh cool, they set up a movie for us so we wouldn’t be bored on the way!” Wind Racer said excitedly. The movie turned on, and a voice came up, and pictures were shown on the screen. “I am Tissue Lion, and I’m here to ask you a question.” The pre-recorded message said. “Is a stallion not entitled to the sweat of his brow? ‘No’, said the pony from Hoofington, ‘It belongs to the poor!’ ‘No!’ says the stallion from Canterlot, ‘It belongs to the princesses!’ ‘No!’ says the stallion from Manehatten, ‘It belongs to everypony!’ I rejected those answers; instead, I chose something different. I chose the impossible! I chose…. Hoofture!” The projector screen goes back up, showing us the huge city that was lit up and based on the ocean floor. “Whoa!” I said. ”Yeah, it’s a nice city isn’t it!” Wind Racer said. “No, I’m saying whoa, because that’s a huge whale I see down there.” I said, pointing to the blue whale. “Wow, this is like Manehatten.” Aqua said shockingly. “Yeah, but with more fish.” I added. “That reminds me, I should make a song for this trip!” I began to sang, “Up in the bathyspod, taken the surface fog, it’s like Manehatten, but with more fish!” “Nice song.” Aqua said. “Work in progress. That’s all I got for now.” I said. “Hoofture…. Where the artist would not fear the censor; where the scientist would not be bound by petty morality!” Tissue Lion continued in the pre-recording. “Where great would not be constrained by the small, and with the sweat of your brow, Hoofture will become your city as well!” “Wow, I never thought to own a city like this.” Aqua said. The three of us looked around, and saw how pretty the underwater city was. We saw seaponies swimming by. “Shoop de doop! Shoop shoop de doop!” Wind Racer sang. The seaponies were swimming around, looked happy, but…. something was a bit odd about them. When admiring the scenery of Hoofture, Aqua looks over at the radio-type device that is stationed right next to the door. “Hey look, a radio.” Aqua pointed. “Cool! I wanna hear some country music!” I said as I lifted one of my tentacles so I could turn the knobs but I just smacked Aqua in the back of the head again. “Ow!” Aqua cried. “Sorry, brah, lemme just… umm… ok… ok why is my hind tentacles going up, I did not ask for them to go up- WHOA!” I started flying around the pod until my butt was grinding against the radio. “Ok… I guess I could just grind-dance this radio; that works too.” My butt started turning the knobs on the radio next to the door of the bathyspod and we started to hear some static. “Wait, I think I hear something coming outta the radio.” Aqua said, as we started to hear voices in the radio. “What? There’s somepony stuck in the radio?” I yelled as I activated my hornsaber. “I’LL RESCUE THEM!” “Flare, no!” Wind Racer yelled, holding my shoulder. “Shhh!” Aqua shushed us, as he listened to the voices in the radio. “We gotta be careful, mate!” an Australian voice said. “He’s sending his strongest bots over here.” “Dang! What are we gonna do, man?” another voice asked. “I don’t know, but we have to try anything we can. Try to get to the diving suits so we can get outta here.” The Australian voice said. “Wait! The charts say a Bathyspod has been activated and is on its way down here.” The second voice said. “It ain’t safe here, but we’ll need all the help we can get. Hope the pony coming down will know how to help us out.” The Australian voice said. ”Wait! Tissue’s bots found me!” the second voice freaked out. “Don’t panic! You got your magikids?” the Australian voice asked. “IT’S TOO LATE! THEY GOT ME! THEY’RE CARRYING ME AWAY…” the second voice cried out, and then the radio gets staticy again. “Wow, this is like a horror flick!” I said. “What is going on here?” Wind Racer asked. ”I’m not feeling so good about this.” Aqua said worryingly. “Relax, Aqua! They must be criminals and are getting themselves arrested. Don’t worry! All we have to do is head to Tissue Lion’s office, and then we’d be all good!” I said. “For our sake, I hope ya right, mate.” Aqua said as our bathyspod arrives at the Metro Station. Our pod goes inside a small chamber where the ocean water drains, and the doors in front of us open as the pod arrives in the station. We started to hear screaming coming from a pony that was taken by a pair of flying robots. “That must be the pony that got captured by the bots.” Aqua assumed. Just then, another robot goes on top of the pod we were in, cuts the power, and disconnects the pod from its cable, and the pod falls on the floor. The three of us were frightened after the robot did that. After the pod’s power goes off, the robot flies away, and the Australian voice appears again from the radio, and it says to us, “Would you please grab the shortwave radio inside your pod?” “Sure!” I said, but just before I was able grab the radio, Aqua grabbed it first. I’m not sure why, it’s not like Aqua to just grab something after they see somepony else try to grab them. “Who are ya?” Aqua asked on the radio. “I’m Atbass.” The Australian voiced pony said. “It was a mistake for you to come here. We’re in the middle of a rebellion.” “A rebellion?” Aqua asked. “Yes, but I can’t explain through this radio, they’ll hear us.” Atbass said. “Use the emergency escape switch to open the pods doors, but be careful with the Spicers.” “Spicers?” Aqua asked. “Spicers! They carry pepper, ginger, oregano, you name it! Plenty of spices!” I said. “Spicers are the name of those robots controlled by Lion Industries. I need you to come over here at Bass Barrel, and meet me over there. I’ll explain everything!” Atbass said. “How about explain right now? We have no idea what’s goin on.” Aqua suggested. “Would you please come over here to Bass Barrel without question?” Atbass asked. “Yes, Atbass. Right away.” Aqua said. “Out.” Atbass said. “Yeah, the letter didn’t mention anything about a rebellion going on.” Wind Racer said. “It must be either new or there’s a plot involved.” Aqua assumed. “Then I say we should get this pod working again, and get the hay outta here!” Wind Racer suggested. “We have no other choice, sis. Let’s just find this Atbass fella.” Aqua said as he pulled the emergency lever, and the pod’s door open up. “Aqua, we’re not here for a rebellion. We’re here to look for Tissue Lion, and see what he has in store for us!” Wind Racer said. “Plans changed.” Aqua said. “I have no idea what’s goin’ on right now, but under no circumstances am I gonna just walk around this strange place without knowing what events are occurin’ right now.” “Speaking of walking around this place without knowing what’s going on….” Wind Racer said, looking at me, as I start walking out of the Bathyspod so I could explore. “Ooo! This place looks creepy! The power’s out!” I said. “And yet this place feels so cool to me! I can’t wait to go exploring!” “Flare, there’s a rebellion going on.” Wind Racer said. “I know!” I said. “Why would you walk around a place you never been to before while there’s a rebellion?” Wind Racer asked. “I can protect myself, Wind Racer.” I said. “Besides, I’m not interested in joining a stupid rebellion.” Just then, as I tried to walk around the bathyspod station to go exploring, my octolegs just suddenly change direction and I suddenly hit a bathyspod schedule chart right beside me. “HEY! I did not ask to go to this direction! Let’s… ugh… GO!” I tried to change direction of my legs to face the exit but instead, my octolegs begin to split and my flank grinding right against the schedule chart. “Ehh, just let me do a little sectional dance. Like the splits I do?” Just then, night club music played in the background as I was split-dancing against the chart. “I… I don’t think I could undo what I just saw.” Aqua said awkwardly. “Go ahead, Aqua! I’ll catch up with you later.” I insisted. “But Flare!” Wind Racer complained. ”Leave ‘em, sis. I got no time to argue with him.” Aqua said. “But you said it yourself, we have to stick together!” Wind Racer said. “And ya stickin’ with me, right? So c’mon. No time to waste.” Aqua said as he started walking, and Wind Racer followed him. I looked over, and saw them walking away, and I ran over to them. “Hey, wait for me!” I called out as I started running (weirdly) towards him. “Decided to join the party, Flare?” Aqua asked. “Well, it looks like this is the only path to take. I don’t see any other way out of that station.” I said. As I continued to follow Aqua and Wind Racer I kept mumbling to myself, “Uuuuh… normal pony. Alright… normal pony. Normal every day pony.” “What are ya talkin’ about?” Aqua asked. “I’m a normal pony. These octolegs don’t make me any different. I’m normal.” I said. Eventually, the three of us walked through a creepy corridor with picket signs laying on the ground saying ‘Hoofture is not safe’, ‘Foo on Lion Industries’, ‘He enslaves us all’, etc. “Looks like somepony was on strike.” Wind Racer said, looking on the signs. “My employees went on strike once. It didn’t last long though.” I said. A cutaway shows Lyra and Bonnie going on strike, chanting outside my shop yelling; “NO FAIR PAYMENTS! NO FAIR HOURS! NO FAIR PAYMENTS! NO FAIR HOURS!” I walk outside my shop and say, “What’s going on here?” “We’re tired of you underpaying us, and giving us unfair hours while you go out and have fun with your friends!” Bonnie yelled. “We will not take this anymore!” Lyra cried. “That’s too bad. I got these Hulk gloves for Lyra for being such a great worker, but oh well. I guess she doesn’t want them.” I said, carrying a couple of Hulk gloves. “GIMMIE!” Lyra cried, grabbing the gloves. “I love the payments you give me, Flare, and the hours! You’re the best boss ever!” “Thank you, sista!” I said. “Hulk gloves! They’re like hands, but they’re fists instead, and they make noise!” Lyra said, punching Bonnie in the face with one of the gloves as the glove makes a rawr sound. “Ow!” Bonnie yelled, holding her face. “I still think your hours and payments are unfair, bossman.” She said to me as Lyra punched her with the hulk gloves again. “I’ll make sure Lyra doesn’t punch you with those gloves anymore.” I promised. “Alright, I forgive you.” Bonnie said. The cutaway ends. “Do you even know where we’re exactly going, Aqua?” Wind Racer asked him. “Not really, but there should be a map somewhere that’ll tell us where to go.” Aqua said. “So come on down to Hoofture….” I started singing, but I stopped in the middle because I didn’t know what to sing next. “So come on down to Hoofture…. Uhh….. what should I say next?” “Don’t care. This is your song.” Wind Racer said. “I know, but I could use some help. I can give you credit for helping me making it! Maybe this song will be Flare Gun featuring Wind Racer! I can see it now!” I said. “Y-yeah, thanks, but no thanks.” Wind Racer said. ”You sure? We’ll be famous!” I insisted as I waved my octoarms. “I’m sure.” Wind Racer said. “Ok, so we’re here.” Aqua said pointing to a map display. “We’re in the map?” I asked. “No, our location is right there; Hoofture Central Station.” Aqua said. “We have to go through the Information Center to get to where we need to go. The Information Center has our entrance to Bass Barrel.” “Ok but it looks like there’s a Macy’s on the way there.” I pointed as I placed my tentacle on the map on where Macy’s is. “Could we stop there real quick so I could get little gloves for my tentacles?” “No time for that. We have to find Atbass and fast.” Aqua said. “So, how we gonna get there?” I asked as I tried to get the tentacle off the map but it was stuck. “What do you mean?” Aqua asked. “The door’s locked.” I said, pointing to metal airlock door (with my other tentacle) across the room with a broken switch next to it. “Oh…. well, I’m sure we can find something.” Aqua said. “I think we should try short-circuiting the door, maybe that’ll help.” I suggested. “Ok, but do any of you have any magic spells that can shoot circuit doors?” Wind Racer asked. “If that door weren’t such a solid metal I’d use my hornsaber or Shoop Da Whoop to break the door open.” I said. “Shoop shoop de whoop.” Wind Racer sang. “Nice!” I said. “So, any of ya got any ideas?” Aqua asked. “My pappi learned magic in a blink of an eye!” a voice that sounded like a filly’s said in the distance, as carnival music was heard while she was talking. “My pappi knows great magic, and he’s an earth pony! Can light a fire with a clop of his hoof, and shock his bullies just by winking at them! Are you as good as my pappi, mister? Not if you don’t visit the Organizing Orchard you aren’t! Smart pappi’s get spiced at the Orchard!” “There are fillies here too?” I asked. “I dunno, but it sounds like the voice is coming out of that machine right there.” Aqua said pointing to a machine with statues of fillies beside it, and there’s a sign on it that says ‘Organizing Orchard’ and there was a canister of some liquid inside the machine. “Would you please grab that magikid? Drink that stuff, and it’ll give you special powers. No matter if you’re a unicorn, an earth pony, a Pegasus, or even a seapony.” Atbass said from the radio. “I dunno about this, Aqua. You never drink anything you don’t know about.” Wind Racer reminded him. Just then, Aqua takes his hoof, and grabs the canister from the machine, and opens it. “Aqua? Aqua, what are you doing?” “Ya heard Atbass. I need to drink this stuff.” Aqua said. “Aqua, this isn’t like you! What’s going on?” Wind Racer asked. Aqua opens his mouth and drinks the liquid inside the canister. ”How’s it taste?” I asked. “Tastes like….. I dunno, it has a shockin’ taste.” Aqua said. “Don’t make puns, brah. That’s my department.” I said. “FLARE!” Wind Racer yelled. “WHAT?!” I yelled back. “Aqua just drank something that he doesn’t know what it is.” Wind Racer said. “I…. I feel kinda funny.” Aqua said as he held his head and started shaking weirdly. “I don’t see you laughing.” I said. “Aqua, are you okay?” Wind Racer asked. “I dunno…. I feel….. I feel….” Aqua started shaking around as lightning bolts started blazing out of his hooves. He started grunting like he just drank something poisonous. “Aqua?! AQUA?!” Wind Racer cried. “WHAT’S WRONG WITH YOU?!” Aqua kept gruntin, but his grunts got louder and louder, and he started holding his head with both of his front hooves, and he started walking towards the railing. “Keep still, mate. All first-time users of this stuff feel funny after they drink them. It’s the magic starting to flow inside you. Just relax, and everything will be fine!” Atbass said on the radio. But then Aqua leans on the railing, and he falls down a story, passing out on the floor down below. “AQUA!” Wind Racer and I both yelled as the excitement unsticks my tentacle from the map. “Oh hey look, I’m free!” I said excitedly. “Wow, for a first-time user, you handled it worse than the last tourist that came down to Hoofture.” Atbass said from the radio. ”What happened to the last tourist?” I asked. “Let’s just say, he has a pretty fragile nerve. Knocked over the Organizating Orchard machine, a light post, and threw a trash bin on the glass, and the ocean water started leaking in.” Atbass said. “Aqua, are you okay? AQUA?!” Wind Racer yelled at Aqua’s unconscious body. “You two should get out of there.” Atbass said. “I have word that a Big Pappi is heading towards your location.” “What’s a Big Pappi?” Wind Racer asked. “A pony in a big metal diver’s suit that protects Little Sissy’s. Trust me, you two should bail!” Atbass warned us. “I’m not leaving here without Aqua!” Wind Racer cried. Just then a couple of Spicers showed up and said, “Intruder alert! Intruder alert!” The robots started shooting at us with some sort of stun gun they have build on them. “Let’s bail.” I said. “What about Aqua!?” Wind Racer yelled. “He’ll be fine, we’ll come back for him!” I said. I grabbed Wind Racer’s hoof, and we ran back upstairs, but I had a bit of a problem and banged right into the wall before I was able to turn around. When I regained my direction, Wind Racer and I ran through a corridor until we stopped at another closed airlock. “It’s an airlock!” Wind Racer yelled. “I know what it is, dum dum!” I said, glaring at her. “We can’t just go into the open ocean, we’ll drown!” Wind Racer said. “Then let’s use those scoopa-diver suits that are hung on the wall right there.” I said, pointing to a couple of scoopa-diver suits. “Doesn’t seem that we have a choice, do we?” Wind Racer said, putting on a scoopa-diver suit. We had some trouble putting on the suits. The suit felt a bit too big for Wind Racer, and it felt too tight for me, but we didn’t have much of a choice. Had a lot of trouble putting on my helmet. I asked Wind Racer for help, and what she did was slam the helmet on my head. It hurt, but it was successful. Once we got the diver suits on, I opened the airlock, and we headed inside it. Meanwhile, back with Aqua, he was still past out on the floor. A giant diver’s suit beast starting stomping over to Aqua’s passed out body, and a little yellow filly started walking towards Aqua along side the beast. “Look, Mr. Poppers; a sleeping little devil! Maybe he has some tonsils in him!” the little filly said, but before she could do anything to Aqua, she backed away and said; “Wait a minute, he’s waking up! It’s alright, he’ll be asleep again soon.” The little filly started walking away and the metal beast followed her out. Aqua started to wake up and he rubbed his head. “Ugh! Feels like a tree crashed into me. What happened? Where’s Racer and Flare?” “Are you alright, mate? That was some fall you had.” Atbass said on the radio. “I’m fine.” Aqua said, rubbing his head. “Just have a little headache is all. Where did my friends go?” “I don’t know, mate. Don’t worry about them. We need YOU.” Atbass said. ”I dunno. Ya think ah should go without my sister and friend?” Aqua asked. “Would you please?” Atbass asked. ”Alright, sure.” Aqua nodded. “Use your new magic power to short-circuit the door.” Atbass said. “Huh? Oh, right.” Aqua said. “How do I work this?” “Wow, and you’re a unicorn! You’re the last type of pony I’d hear that from!” Atbass complained. “But the machine said other types of ponies can use these powers too.” Aqua said. “Just clop your hoof or move it straight forward, and… think about it I guess.” Atbass instructed him. “Ok….” Aqua said confusingly. Aqua tried stomping his hoof, but nothing happened. He tried moving his hoof forward, but nothing happened; he tried everything he could to try to work his new lightning power, but nothing’s working. Doing all those poses really tired Aqua out. He was panting and catching his breath, but while his tongue was out, it started glowing, and lightning came out of it, and it struck the switch near the door, and the door opened. “Wow. That was odd.” “Just walk on through, and find your way to Bass Barrel.” Atbass instructed him. “Ok.” Aqua said, walking inside the aquarium corridor. Meanwhile, out in the ocean, Wind Racer and I were swimming around, checking out Hoofture from the outside. We saw fish and seaponies swimming by. I even saw an octopus that looked like Octavia, but I didn’t really get why- OOOOOH, I get it! OCTavia! Ha ha ha ha! I get it! That’s funny! I didn’t understand seapony Lyra though. “AH, I got it! So come on down to Hoofture…” I started singing. “Spill some liquid on your arm! It will slowly corrode your genetical code, but its all part of the charrrrrrrm! That was good! The song’s improving!” ”So where are we exactly going?” Wind Racer asked. “We’re swimming around the ocean,” I said. “and I gotta say, these octolegs make it REALLY easy to swim! Makes up for my lack of walking expertise. “I know that, but where in Hoofture are we in?” Wind Racer asked. “I-D-K, where ever we go, we go.” I said. “Wouldn’t every destination be a journey?” “Or maybe every journey has a destination.” Wind Racer said. “Oh c’mon, Wind Racer! Make sense!” I advised her. “We still need to know what this rebellion is all about.” Wind Racer said. “You wanna know about the rebellion, huh?” a seapony asked. “I’M NORMAL!” I yelled at that seapony’s face. “These octolegs mean I’m normal!” “Of course it’s normal. You’re under the sea right now.” The seapony reminded me. “Yeah, we want to know about the rebellion. What do you know about?” Wind Racer asked. “Wind, it’s not polite to ask strangers about their personal business.” I reminded her. “My name is Carol Reef.” The seapony said. “Yeah, nopony asked for your name.” I reminded him. “The rebellion started, because the leader of this city, Tissue Lion, promised us many things, but it turned out he build this city for his own amusement; to enslave seapony kind.” Carol said. “Oh that’s terrible!” I said. “Wait! If Tissue Lion is an evil dictator and Aqua is on his way to him, that must mean there’s something fishy going on between this deal.” Wind Racer assumed. “That’s me, sorry.” Carol said. “No, not that kind of fishy. I think Aqua is going to run himself into a trap!” Wind Racer said. “Right! I should go swallow some safety items, just in case.” I said. “W-what?” Wind Racer looked at me very confusingly. “We should go warn Aqua!” I said. “Right! Let’s head back to the Bathyspod station and go tell him!” Wind Racer said. “Good idea, but I hope he’s awake.” I said. “I know this city fairly well, let me join you.” Carol insisted. “Sure!” Wind Racer said. “What? Don’t I have a say in this?” I asked her. So, the three of us began to swim back to the Bathyspod station to go warn Aqua of what he might run into. Meanwhile, Aqua made his way through the aquarium corridor until he reached some type of lobby. The lobby was leaking though. There was a tiny hole on the ceiling which is causing ocean water to come inside. “Since the resistance started, parts of Hoofture started leaking. Watch yourself.” Atbass warned him on the radio. “Thanks.” Aqua said. “The elevators should still work though, so you can get to the upper floors.” Atbass suggested. Aqua walks over to a glass elevator and pressed the button which caused the elevator to come down, the door opens and Aqua walks inside. The elevator goes up, and Aqua just stood in there as elevator music was playing. Once the elevator went up to the upper levels of the lobby, and he hears somepony singing ‘Hush little baby’. “Huh? Who’s singin' that?” Aqua asked himself as he looks over and sees a pony singing in a baby carriage. “You may think that’s a pony singing to her foal, but it’s not like that anymore. Magikids can change a pony, mentally and physically. This pony is paranoid now.” Atbass explained. “So what do I do?” Aqua asked. “Give her a slight shock. Once she’s stun, you can run pass by her, and try to get to the restaurant up ahead.” Atbass said. “Ooook.” Aqua said. “It’s not like ah have a choice.” So Aqua sticks out his tongue and it stuns the mare, and then Aqua runs by the mare, but before he runs into the restaurant, he runs by, and looks inside the foal carriage to sing what the pony was singing to. “Is that a One Direction soundtrack? Wow, that’s sad.” He said as he then runs inside the restaurant and catches his breath. “Yeah, you don’t have to sting them with your tongue.” Atbass advised him. “I tried all other ways, they didn’t work.” Aqua said. “Whatever. There’s more paranoid tourist ponies up ahead. So be careful.” Atbass warned him. “I read ya loud and clear, thanks.” Aqua said. The restaurant was filled with paranoid stallions and mares on the tables, banging their heads on the plates, and there was a stallion attacking the bartender with a napkin! Yeah, that’s how paranoid they are. Aqua just awkwardly walked right through, minding his own business, feeling pretty freaked out until he runs inside a bathroom, which was pretty clear in there. There was only one stallion inside the restroom, drinking sink water, and pouring some of the foam soap on his face, pretending he’s shaving. There was a big hole on the bathroom wall which led to another room. He looked out the window and saw a few paranoid seaponies outside that were whipping each other with seaweed. One of the seaponies fell on the ground, holding their noses in pain. Aqua was pretty scared because he thought he was going to be turning into one of them since he had a magikid before. He tried to calm is sanity just by ignoring it all, but he felt that he needed to be away from them. So he decided to look for an empty room so he can rest and make sure he doesn’t become insane. Meanwhile, Wind Racer and I walked back to where we left Aqua before, and we searched the whole area, but Aqua was nowhere to be found. “Where did Aqua go?” Wind Racer asked. “He must’ve woke up and went on.” I assumed. “But I have a better question. What is this contraption on my neck?” On my neck was one of those plastic six-pack rings. It got stuck there when we were still outside. “I hope he isn’t going over to Tissue Lion.” Wind Racer said. “Wait no, he said he was looking for this Atbass fella.” “How do you even know if ANY of these ponies can be trusted?” I asked. “I can hear you, you know.” Carol said, crawling next to me with a helmet on full of water. “You seem to be sane, Carol. How did you keep your sanity while most of these ponies became paranoid?” I asked. “I never trusted those magikids! They drive a pony insane!” Carol said. ”Shoop shoop de doop!” Wind Racer sang. “Will you quit singing that?” Carol asked. “I thought you seaponies liked that song?” Wind Racer asked. “We used to, but it got really annoying. I blog all the time, and every time I post pictures, all anypony says these days are ‘Shoop de doop’, like we’re from Generation 3 or something.” Carol said. “I know how it feels. You should’ve seen my marefriend Pinkie when she had a G3 face. I couldn’t sleep for days! I felt paranoid, and I never had a magikid yet!” I said. “C’mon! We have to look for Aqua!” Wind Racer said. “We’ve been here for 30 minutes and nopony sang ‘Under the Sea’ yet. I am disappointed.” I complained as we walked into the aquarium corridor. “Would it make you feel better if I sang it?” Carol asked. “No, I want somepony to sing the song without me asking.” I said. So the three of us continued walking down the corridors so we could look for Aqua. “Normal! I’m normal! NORMAL!” I yelled. “I’M NORMAL!” Meanwhile, Aqua made it to the Information Center, but before he was walking downstairs, he saw a little fill, putting a funnel type device on a past-out stallion’s mouth. “Uhh, Atbass?” Aqua said through the radio. “Yes, Aqua?” Atbass said. “What is that filly doin’ with that stallion?” Aqua asked cautiously. “You may think that’s a filly, but it’s actually not. She’s a Little Sissy now.” Atbass said. “A what?” Aqua asked. “A Little Sissy.” Atbass repeated. “She gathers pony tonsils.” “Uhhh, why?” Aqua asked. “Tonsils can be used as very useful resources to make sure the magikids stay working, and makes them tasty.” Atbass explained. “These Little Sissies keep the wheels of Hoofture turning. But…. Be careful if you go near them.” “I am almost afraid to say why.” Aqua said. “You’ll find out in a second.” Atbass said. Just then, a paranoid stallion starts sneaking over towards the Little Sissy as the Little Sissy was using the funnel-vacuum cleaner device she has to try to gather the tonsils from the past-out stallion. “Mr. Poppers, Mr. Poppers.” The Sissy starts singing. “Are you there? Are you there? I wanna get some tonsils, then go out for ice cream. Teddy bears…. Teddy bears.” The paranoid stallion was about to grab the Little Sissy, but then the Sissy starts screaming, and a giant diver-suited beast comes in, and tackles the paranoid stallion. The beast beats up the stallion, and stars float around the stallions head, and he passes out. The Little Sissy starts running away and the beast follows her out. “THAT’S the Big Pappi! The Sissy gathers tonsils, and the Pappi keeps her safe.” Atbass explained. “This is tense.” Aqua said. “I ain’t gettin’ near one of those beasts.” “As long as you stay away from the Little Sissies, you should be fine. The Big Pappi only bothers those who go near the Little Sissies.” Atbass said. “Well, don’t worry. Gettin’ near those sissies is the least of my concern.” Aqua said. “You seem calm.” Atbass pointed out. “I’m not one to bein’ excited.” Aqua said. “Even in situations like this?” Atbass asked. “I’ve seen more things to freak out than this. Ya being me would be the only way ya’d understand.” Aqua said as he walked down the stairs and walking towards an airlock. “You’ll need a diver’s suit to reach Bass Barrel. The only way through is through the water. The aquarium corridor got leaked out, so you’ll have to swim.” Atbass said. “Ehh, I ain’t afraid of no water.” Aqua said, trying to put on one of the diver suits near the airlock. Aqua opens the airlock and walks inside. Back with Carol Reef, Wind Racer, and I, we trot around the aquarium corridor, and I continue singing. “So you’re a paranoid freak of nature, but in time you’re gonna beeeeee, bzz bzz! So glad you came on down, to the best little town, at the bottom of the deep-blue sea!” “You’re improving on the song, Flare! I like your originality!” Wind Racer said. “Thanks!” I said as my tentacles and crazy walking style kept knocking over Just then, we see a couple of seaponies outside that are fighting over a coral dog, and then one of them picks up a giant rock and throws it at the seapony, but misses, and it hits the aquarium glass, causing it to leak. “SWEET LUNA!” Wind Racer yelled. ”Oh heeeeeeey! You said Luna!” I said excitedly. “Now I don’t have to change anything in the past! If I ever did though, I don’t remember.” “By the looks of how these seaponies are acting, Hoofture won’t last long by the looks of things.” Carol said. “Well, it’s a good thing I swallowed some water safety equipment just in case these leaks occurred.” I said. I start choking and I cough up a life jacket. “Here, Wind. You might need this.” “What do I need a life jacket for?” Wind Racer asked. “In any water leakage situation, you should always have a life jacket on.” I explained. “Y-yeah, I don’t think it works like that when we’re miles under the water.” Wind Racer said. “We won’t be able to make it to the Information Center from here. The water is leaking like crazy!” Carol said. “Quick! Get into the airlock that leads into the Medical Center.” Carol hops on my back and Wind starts running towards the airlock that leads into the city hospital. I dunno why Carol decided to go on my back the way I’m having difficult control with my tentacles, knocking everything over. “NORMAL! I’M NORMAL!” I cried as I accidently wacked a paranoid pony. “Hey! Watch where you’re going!” the paranoid pony complained. “Sorry! I’m normal!” I said. Meanwhile, when Aqua went inside his airlock, the lights went off and a projector screen went on, and it showed Tissue Lion on it. “Well, well, well! What do we have here?” Tissue Lion said to Aqua. “Are ya Tissue Lion?” Aqua asked. “I could be, or maybe I’m not. It depends. Who are you?! What are you doing here?!” Tissue asked. “I’m Aquatic Armor. Ya gave me a letter sayin’ I should come here, and split the finances with ya.” Aqua said. “WHAT?! I did no such thing! This is a plot I tell you! Or…. Maybe you’re lying to me! You want my riches! Well, you greedy son of a gun, I won’t stand by to see you mess things up for me! This is my city! I chose the impossible! You should turn back while you still have a chance.” Tissue said. Then the projector screen turned off, and the airlock opened, and water poured inside. “Now you seen the one responsible for all this. Tissue Lion…. He runs Hoofture with an iron hoof! This is why we need you in the resistance. We have to take down Tissue Lion!” Atbass said on the radio. “Well…. If ya say so.” Aqua said. “I know so, Aqua. Now, head over to Bass Barrel. Should be just straight ahead. Meet us there.” Atbass said. “Ok.” Aqua swam through the sea, seeing seaponies doing weird stuff, some are violent, and some are just….. plain creepy, and he was on his way to Bass Barrel. Meanwhile, Wind Racer, Carol, and I made it to the hospital. “Alright, so what do we need to do, Carol?” Wind Racer asked. “Get to the bathyspod room. We can take a shortcut to Bass Barrel from Park Place.” Carol said. “Oh great! Now we’re playing Monopoly.” I complained. “Wait…. You hear that?” Wind Racer asked, hearing a stomping noise from the distance. “Big Pappi! We need to hide!” Carol said. “Where is there to hide?” I asked. “Behind the reception desk!” Wind Racer pointed. So we hid behind the reception desk of the hospital lobby. “Ooook if I could juuuuuust get up here! Ebbeh Debbeh!” I struggled to get behind the desk. “EBBEH DEBBEH! GAAAAAAH!” After all the trouble I went through, Wind Racer just pulled me back there behind the desk along with her and Carol right before the Little Sissy come inside along with her Big Pappi guardian, and the Little Sissy walks over to a past-out stallion near a Carnival of Values machine and uses her vacuum to get his tonsils out. “Oh! I got more of the song!” I said, and then I started singing; “Aquatic nightmare drones, are known to freely roam, with little sissies that require their help!” “FLARE! Shhh!” Wind Racer shushed me, but I continued singing. “I mean to tell you plainly missy, if that thing there was my sissy, I believe I would drown myself! Mraaaawwwwah!” I sang. “Mr. Poppers, I think I hear devils singing!” the Little Sissy said. “Mr. Poppers? Like Mr. Poppers penguins?” I asked, elbowing Wind Racer. Wind Racer just facehooved herself and shook her head. Meanwhile back with Aqua, he swam over to Bass Barrel and opened the airlock. He walked inside, tried to avoid any paranoid ponies, or Little Sissies along the way. “Ok, Atbass; I’m in.” Aqua said on the radio. “Perfect! You have to get to the Snuggling Hideout. You’ll meet us there.” Atbass instructed him. ”And where is this Smuggin’ Hideout?” Aqua asked. “Just look for the freezer section of Bass Barrel, and go through the tunnels.” Atbass said. “Sounds good. I’ll meet ya there.” Aqua said. “I got a suggestion for you. If you see any of Lion’s robots anywhere, just shock them with your lightning, and they’ll be stunned for a few seconds. Should give you a chance to run by.” Atbass suggested. “Understood, mate.” Aqua nodded. Aqua made his way through Bass Barrel, nearly running into trouble with a Big Pappi, and he found his way into the freezer section. Lots of frozen leakage was all over the place, and the room was pretty slippery for him. Aqua slipped, fell down some stairs, and made his way to another part of the freezer where there was a hole in the wall. Aqua thought this might’ve been the hole that led into the Smuggling Hideout where the Resistance are held. “I wonder if Flare and Racer are doin’ alright.” He said to himself. Just then, I was facing one of Lion’s security cameras, putting my face really close to it and shouted, “Hello? Hello?” I knocked on the camera lends. “Can you hear me? Hello? I wanna hear some polka music. You got any polka music?” The camera went staticy, and it went back with me chanting; “POLKA, POLKA, POLKA!” Then I went into a Spanish accent. “Rico-soave! Don’t hate me because I’m beautiful.” Then I started begging. “PLEASE PLAY SOME POLKA MUSIC! PLEEEEEASE?! I WANNA HEAR POLKA MUSIC!” Then I started crying, and after the camera went staticy again, I said; “Hi, remember me? I wanna hear some POLKA MUSIC! Well…. If you can’t play some polka music, umm…. Play something by Queen. Oh yeah! I got it! Play Queen…. Doing some Polka music! That’s what I wanna hear! Play it! PLAY IT!” “FLARE! Will you calm down!” Wind Racer yelled. I faced away from the camera and said, “Sorry, Racer, but I couldn’t help it. These cameras are all looking at us and I had to do something entertaining.” I said as I waved my tentacles around and accidently whipped Racer in the lower-back. “HEY!” Racer yelled as her face turned red. “Sorry ‘bout that. These tentacles are everywhere. Shmack.” I said as I smacked Carol in the flank. “HEY!” Carol cried. “It’s ok if I do it to a stallion.” I said. “I’M A GIRL!” Carol yelled. “Oh woops.” I blushed in embarrassment. “Isn’t Carl a boy’s name?” “It’s Carol, not Carl!” Carol corrected me. “Really? They both sound alike to me.” I said. “Wow, look at all these slot machines around this place.” Wind Racer observed the area we were in. “I promised myself I wouldn’t go near a casino again.” “This place is Fort Trotlic. Full of shops, clubs, shows, bars, you name it!” Carol explained. “If I can name it, is there a crazy psycho-path, artist that looks into too much of his work too seriously?” I asked. “Actually….” Carol started. “Well, hello there, little moths!” a voice from the background said. “My name is Stone Note, and it is a pleasure seeing some new bright and shinny faces around here!” “Excuse me?” Wind Racer said, feeling confused on what is going on. “It’s Stone Note!” Carol said. “We should get outta here!” “Not so fast!” Stone Note said as the doors leading to the exit close shut. “We’re trapped! We’re gonna be pasted statues for sure!” Carol panicked. “Now, now, I won’t turn you into pasted statues.” Stone Note said. “See? He’s not gonna turn us into pasted statues! We’re all good!” I said. “IF you do me one favor.” Stone Note added. “Oh you see? We always get tricked by that IF.” I complained. Back with Aqua, he was walking inside the smuggling tunnels, using his lightning to disable any of Lion’s machinery along the way, and once he reached the rebel outpost, nopony was there. “Uhhh….” Aqua was very confused. “Aquatic! Come in Aquatic! Do you read?” Atbass said on the radio. “Aquatic here, where are ya mates?” Aqua asked. “Plans changed. Lion’s bots found us! We’re moving on. We have to capture Tissue Lion. We’re heading over there now. Would you please catch up with us as quickly as possible?” Atbass said. “Understood.” Aqua nodded. “Not so fast.” Tissue Lion said on the radio. “You seem like a fascinating pony, but I will not allow you to join Atbass and his little resistance. They’re not as they seem.” “All I know is, ya treat Hoofture like it’s ya little dollhouse, and we’re gonna end this.” Aqua said. “Not today. I build Hoofture to choose the impossible, and Atbass will not stand in my way. So…. Would you please stay still, and allow my bots to capture you?” Lion asked. “O….ok.” Aqua agreed as he lowered his guard. A few of Lion’s bots came by, and surrounded Aqua. They knocked him out and took him over to Lion’s office. Back with Wind Racer, Carol, and I over at Fort Trotlic, I just finished up hanging some pictures on the wall on the stage. “There. We took some pictures of some passed out ponies and a couple of Big Pappis doing a few dances. Can we go now?” I asked. “It’s…. beautiful!” Stone Note commented about the pictures. “Glad you like it. We have places to be, you know.” I complained. “What’s that? Oh you don’t like it don’t you? I don’t need to be judged by you!” Stone Note angrily said. “We could care less about your art! We have to find our friend and warn him what he’s up against!” I yelled as I smack Carol on her behind again. “Shmack!” “Quit doing that!” Carol complained. “It’s not polite! I’ll sue ya!” “I can’t control these tentacles.” I said, giving her a false excuse. “FORGET YOU! FORGET ALL YOU DOUBTERS! HERE’S WHAT I SAY TO ALL OF YOU!” Stone Note yelled in rage. “Now you done it, Flare.” Wind Racer glared at me and said. “What? Freedom of speech is against the law here in Hoofture?” I asked. Just then, Waltz of the Flowers started playing in the room and Stone yelled; “Fly away little moths! FLY!” Just then, lots of paranoid ponies bursted into the room, and started attacking us. Wind Racer, Carol, and I had to defend ourselves against the incoming horde of ponies. We fought them, had some trouble, but we managed. Back with Aqua, he wakes up, all tied up on a chair in Tissue Lion’s office and he starts moaning, “Ugh! Oh, where am I?” “Ah, my friend! You are awake! I’ve been expecting you!” Tissue Lion said, using his mini-golf course in his office. "Tissue Lion?" Aqua asked. "Yes, Aqua." Tissue said. "Tell me, Aqua.... what is the difference between a pony and a slave?" "Uhh.... I don't follow." Aqua said. "Is one superior than the other? One have more dignity? No.... a pony chooses...... a slave obeys." Tissue said. Aqua just sat there, tilting his head in confusion. "You don't need those anymore." he said, as one of his robots untied Aqua. "I bet you know of a familiar sounding phrase..... 'Would you please?'" "Would you please?" Aqua repeated. "I'm sure you heard it before, by many ponies." Tissue said. Aqua started thinking and something popped in his head. He did hear the phrase 'would you please' many times in his life, by many ponies he knows, including me because I said it to him in the beginning of the chapter. That's the only reason he let me go with him; that's the only reason he listened to Atbass in the first place! "SIT, would you please?" Tissue demanded to Aqua, and Aqua sat down. "Stand, would you please?" he said, and Aqua did as he said. "Run.... stop..... turn....." Aqua did as he asked. "I think I know what's goin on here! Stop controlling me!" Aqua yelled for the very first time in forever. Ok, I think he yelled before, but just barely. "A stallion chooses..... a slave obeys." Tissue said. Aqua started getting very nervous. Back with Wind Racer, Carol, and I, we just finished facing off the attacking paranoid ponies as the waltz song in the background ended. "I am terribly sorry about that." Stone Spark said. "An artist has a temper when it comes to his work." "Yeah, well.... tell that to the Fimfiction.” I complained. "I understand, but let me get a good look at my prizes." Stone said. A drumroll started playing in the background, and searchlights faced the door on top of the stairs. The doors slammed open and water started bursting in. Wind Racer and I quickly placed our helmets back on our heads, even though I prefer flank, and after the room was flooded, a gray seapony with shades on and he looked like some sort of artist started swimming down the stairs. Applause from an audience was heard in the background, even though there wasn't any audience around. Everything in this town looks post-World Party II era, so I didn’t think a pre-recorded applause machine was contained in this place. "It's beautiful!" Stone Spark said as fireworks started booming around him as he swam down the stairs. "How do fireworks work under water?” Wind Racer commented. "Thank you for helping me complete my collection!" Stone said. "No problemo, brah! Now can you open the bathypods that leads to Park Place?" Wind Racer asked. "But of course, young filly! Please, come back anytime!" Stone suggested. "Of course we’ll come back! No problem! I love attacking paranoid ponies and running errends from a fool who doesn’t take criticism.” I said sarcastically. “Nice sarcasm.” Wind Racer whispered to me. “That was sarcasum? I thought I was just joking?” I whispered back. "Hey, at least he didn't turn us into paste statues." Carol said as the three of us began to swam away, but on the way out of Fort Trollic, we find some device of some sort with a giant sign that says ‘I-Invent’ on top of it. “Hey, look!” Carol pointed to the machine. “What is that?” I asked. “It’s an I-Invent machine. You can use it to scramble items together, and it can make something pretty useful for the road ahead.” Carol explained. “I didn’t think there were roads in the ocean.” I said. “Perfect! We can make some sort of weapon so we can defend ourselves easier.” Wind Racer suggested, swimming over to the machine. “You go ahead, I have my magic to keep me safe.” I said as I tapped on my horn. As Wind Racer used the junk she collected when she was around Hoofture, she put them in the machine and started to make something. Meanwhile, I continued to add to my song, “Try out the I-Invent, it doesn’t cost a cent! You’re gonna love to mix and match! Just steal some glue from evil red pony, and a screw from smelly fat pony, and you… made some junk from scratch!” “Got it! I made some sort of crossbow.” Wind Racer said. “A crossbow out of screws, glues, and some broken coffee table debris?” I asked. Wind Racer aimed the crossbow at Stone Note and shot him with it. “It works!” “Wind?! Why did you do that?!” I yelled. “Relax! It uses tranquilizer darts. He’ll be up on his hooves in no time.” Wind Racer said. I had the feeling she was just saying that because I don’t allow death in this story, but she actually said that to me. Whether she was serious or not is something I have no clue about. “I hope you knew what you were doing when you made that thing, Wind Racer.” Carol hoped as the three of us went into the bathyspod in the bathyspod chamber. Wind Racer looked at the controls and then found out, "Wait! This pod can take us to Lion Industries! We can go straight to him!" Wind Racer suggested. "Hopefully it's not too late." I said. So we took the bathyspod all the way over to the capital of the city. Meanwhile, back in Lion’s office, Lion wanted to give Aqua a test. “Now Aqua, I will give you a test.” Tissue said, giving him a piece of paper. “Prove that you are a pony and not a slave, and sign this contract!” “What is it?” Aqua asked. “You’ll be in complete control of this city.” Tissue said. “What? But…. I don’t want to.” Aqua said. “Then prove that you won’t. Prove that you can stand-up to your masters, and be free!” Tissue said. “Now….. would you please sign this contract?” Aqua started struggling not to sign that contract, but he gets triggered by that phrase. He grabs the pen, but he tries his best not to sign it. Tissue just stands there and waits to see if Aqua can stand up to him. Meanwhile at Park Place, Atbass and his fellow troops started marching on to Tissue Industries which was just behind an airlock door. Park Place was one of the places in the city that has living plants. These plants are the only ways to keep the surface ponies alive if they’re down here. “Onward, troops! We must bring an end to this, and take over Hoofture, and bring freedom!” Atbass cried as the soldiers started chanting and started marching over to the airlock. Carol, Wind Racer, and I were peeking over at them. “So, Aqua’s not with them.” I said. “Are we too early, or too late?” Wind Racer asked. “I don’t know, but we should keep a low profile, and see if Aqua joins the group.” Carol said. “So you’re stuck awhile in Hoofture, and politically it’s…. tense!” I sang. “Libertarians scream, it’s a horrid movie dream, and brah I mean soakin; I’m not even jokin don’t you know, the locals love the lifestyle, and watch ‘em scale the walls with gleeeeeee, so glad you came on down to the best little town at the bottom of the deep blue sea!” As I sang, we followed the resistance all the way to Lion Industries. Back with Aqua and Tissue, Aqua was still struggling to not sign the contract, but Tissue wasn’t being fair, and he pressured him. “What would your parents think, Aqua? What would your father think of his own son wouldn’t continue his timeshare?” Tissue asked. “Ya right, Tissue.” Aqua said as he signed the contract without hesitation. “You…. You signed it.” Tissue said in shock. “HA! You’re such a fool, Aquatic Armor!” “Oh shoot.” Aqua said, knowing he did something wrong. “You fell for my little trick Aqua! Now you’re in control of this city!” Tissue said. “That’s no trick, I knew that!” Aqua said. “Yeah, but what you don’t know is that this city never belonged to your family!” Tissue said. “What?” Aqua asked. “Yeah, I just needed a fool to replace me as the leader of this city, and you know what? You’re that fool that fit the bill! A pony that doesn’t even know his own family and thinks his family actually owns a city like this; even though they lived in a modern-time village, not knowing of this technology!” Tissue said. “Then where did this ‘Would you please’ thing come from?” Aqua asked. “Your village was a slave village. They had to respond to that phrase in order to take orders. Your village folk were those type of folk that couldn’t take kindly to orders, so we need to improvise!” Tissue said. “I… can’t believe I fell for that.” Aqua said upsettingly. “What about my sister?” “I… didn’t know you had a sister. Our records indicated you were an only child.” Tissue said. “So… Wind Racer is safe then. She’s not a slave. Perhaps that’s why my parent’s hid her from the authorities when they came by. It’s all comin’ back to me now.” Aqua said. “HA! Now that you’re in charge, the resistance will be after you now, and not me! I’m free, and there’s nothing you can do to stop me!” Tissue taunted at him. “Maybe not, but why would ya do this?” Aqua asked. “Ya throwin’ ya creativity and lifestyle away for something new. It seems like an idiotic thing if ya ask me. No offense though.” “But Aqua, don’t you know how tough and exhausting it is to build a city like this?” Tissue asked as he grabbed Aqua’s armor and yelled to his face, “DO YOU KNOW WHAT IT’S LIKE…. TO RUN THE SAME CITY FOR 5 DECADES?!” Tissue calmly let go of Aqua and said, “I didn’t want to be a city leader anyway. I wanted to be a lumberjack. Leaping from tree to tree as they float down the mighty rivers of Everfree Forest! The giant redwood, the larch, the fir, the mighty scots pine!” Just then, Tissue walks over to an area of the room with pine trees in the background, and he takes off his coat revealing a lumberjack shirt, and a choir was playing in the background. “The smell of fresh-cut timber! The crash of mighty trees! With my best girlie by my side!” A filly with blonde curly hair that looks like a southwestern girl shows up, and Tissue puts his arm around her. “We’d sing…. Sing…. Sing!” “I’m a lumberjack and I’m ok; I sleep all night, I work all day!” Tissue sang. “He’s a lumberjack and he’s ok; he sleeps all night, and he works all day!” the park ranger choir sang. “I cut down trees, I eat my lunch, I go to the lava-tree.” Tissue sang. “On Wednesdays I go shopping, and have buttered scones for tea!” “He cuts down trees, he eats his lunch, he goes to the lava-tree!” the park ranger choir sang. “On Wednesdays he goes shopping; and have buttered scones for tea! He’s a lumberjack and he’s ok; he sleeps all night and he works all day!” “I cut down trees, I skip and jump, I like to press wild flowers!” Tissue sang. “I put on filly’s clothing, and hang around in bars!” The mare next to him starts getting a little unconfused of why he sang that last part. “He cuts down trees, he skips and jumps, he likes to press wild flowers!” the park rangers sang. “He puts on filly’s clothing, and hang… around in bars?” the mounties all look at eachother with weird looks, and then they sang normally, “He’s a lumberjack and he’s ok; he sleeps all night, and he works all day!” “I cut down trees, I wear high heels, suspenders and a bra!” Tissue sang as the girl next to him starts crying. “I wish I’d been all girlie, just like my dear mama!” “He cuts down trees, he wears high heels, suspenders and a… bra?” the choir just glares at Tissue with disgusting looks, and they walk away. “I wish I’d been all girlie, just like my deeeeeaaaar mamaaaaaaa!” Tissue concluded the song. The girl continues crying and says, “OH, TISSUE; AND I THOUGHT YOU WERE SO RUGGED!” She runs away crying and Tissue just has a confused look on his face thinking what everypony’s problem was. Aqua was freaking out; he was really scared. Carol, Wind Racer, and I continued to follow the resistance until we finally we nearly reached Tissue Lion’s office. When the resistance stopped to take a break, we decided to go on ahead of them. We finally reached Tissue Lion’s office and Wind knocked on the door. Aqua got scared and took the coat rack in his office and held it near the door to defend himself. Tissue Lion wasn’t in the room anymore though either; he escaped. “Who’s there? Please begone. Tissue Lion has left the building.” Aqua said nervously. “You said it wrong.” I said from the other side. “You’re supposed to say that with enthusiasm – TISSUE LION HAS LEFT THE BUILDING! HA-HAAA!” “Aqua?” Wind Racer said from the other side. “Wind Racer?” Aqua said, lowering the coat rack. Aqua opened the door and saw us. “Wind Racer!” Aqua gave Wind a big hug in relief. “And Flare, how about me? Where’s my hug?” I asked. “I feel so relieved that ya here!” Aqua said in relief. “We’re here, you ol bastage! What’s wrong?” Wind Racer asked. “It was true, this was all a trick. This city does not belong to our family. Tissue Lion used me to free himself from hard work, and the resistance.” Aqua explained. “That’s terrible!” Carol yelled. “Uhh, who’s that?” Aqua asked. “That’s Carol, one of the only sane seaponies left.” I said. “Carol meet our friend Aqua!” “Pleasure to meet you!” Carol said, holding his fin out. “Likewise!” Aqua said, shaking her fin. “Also I’m not that sane. I’m afraid of shadows.” Carol said. “I guess we’re not taking her with us on Shadow Hooves’ boat ride.” I whispered to Wind Racer. “How did this happen, Aqua?” Wind Racer asked. “I found out I was a slave.” Aqua said. “Hey, you’re not the only slave around here, brah!” I said. “I’m a slave to my XBUCKS!” A cutaway shows me cleaning up a toilet in my house, and as I was tired, my XBUCKS game console went inside and whipped me. “BACK TO WORK!” my XBUCKS demanded. “Yes, master.” I said, continuing to clean the toilet. The cutaway ends. “This is different. I’m forced to do whatever anypony says if they say the words ‘Would ya please’?” Aqua said. “Seriously?” Wind Racer asked. “It’s true, sis.” Aqua said, then Aqua just looked at me. “What?” I asked. “I thought ya were gonna say that phrase to me, and make me do whatever ya say?” Aqua asked. “Look, I make jokes all the time, but I ain’t forcing you to do anything! That’s just wrong!” I said. “Oh… ok.” Aqua said. “Would you please pick your nose?” I asked, giving him a mischievous look. Aqua did so. “Now would you please jump up and down in one foot yelling ‘I EAT PSYCHE’S BOXERS FOR BREAKFAST!’” Aqua did so. “FLARE STOP IT!” Wind Racer yelled. “LAWL! Alright, fine. Would you please stop, Aqua?” I asked while chuckling and Aqua stopped. ”Don’t do that!” Aqua complained. “I’m sorry, brah!” I laughed. “But THAT was totally worth it!” “Wait… how are you a slave, Aqua?” Wind Racer asked. “Our village was a slave village. We were all slaves to the high authorities. I don’t know why though. There’s little I remembered before we left our village. I remembered our families, all the good times we had, but I forgot all about the authorities.” Aqua explained. “Am I a slave too?” Wind Racer asked. “No, ya were hidden from the authorities when ya were younger. Ya are safe, sis.” Aqua said. “But wait… I didn’t remember anything because I was young, but how did you forget?” Wind Racer asked. “I don’t know.” Aqua said. “But I have a hunch that the ‘would ya please’ quote was used to our advantage. I don’t know for sure though, but that is my highest theory.” “Where is Tissue Lion anyway?” Carol asked. “He fled. He used his private bathyspod to return to the surface.” Aqua said. “GREAT! What are we gonna do now?” Wind Racer asked. “I dunno. The only thing we can do is stop the resistance. I’m doomed, there’s nothing I can do, sis. I’m sorry.” Aqua said. “We’ll find a way out of this, Aqua, I promise!” Wind Racer said. “If any of ya got a plan…” Aqua started. I was about to say something, but Aqua stopped me. “A SERIOUS plan, no jokes… to help find me a way out of this, then go right ahead.” “Just rip up the contract you signed, duh!” I suggested. ”I tried, but this contract is completely indestructible.” Aqua said, holding the contract. “I tried rippin’ it, drillin’ it, firin’ it at, even made it listen to a One Direction song (I dunno why I took it from that foal carriage), but nothin’ happened.” I then suddenly tried using my hornsaber, my laser blast, my rail-blast, and my SHOOP to try to tear up the contract, but it was still in one piece. “I tried tellin ya, Flare.” “WE GOTTA GET YOU OUTTA HERE, AQUA! I mean, it’s cool that you run a city now and all, but you’re needed back home in Ponyville!” I yelled. “What else am I supposed to do though?” Aqua asked. “Guys, I think I found something.” Carol said, looking at the contract. “Please, tell me it’s a way out of it.” Aqua begged. “If another pony signs this contract, they’ll be the ones to run the city instead of you.” Carol said. “Oh if only Tissue Lion were here.” Aqua said. “More like Tissue Lyin!” I said, rolling my eyes. “And I’m not just making a pun, it’s what he is. Thought it was a clever name for him.” ”How about Atbass?” Wind Racer suggested. “What about him?” Aqua asked. ”HE’S the one that kinda got you in this mess in the first place! I say he should be the one to sign it.” Wind Racer suggested. Aqua smiled. “Wind Racer, ya are a genius! Go capture Atbass and get him to sign this contract!” “I don’t think we’ll have a problem finding him.” I said, looking out the window, and seeing Atbass’s resistance coming this way. “Crud! It’s the resistance!” Carol said. “Wait… didn’t Atbass say he wanted to take over this city?” Wind Racer asked. “And there’s this Atbass Joe, right on your radio, and he’ll give you helpful hints and such.” I sang. “I bet you’ll do his biding with a tease, if he utters ‘Would you please’, and OOOOOH I said too much!” “Flare, now is not the time to work on ya song. My life is at stake here.” Aqua reminded me. “I hope that stake is medium rare.” I teased. He sighs and shakes his head. “Alright, alright! I think I got an idea.” I said. Just then, the resistance kicked office door opened, and bursted inside. Just then, I tied Atbass all up with my tentacles and squeezed him tight. “DON’T MOVE, OR YOUR LEADER GETS IT!” I yelled at his troops. “WHAT THE BLOODY H IS GOING ON?!” Atbass yelled. “You wanna take over this city, right?” I asked. “Of course I do, you fool!” Atbass yelled. “Well, all you have to do is sign this contract.” I said. “Yeah, right. I know all about these contracts. Lion’s contracts always have a trickery in them.” Atbass said. “Tissue Lion isn’t here anymore, Atbass. I’m in charge now.” Aqua said. “GOOD! I guess we’re thirsting for your blood, mate!” Atbass yelled. “Atbass, would you please tell us the truth?” I asked. “No! You know the phrase! I…. I must obey!” Atbass said. “Wait, what?” Aqua asked. “How did ya know that phrase would work on him, Flare?” ”To be honest, it was just a guess. So this dude comes from your village Aqua. He’s a slave too!” I said. “So he is.” Aqua said. “My name isn’t Atbass, my name is Ray Promenade.” Atbass said. “Just like in Bioshock. All these events remind me of Bioshock.” I said, rolling my eyes. “It’s not just a coincidence.” “Look…. Lion Industries and Promenade Corp used to work together, until changes happened when the magikids started effecting the citizens of this town.” Ray said. “Just then, I knew Lion did a terrible job running this town, and I knew he enslaved all! So I changed my name and I wanted to take over!” “Bro, there’s always somepony out there to trick you, but our moral is, you can’t always trust a pony, even if their family crest is on it.” I said. “If you just did your research and trust your friends to help you get out of a situation, then it’s no problem to ask. No need to fight, just talk it out.” “Wow, there’s a friendship lesson in all this? Never realized that.” Carol said. “I get your point.” Ray said. “Tissue didn’t want to be leader anymore anyway. I don’t think Tissue thought you just wanted his city; I think he thought you were gonna kill him.” Wind Racer said. “We didn’t.” Ray said. “We just wanted to teach him a lesson, and take over the city ourselves.” “Then do so.” Aqua said, giving Ray the contract. “Just sign this contract, and the city is yours. Just make sure you’re fair.” “Thank you, Aqua.” Ray said, signing the contract. “Now everypony is happy!” Carol said. Just then, Ray started to chuckle weirdly. “Uhh, are you alright, Ray?” Wind Racer asked. “I’ve never been better!” Ray said with a mischievous look. “Oh what now?” I complained, face-tentacling myself. “HA! Now I tricked you! Tissue Lion wasn’t being unfair! I just said that so I can take over the city myself! I’M THE ONE WHO MADE THE MAGIKIDS IN THE FIRST PLACE!” Ray said. “Oooooh, didn’t see that coming.” I said. “Now Hoofture is mine, and every one of you will now do what I say! Because nopony is signing any contract!” Ray laughed evilly, putting the contract inside a safe, and throwing it out in the open sea, and it drops into an ocean geyser. “Now I will be in charge forever!” “I seriously don’t have time for this.” I said with an annoyed tone, taking out a Little Sissy from inside my vest and all the resistance members gasped. “Is that a Little Sissy with ya, Flare?” Aqua asked in surprise. “HOW DID YOU GET ONE?!” Carol yelled. “I just asked if she wanted some tonsils, and she came with me. I took her when her Big Pappi wasn’t looking.” I explained. “What’s one Little Sissy gonna do?” Ray asked. “Oh, I don’t have one Little Sissy.” I said, taking another one out of my vest pocket. “I have TWO!” Everypony gasped again. “You sissyies know the plan! Rip his tonsils out!” I released the Little Sissys and they ran over to Ray. “GET OFF OF ME YOU LITTLE BRATS!” Ray yelled throwing the Little Sissies across the room. They started crying and Ray just laughed. “You thought two Little Sissyies were gonna stop me? HA! You’re so clueless!” ”Oh, I’m not the clueless one! You are!” I said giving him a mischievous look. “What do you mean?” Ray asked. Just then, we all heard loud footsteps coming from the distance. TWO Big Pappis rushed into the room, and charged over at Ray, and they were about to beat him up. “I guess I really should’ve seen this coming.” Yeah, wish I had a bit every time I heard that! “Uhh, Big Pappis? Mind if I make a suggestion?” I asked. Both of the Big Pappis looked at me and I explained what they should do; instead of beating up Ray, they should just guard him, and keep watch over him, making sure he does his city duty fairly. From that point forward, Ray wasn’t a dictator; he was a true and fair leader, as long as the Big Pappis were around, and Carol was the one to watch over him, saying ‘Would you please’, so he would do whatever she says. After that, we came to an agreement. We destroyed all the magikids, all the paranoid ponies in the city returned to normal, and we freed the Little Sissies. The Big Pappis now are the ones to police the city, as well as Tissue Lion’s old robots, and everything was perfect. “Phew! Thank ya. Thank ya both.” Aqua said to Wind Racer and I. “Hey don’t mind me, Aqua! Just a normal pony, grinding on this trash bin.” I said as my tentacles all split as I started grind-dancing towards a trash bin as nightclub music played in the background for that particular moment. “Hey, we couldn’t just sit there and watch you rot, bro. You’re not up to running a city anyway.” Wind Racer said and chuckled. “I know I wasn’t.” Aqua said. “Now there’s one thing left to do.” I said. “And what is that, Flare?” Aqua asked. ”Would you please…” I began. “OH NO! Flare, don’t!” Wind Racer yelled. “Let me finish, Wind.” I instructed her as I then looked at Aqua. “Would you please be free from the phrase ‘would you please’?” “Ok.” Aqua said. ”Now to test it out. Would you please get stomped on by a Big Pappi?” I asked. “FLARE!?” Wind Racer yelled. “No, I won’t get stomped on by a Big Pappi.” Aqua said, smiling and shaking his head. ”Well what to do you know! You freed him, Flare!” Wind Racer said excitedly. “It was as simple as that!” I said. “Aquatic Armor? Wind Racer? Flare Gun? Your bathyspod is ready to take you back home!” Carol said. “That’s good! I’m kinda gonna miss this place.” Aqua said. “Feel free to visit anytime! We’ll help any of you in your time of need!” Carol insisted. “I better get that song done! I’m gonna make that song, and post it on YouTube!” I said. So I concluded the song as we went into our Bathyspod, but I missed the pod and I fell right next to it and my tentacles get stuck on the motor-blades and they get all tangled up. I just concluded the song there as the bathyspod activates and floats to the surface, tilting sideways. “So, you get a bit of story; and a horrid… beating… SPREEEE; BOOM! So glad you came on down to the best little town, you try and not to drown in this creepy town, it really takes the crown though it’s the only town, at the bottom of the deep blue sea- Forget SHOOP SHOOP DE DOOP, it’s the best little town…. At the bottom of the deep blue- Somewhere beyond the sea, they spell it H-O-O-F-T-U-R-E!” After that, we returned home to Ponyville. Ok that was a pretty difficult challenge for me; even more difficult than the last FiE Challenge. I hope next time I don’t have another challenge that affects my walking.