Forgotten Tests of The Foundation - The Adventures of Theo Mccoy

by DerpinDirty

Forgotten Tests of The Foundation - Theo Mccoy and The Portal

It was a sunny summer day at site 0 of The S.C.P. Foundation. It was quite beautiful despite what had happened a year ago. It was yet another test to get near that infernal guardian to the portal. Damn idiots spending more of the budget and letting others get obliterated in the name of science. Sick if you ask me. The Class - A assholes leading the quest for knowledge had led to S.C.P.-073 having to be sent out there.
Apparently even he had failed to reach the portal. None of us lower Class - C scientists ever figured out what happened to him. There was no trace of any reports or files on the experiment. I mean, I'm sure there were, but we were Class - C. We didn't get info.

That's not the worst part either. There was a message being broadcast over the intercom and the alarm sounding. something about S.C.P.'s breaking out and something about two people. I couldn't remember. Of course, like the experiment involving 073, we got no info regarding the incident. We did however get a time stamp provided on the message. We know nothing else.
That time stamp is why today is annoying. What I mean by that is half the staff is preparing to watch the end of the world while the others prepare to die and come to terms. I mean seriously, what could happen on today of all days?

I just had to open my mouth, didn't I.

All of a sudden, alarms rung and a message on the intercom played:


ATTN: All Foundation Personnel.

The following message was received at approximately 0800 this morning from Site 0.

SCP-001 has left its location. The Gate is Open. They are riding forth.
Oh God, it's so beautiful…


Because of this event's confluence with the recent breach of SCP-995, the opening of SCP-616, and the activation of SCP-098, the Foundation is required to immediately begin preparations for an XK-class end-of-the-world scenario. SCP-076 and SCP-073 are to be secured immediately.
All personnel are to unlock and decode Emergency Order Patmos-Omega, and follow all orders within. Site 19 is to be secured, and all nonessential SCPs and personnel terminated and/or destroyed. Repeat, because of this event's confluence with the recent breach of SCP-995, the opening of SCP-616, and the activation of SCP-098, the Foundation is required to immediately begin preparations for an XK-class end-of-the-world scenario.
SCP-076 and SCP-073 are to be secured immediately. All personnel are to unlock and decode Emergency Order Patmos-Omega, and follow all orders within. Site 19 is to be secured, and all nonessential SCPs and personnel terminated and/or destroyed.
Repeat, because of this event's confluence with the recent breach of SCP-995, the opening of SCP-616, and the aktivation of SCP-098, the Foundation is rekwired to immediatelebegin preprrations ffr an XK-class end-of-theworldsenario. SCP-076 and SCP-073 @re to be secured immediately Cain and Abel my two sons, I amcoming all personnel are to unlock and decode behold, I stand at the gate and knock and if anyanayansdfysffollow
aall alla khaf3242!$$@andisawanewheavenandanewearthandthefruitofofof

The message was cut off and all that remained was static. At first I thought it to be some kind of joke among the higher-ups. But then I heard rumbling, followed by a shock wave that rivaled one of a nuclear bomb. Everything was torn apart, people ripped to shreds.
I had managed to be launched so high in the air that I sailed over the facility entirely. I was in a panic. It had all happened so fast, just like the first time. Accept this time, there is really an emergency. I panicked loudly, waving in the air like a mad man. I didn't even have time to think or comprehend what was happening. It was almost like a first time fanfic writer ran out of Ideas to draw the intro out longer.

I internally smirked at that remark, temporarily forgetting I was flying through the air and towards some portal.
...... Wait, portal?
But there's only one portal on site and unless I'm flying at the speed of sound, I should have been obliterated by now. Speaking of flying, I was slowing down considerably. Probably just a cheesy "My life's flashing before my eyes" moment.
....... No, I was definitely slowing down. In fact I appear to have stopped all together. I look up to see the guardian I was talking about earlier. A great, fire-y being with four wings stood before me, almost a foot taller too. Terrified but surprisingly calm I said, " Sup."
The Creature mouthed the words "you are the one" before thrusting me into the portal, sending me on a free fall to my doom on the other side. Calmly, I replied with a "SON OF A BIIIIIIIIIIII-

*******************************************************5 minutes earlier, in Twilight's Library,******************************************************

Twilight Sparkle had been up all night, baffled by the book she had found on her doorstep that morning. The book had no title and had no author. It was just a blank, black hardcover book. All it had in it was some kind of spell. Twilight had been up all night trying to cast said spell and try to figure out why 249 of the 250 pages she had counted were void of any other markings.
Normally, she would have given up, assuming the book was some kind of joke, but she sensed the magic in the book. Just then a loud rupture sound erupted from outside in the sky followed by a shock wave. The last thing Twilight heard before crashing into a bookshelf and passing out from the massive pain in her cranial area was someone shouting " SON OF A BIIIIIIIIIIII-" followed by a thud.

*******************************************************Outside Ponyville's Library, Present Time*************************************************

" Ouch. My fucking head..." I got up and out of the bush I landed in and checked for injuries. None were visible, aside from some cuts and bruises. Thank god for that bush. I made a mental note to thank the person who planted the bush in the first place.
Anyways, first order of business, where did I lland. I looked around for any significant structures. Looking around, I was relieved to see a civilization. The closest being some house inside of a tree. Wherever I was, these people have weird buildings. I mean, I could even see something that resembled a ginger bread house one would make at Christmas time.
Damn it, now I'm hungry. Well then, second order of business, what do I have on me. For all I know this could all be a foundation simulation test to see if I follow protocol. However, if this is real, I will shout at the top of my lungs something completely irrelevant. Something like how I won't ever get the chance to beat kingdom hearts on the break room's PS2. Well now I'm sad.
*grumble grumble*
... and twice as hungry. "dammut" I mumbled, putting extra emphasis on the u where the I should be. Well all I appear to have is one pill bottle containing healing medicine that have half the healing power of S.C.P. 500 and a communicator. its too bad that my radio communicator thing died. I really need to remember what they call these communi-whatchamacallit. I would call it a walkie talkie but the Foundation has some fancy (and incredibly stupid) name for the radios.
Anyways, now to take shelter. I suppose the tree house will do just fine. I can get help in the morning. So after about five minutes of standing around I entered the house to find lethal quantities of books, two voices calling for help, an owl, Ya know, just the usua- ...wait a minute...
"Hello?" I said, elevating my voice so that they would hear me. "Under here!" One voice said. I then noticed with my excellent observation skills that there was a bookshelf that had collapse on two drastically different purple things. I had dealt with evil sentient S.C.P.'s before, so I was cautious. No need to almost get ripped open by a "doctor" again.
I hoisted the bookshelf off the creatures and saw that there were no humans under the bookshelf. Just a female miniature horse thing and a rather large lizard. As they crawled out I stood there in confusion. "thank you sir, I wouldn't have lasted long if... "
Preemptively covering my ears as the lizard did I got ready for a scream. She looked at me with a horrified look that only killers and monsters get. Then, to my surprise she fainted.
I took my hands off my ears and did the nice thing. "Sup bro, my names Theo Mccoy. Whats yours?" The lizard looked not as horrified like the horse, but more like he was scared "sp-sp-sp spike..." and then the lizard apparently named spike followed the horse pony thing's example.
"Well this is going to be fun..."