by Alicorne

Chapter Thirty- Assessments and Options



Caper called for a Staff Meeting at the end of the Second Watch. As well as the Department Heads, Mr. Sekkack and Bogan were present as well as Tyllae per the Captain’s request. The Old Pegasus had requested that she come to his cabin after we’d been dismissed. …She refused to come in until Caper invited her precisely three times. (Faeries!) The two of them had been closeted up ever since.
The little Fey was sitting near the Captain’s elbow when I ducked through the door, munching on a plate of carrot sticks and apple slices. Appreciating the seriousness of the occasion, apparently, she’d decked herself out in a new uniform. She rose into the air and waved excitedly to me as I entered. I gave her a small smile as I took my seat by Sunny.
Jerry was looking grim. Merry was restless like she was bursting with the need to punch something! Sunny seemed subdued while Evee and Guiding Star looked preoccupied. Little Rock seemed to be engaged in a Stoic contest with Sekkack while Bors sat with his arms crossed, tugging absently at the lurid purple bow on his chin with a frown on his face. Xantippe stood demurely with downcast eyes behind the Captain with a coffeepot on the shelf behind her on a warming plate.
The klaxon had been muted but the Yellow Alert signal still flashed over the door. Our shields were up and we were coasting on momentum as all Power Systems were being gone over.
Caper was in the process of taking a drink when I entered. His eyes regarded me warmly over his coffee cup as he drained it. He set it down and Xantippe discretely refilled it without complaint.
“Now we begin!” He sat straight in his chair and gathered us all with his gray eyes. “Chief Engineer, please to report on malfunction with maneuvering jets!”
Jerry stood and looked quickly around the room with a contrite expression on his face before launching into his report.
“At fourteen forty two hours and eleven seconds the maneuvering thrusters came online in response to commands from the Helm. These thrusters are simple reaction drives. Rockets, to be exact, burning a mixture of hydrogen and liquid oxygen. Technology that has been around from well before the Eugenics Wars. They are located on the Main Engineering deck at the ships center of gravity in four locations, two starboard and two to port, providing vectored thrust in any direction sufficient to allow us to maneuver in tight quarters such as a spacedock or a debris field. Compared to our impulse drive they are extremely low yield, relying on our Inertial Dampening System to lower the ships effective mass to the point where they can function at maximum efficiency.”
Jerry paused for breath, looking like a lemon had got into his hay. “This is very old tech for us and, with modern materials and control systems, practically foolproof. Ponies would have sold their souls at the dawn of the Space Age for these systems! As it was… at fourteen forty two and twenty seconds Thruster Number Ones’ ignition system shut down. In less than one-thousandth of a second after that the temperature in the ignition chamber dropped from twenty-three hundred degrees Celsius to exactly absolute zero… with no apparent cooling interval we could detect!” He took another deep breath, then. “ The ignition chamber fractured. However, contrary to every safeguard on the books, fuel and oxidizer continued to flow into the chamber which by now was clogged with a plug of frozen oxygen and hydrogen. Point one-one seconds later the thruster control systems received false data indicating the ships Inertial Damping had gone offline. The thruster throttled up accordingly to make up for it. At fourteen forty two and twenty one seconds the thrusters’ ignition system came back online. The thruster was now effectively a bomb… and behaved accordingly. Engineering bulkheads held. The outer hull over the thruster was completely blown out as the resultant explosion followed the path of least resistance. Thruster One is now an expanding plume of debris headed out for Deep Space at point zero one-one c. The telemetry is all here.” He produced the padd he brought with him and laid it on the table.
“Engineering reported half a dozen injuries. Two cases of second-degree burns as plasma from the event forced its way through adjacent component assemblies. Three cases of broken bones and aural trauma, it was one hell of a bang, from adjacent areas. Ensign Knight was passing along the bulkhead containing the thruster when it went. As I said, the bulkhead held… though it deformed deeply! Knight was walking along it and was punched into and off the far wall. He suffered two broken arms, skull fractures, broken ribs, a broken pelvis, and internal injuries galore. One of my most talented Unicorns, damn it! A damn sharp kid who may or may not die from something that should not physically be able to happen! Engineering is dangerous work, sure! But the danger is based on proven arcane and physical Science that we know and understand. Physics, arcane and otherwise, operate in accordance to established laws! This…!” He pointed an accusing finger at the data in the padd. “Is an out-and-out impossibility! I keep my Ponies safe as our jobs allow, Captain! I don’t know how this could have happened in my Department… and yet it did. And that’s my report.” He said, bitterly, and sat back down. He met nopony’s’ eyes and just glared at the padd in front of him.
Sunny spoke up in the uncomfortable silence. “Doctor Willowbark n’ his Trauma Team got t’ th’ Laddie in less’n three minutes. He’s a canny buck n’ didna waste a second in callin’ in Special Help in th’ form o’ our very own Number One Medical Assistant here.” She stroked Tyllae’s head who, her mouth being full, noddled enthusiastically!
“He was teleported t’ Sickbay at once and received intensive Magical and conventional healing therapies. He’s currently in a medically-induced coma while he completes healin’. Grand, tough Lad he is, I expect we can bring him out of it tomorrow. He’ll live but only time can tell if there was any lastin’ damage t’ his brain. Two o’ th’ skull fractures were depressed.” She pointed out delicately.
Tyllae swallowed and spoke up, rising into the air so all could see her.
“Fiffle-faffle! Tyllae fix up good! Everypony will see! Tyllae keep from going Knighty-Night!” Somehow she made the pun apparent without even trying! “Not remember a thing ‘bout getting alla hurt! Nope, nope, nope!”
“Get back doon n’ quit tootin’ yer horn, ye wee braggart! I’ll be final judge o’ what becomes o’ th’ poor Lad!” Sunny said, not unkindly, and hauled the smug Fey back to her snack by her beribboned tail!
But Tyllae only giggled and took up a carrot stick. She munched while the Captain spoke up.
“Nopony here is laying blame, Engineer. For reasons I will reveal after reports are done! Now, what is status of Navigation and Helm?”
Guiding Star stood and spoke in his slow voice. It seemed that, since he had seniority, he’d elected to speak for the both of them. “Evee and I have been going through the Navigation and Helm programming in the ships Main Computer. We haven’t found anything so far. And yet the Helm refuses to accept a course that does not take us nearer the Pegasus Epsilon. We did a little experimenting, though. At first we had a one hundred and seventy-nine degree range of motion relative to Pegasus Epsilon. We plotted a spiral course keeping us moving closer by one degree. At first everything was fine, but when we tried to go to warp we discovered that warp speed was unavailable for any course other than Cestus-III and Pegasus Epsilon! The commands just don’t make it out of the console. The circuits look live but when you try to change course it shuts right down just like the thing had a mind of its own. Darndest thing I ever did see! It’s the same story in Auxiliary Control, too. We thought about doing the math up here and having Engineering steer the ship without Helm input… but after what happened to the thrusters we kinda figured we’d hold off on that idea as a sort of last resort pending on what Starry finds out with the Main Computer, that is!”
“For what it’s worth…” Evee spoke up from where she sat. “Tactical Systems seem unimpaired. Our shields are up and weapons check out a-ok. I’m having hourly diagnostics being run in an effort to spot any potential trouble before it happens. If we get some warning maybe we can keep this from spreading… whatever it is!”
Taking that as a cue, I spoke up. “It’s not a fault in the programming of our Main Systems.” I stated flatly. “Although we haven’t had nearly enough time to go through every last byte yet I can say that there is no evidence of extraneous files or programming. It’s not a virus or malevolent subroutine. What I am picking up on is a dramatic increase in activity in the central processors of the Main Computer itself. Somehow the structure of the crystalline Processing Modules of the Computer Core itself have been… altered. Apparently by remote means. At present ten percent of the Core has been compromised.” I paused to rub my eyes, trying to shake off an urge to stifle yet another yawn. When I opened them I saw Xantippe putting a cup of decidedly non-Rushin tea in front of me. I smiled at her in gratitude and took a sip before continuing.
“This process began when we received the transmission that was thought to originate from Starfleet Command earlier today. It ceased after the thruster explosion as soon as the ships shields went up at the commencement of code Yellow Alert. Accordingly, I have ordered the Yellow Alert to be maintained since our shielding seems to be keeping the, ah, outside influence from inducing any further alterations.”
Caper, who had been toying with a stylus with his eye focused on the table, looked up at me sharply.
“What is nature of changes to Computer Core, Starry-pushka? Data removed? Damage to system? Is not like you to be vague. You make valiant Captain almost nervous!”
I gave our ‘valiant Captain’ a smirk! “Allow me to be more precise! Ahem! What I’m observing is in an increase of processor activity NOT being prompted by input from anypony onboard. The Main Computer seems to be running some process that is changing the way its operating system works. Mind you, this Quantum Duotronic System is already leaps and bounds more complex than anything installed on a Federation Starship to date… a precursor to the more complex systems slated to be installed on the new Constitution-Class ships in the next decade or so. It’s autonomous functions are enhanced to the point that its sometimes difficult to remember that one is dealing with a machine. More precisely, and unlike current systems, it is designed to act on its own programmed initiative with an eye toward making it more efficient. In the future one will simply ask them a question and the machine will decide on its own which constitutes the best, most logical, answer. The computer will research the data available on its own and the operator will be on hand to simply judge the results. It will be a real revolution in computing power. Doctor Daystorm, its creator, had every right to be proud!” I waved a hoof at the question swelling Caper’s lips. “It acts half-alive already. Based on what I’m observing… the process is being accelerated! In simpler terms the Computer has taken it into its head to act on its own. …And it has a different agenda than ours it would seem!”
Caper digested that for a few seconds. “Computer is deciding to running ship without our say-so, da?” He half-spread then shook his wings in irritation. “It goes without saying that you have isolated Main Computer from rest of ship, nyet?”
I nodded. “As far as one can cut a brain off from the rest of the body and expect it to live, yes I have. Most of our systems have sub-processers of their own. Although they were made to function in concert with the Main Computer it is possible for them to perform without it. The problem with this is that they have far less processing power than the Main Computer. I believe that we can bypass the Core to the point where we can run the ship… at the price of an enormously longer amount of time needed for each and every action. For instance, we can program a course correction but the computations will have to be run through the computers at the Helm, then transferred to Engineering to be run through their processors. An action that was implemented in less than a second before will take maybe two or three minutes now. Sufficient for gross navigation, but I’d hate to take us into combat with it in place!” I cleared my throat delicately. “That was perhaps a poor example since we know the Navigational computers on the Bridge were corrupted early on. If we bypass them as well it will take even longer to navigate… but at least we’ll be navigating on our terms!”
“Hmm…” Caper fairly growled, not pleased at all with what he was hearing. Then, “What are chances of replacing faulty sections of Main Computer? We carry spares, da?”
“No, we do not.” I was really hating to be the bearer of bad news! “For much the same reason ships don’t carry spare sets of dilithium crystals. It was felt that anything that could damage such well-protected systems would have destroyed the ship already! Oh, the modules can be replicated but they’re so fantastically intricate… the density of the molecular components mimics that of an Equine brain…that it could take the better part of a day to replace one module! With ten percent of the Core compromised it could take us more than a week of nonstop replication to come up with enough components. A process that would put an incredible strain on the computing power left to us to the point that we’d be flying deaf, blind, and dumb. That is assuming that the replicated modules check out! Like I said, they’re fantastically complicated. One atom out of line and the whole thing is just a high-tech doorstop!” I sighed apologetically. “This ship has been highly automated so that we could get by with such a relatively small crew. The Main Computer is just too much to do without! Sorry, Caper! But that’s where we stand right now!”
“It gets even better.” Jerry put in. “Under the circumstances Starry outlines we wouldn’t be able to do much better than Time Warp Five, flat out! Not if we want to maintain safe control over antimatter containment, that is!”
It was only because I had seen the movie that I recognized where Sunny was coming from when she said…
“Aye, looks like I picked a bad week t’ stop sniffin’ glue, t’ be sure!”
The comment earned her a few odd looks but Caper ignored her!
“…So!” He began in a dangerously calm voice. “As I understand we will have only limited control of Ship at best, da?”
Jerry and I nodded in unison.
“We can return Home to make Starfleet aware of conditions prevailing in this sector, da?”
“I believe so, yes.” I told him.
“But would whole fleet of ships have better chance of dealing with strangeness we have discovered, I wonder?” Caper rubbed his chin. “Make no mistake, Ponies! We are in precarious position… but do not relish idea of turning tail and running like frightened foal at first sign of danger! For whatever reason, this ship was singled out in this place and have uncomfortable feeling that what singled us out would follow us back. Would much rather deal with it out here rather than in heart of Federation!” He sat up straighter in his seat and pointed to the three-sided monitor on the table.
“Is time now for all of you to view message I received late this morning. Before I present let me say this. One reason Starfleet came into being…perhaps not sole reason… but one on minds of Ponies for millennia, was to locate Goddesses of antiquity! Is my belief that circumstances of this voyage show that we are very close indeed to finding answer. Is also my belief that there is at least one being who does not want us to do that. This being, I believe, sent this message. Is not rational or logical to believe this. …But belief is neither rational of logical, da? Is very Pony thing, I think. Thing that makes us special among all beings we have encountered from Vulcans…” He nodded to Sekkack. “To Tellarites…” He nodded to Bogan who looked up and grimaced a grin. “…To even Leetle Pooka!” He hooked a thumb at the industriously munching little Fey who smiled at him with bulging cheeks.
“Klingons and Romulans I do not count! They are about as Pony as Fehrengi and Orions and Rigellians, bah!” He dismissed them with a wave of his hoof before indicating the screens again.
“Watch now. This will explain, I think.”
He triggered the playback and even we who had seen it before leaned forward in our seats as ‘Admiral Quicksilver’ gave his orders again.
Silence reigned after the screen went dark for several seconds. I wondered how things would fall out…
Merry spoke first. “Oy can’t speak fer the rest of these Ponies, Skipper…” She began. “’Ell! Oy’m not sure Oy believe what yer layin’ out meself! But you ain’t ever led us wrong all these years, not one bloomin’ bit! You think there’s somethin’ to this, that’s good enough fer me! Whoever that choom is, ‘e’s got real balls of brass thinkin’ ‘e can chivvy us ‘round loik that! Oy fer one would loik the chance ta kick ‘em up round ‘is ears!” She jutted her jaw out defiantly at the screen. “ If them Goddesses’re dead and gone loik ‘e says then Oy’m thinkin’ it’s up to us to take ‘im down a peg or two! Just on general principles, ya understand!” She looked around the table to the rest of us. “Even if it is that Discord fella ‘e can’t be so much if a bunch if ‘e let a bunch of low-tech Ponies kick ‘im off the planet way back when!”
“I should like to point out…” Sekkack steepled his claws before him on the table. “That the creature, Discord, was in command of vast allegedly supernatural power. It is my understanding, based on my study of Equestrian History, that the Ponies of those days were similarly equipped. Although much historical data has been lost in the proceeding centuries references exist to an artifact…or artifacts, the histories give conflicting accounts, that were instrumental in his downfall.”
“Th’ Elements o’ Harmony.” Sunny put in, looking a little irritated.
The Vulcan nodded. “Just so. The fact that these ‘Elements’ no longer appear to be in existence only bolsters the belief among many non-Ponies that the entire tradition is little more than revered folklore. The Vulcan Science Academy has determined to its satisfaction the what Ponies call ‘Magic’ is nothing more an advanced psionic discipline unique to your species that surpasses Vulcan techniques.” He paused, his face going even more carefully neutral. “I, for one, do not believe in Angels quadrepedal or otherwise. Nor do I believe in the existence of chimerical demon archetypes. Rather than invest our present dilemma with an unnecessary amount of irrational, supernatural dread I believe that we should proceed with the actual facts at hand. Fact One; An Alien Entity or a cabal of conspirators within the ranks of the Federation are capitalizing on the Legend of the Goddesses to their own end. Their aim is to sow confusion in the ranks of the Federations most influential members, possibly with the aim of staging a coup to destabilize or take over the Federation. It is an axiom of science that the simplest explanation is the best. I submit that the baser aspects of Pony behavior are problematic enough without having to invoke supernatural subterfuge.”
“What’s th’ Vulcan translation o’ th’ word ‘arrogance’, ye patronizin’, fuzzy, round-eared computer!” Sunny spat out. I was really afraid she was going to launch her tea cup at Sekkack!
Caper reined her in with his Command Voice! He never shouts, his seemingly calm and low tone being far more menacing!
“Doctor Cross!” His eyes latched onto hers like tractor beams. “Mr. Sekkack is entitled to opinion, nyet? Please to compose yourself with dignity befitting a Starfleet Officer or remove yourself from room.” He met her blazing lavender eyes with his glacial gray ones and continued in duranium tones while I flinched! “Make no mistake. Is not debate, Good Doctor! I can and will have Security escort you to cabin…or brig… if you continue to disrupt this briefing. We all need facts, not histrionics, to face problem at hoof. In deference to Commander I give you choice. Make it and make it now.”
The Mare in my head urged me to take notes and I was too shocked to shush her up!
Sunny had initially reared back in surprise… she just isn’t used to being bucked…before leaning back in to glare at the Captain.
“Ye wouldna dare….” She locked eyes with him for a long second and I held my breath. I couldn’t just sit by idly while my Beloved got herself court-martialed!
“Sunny…!” I began, but Caper simply pointed a finger at me from the table without taking his eyes off the irate Alicorn before him. Such was the amount of sheer, imperious power he put into the gesture that I shut up at once! Even Tyllae, cowed by Caper’s status of ‘Chief Faery’ no doubt, dropped her carrot and held her piece.
Sunny’s wings were half furled though Caper held his neatly close as he locked eyes with her. After another breathless moment, though, Sunny’s eyes lost their hardness. She didn’t quite slump but she did relax her stance significantly.
“Aye…” She chewed her lips for an instant. “Could be ye would, at that.” She said quietly. “Sure n’ who would blame ye?” She sat back in her seat and coughed a Marelike cough into her hoof before continuing. “Beggin yer pardon, Captain Yer Honor.” She shot a guilty look at Sekkack who simply sat waiting for the ruckus to die down. “N’ I’m beggin’ yer pardon too, Mr. Sekkack. ‘Th’ Baser Aspects o’ Pony Behavior’, forsooth!” She essayed a weak smile in his direction.
“I was not passing a judgment, Doctor Cross.” The Vulcan inclined his head and closed his eyes for a moment in an oddly ceremoniously looking bow to Sunny. “I was merely stating a fact… as observed from outside your species. As for your apology it is unnecessary. I am incapable being insulted.” A fleeting, barely suppressed Faery giggle tinkled in the background. The Vulcan continued smoothly. “I is unfortunate that I caused you…or any of those present… any discomfort. I was merely endeavoring to address our mutual situation in a rational, logical manner. If I may continue…?” He looked to Caper expectantly.
Caper swept the room with his eyes first. “Trust point has been made, da? We are all in same sled with Timber Wolves running alongside. We must work together and in unison toward finding way around this horseapple!” He grunted softly before addressing the Vulcan directly. “Subject of Goddesses is divisive one among Ponies, Comrade Sekkack. Feelings run high on both side! Alicorns like Good Doctor have strong ties to old traditions. Unicorns and Noble Pegasus Race mostly feel much same way. Earth Ponies… not so much!” He shrugged. “Is way things are these days. Pray continue!”
The Vulcan nodded. “Fact Two; This vessel has become compromised. It’s functions are being interfered with to the point that it may be impossible for us to carry out further investigation. While it is true that running with our shields up seems to be preventing any further degradation to our systems it is not unreasonable to assume that, as we draw nearer to the source of the interference, such countermeasures may become ineffective. At this point it behooves me to point out that an all-powerful, apparently omniscient creature like the Entity, Discord, would hardly need to endure any such restraint. This seems to reinforce my theory that we are dealing with a strictly corporeal, physical adversary. By the same token, an equally omniscient and all powerful pair of Goddesses should be able to counteract such activity if they indeed are working for the good of Ponykind. Gods, by definition, are beyond restraint.” He paused for a moment, like a Professor waiting for questions.
“Am assuming next fact is conclusion that we should return to Federation Space, nyet?” Caper asked, eyeing the Vulcan closely.
“It would seem to be the logical conclusion, Captain.” Sekkack said reasonably. “This ships computer systems could be purged or replaced. The shielding could be reinforced before returning to this sector. Or an automated probe could be sent in to evaluate the conditions to better prepare the next ship for what awaits it. We are hardly operating under a time constraint.”
“’Admiral Quicksilver’ would not agree, Comrade Sekkack.”
“We are under no obligation to honor the request of an unknown, presumed hostile entity.” Sekkack pointed out.
“There is crux of problem, Sekkack-bubula!” Caper thumped the table with a hoof. “ Enemy is unknown. Capabilities and nature of Enemy are unknown. We have too many unknowns to justify turning back now. Our job is to explore, da? To investigate! Another ship would be just as much in dark as we are at this point.” He paused and raised one finger. “But we have asset other ships do not have! We have actual witness to both Goddesses and the Cossack, Discord! Did not call Leetle Pooka here just to munch up surplus snacks!” He gestured to the little Fey. “Leetle Pooka! Please to give report!”
Tyllae swallowed her latest mouthful quickly and took a quick draw from the straw stuck into a cup of what I suspected was some very sweet tea before flitting up to where she could survey the assembled crowd. She waved to one and all!
“Hi-hii, everypony! Hi-hii, Mr. See-kack! Hi-hii, Mr. Bogey! Cappy Caper says what Tyllae knows is very, very, very important! Cappy Caper wants Tyllae to give a big, big, big ree-port jus’ like any other member of Her-mees Tribe! Tyllae is proud to do an wants to help. Yep, yep, yep!”
With that she drew herself up and put a hoof to her breast in what I imagine passes for classic Faery rhetoric style before launching into her account of Equestrian prehistory, Trees and all! He static posture didn’t last for ten seconds since she had such an attentive audience! The little Fey was flitting back and forth in no time, waving her hooves wide in emphasis, arching her little body to describe Evil and soaring angelically to show the Good, even bursting into radiance from the Other Side to illustrate it… something the vast majority of those present had only heard about second hoof!
But she had been listening after all. Eventually the tale wound its way back to the subject of Discord…
“Faeries had littlest reason to fight Discord. Discord was different, yep, yep, yep! Discord not bad… not good, either. Discord just Discord! Long, long, longago Discord come onna This Side an find Magic Discord brought with really, really, really strong! But This Side not like Other Side, nope, nope, nope! Things stay put an wanna stay put same way as when began. There was no Magic in every little bit of everything here. Issa nice changea pace from Other Side! Magic on thissa side gotta be found or made to come. Ponies like Unicornies an Alicornies found out how… a little, anyway. Even Earthy-Ponies gotta Magic, too! Quiet Magic ‘waay down deepa inside! Just like Starry!” The little mite flitted over to point a hoof at me in illustration.
I blinked. “Speak for yourself, kiddo! I have the Magic Potential of a parsnip! Just ask Starfleet!” I went through the obligatory testing like any other cadet. I wondered why they bothered at the time. Now, hearing Tyllae talk, I had second thoughts…
“Thatta buncha stinky-bugs!” Tyllae scolded. “All there onna Cutie-Mark! Starry Eyes always look to higher, better things! Yep, yep, yep! Starry work hard onna ‘Questris an have bad, bad, bad time ‘cause Starry keep eyes fixed on what beyond mines an rocks! Starry help other Ponies do same thing! Help other Ponies lift eyes higher an wanna be better Ponies! Even Tyllae sees that an Tyllae not even a Pony, silly Starry!”
“I think you’re confusing my work ethic for something else, Squirt!” I said gently. “Anyway, you were talking about Discord!”
“Earthy-Ponies alla like!” Tyllae sighed, then… “Discord have nothing to look higher to. Tyllae an resta Faeries think Discord all hollow inside, never happy with self so looka outside self to be happy. But nothing ever works for more thanna little while so Discord gets all bored an uses Magic to change things to make interesting again an again an again. But nothing ever works, Starry! So Discord keeps making things different, the more different, the better! Bigger changes alla time to keep from having to look inside empty, lonely place! Poor Discord!” Tyllae huddled in mid-air and shook her elfin head sadly.
Caper stirred and rumbled. “May not be expert in Pony History from back in Leetle Pooka days, but seem to remember that Discord made life miserable for everypony every chance he got. Is hard to think of a ‘poor’ Discord!”
“All things change, Cappy Caper! Faeries livea long, long, long time an see it happen to everything! Discord never used to be mean. Both sides in Big Fight try an try an try to kill Discord when Discord not take sides! Discord very powerful an both sides afraid that Discord would beat both! But Discord jus wanna be left alone to do what Discord wants. Dark Magic, Bright Magic, spells terrible an beautiful makea no matter. Discord turned all into nonsense an jokes all bya self with no help, nope, nope, nope! But Good an Bad Faeries alla time fighting gave Discord idea. Discord learned how to be cruel, learned that making others sad can take mind off own misery! Discord changed, Cappy Caper, like Chaos Discord likes so much!” Tyllae flitted into the Captain’s face, trying so hard to make him see!
“When Big Fight all done an Bad Faeries all gone or fled back to Other Side Faeries made big, big, big talk with Celestia about whatta do ‘bout Discord. Celestia wanna kill Discord. Celestia see no other way! Discord, with alla Discord’s Enemies gone, roamed alla world using Magic of Chaos to make things all topsy-turvy. But Discord found that making Ponies sad an scared ‘specially fun so Discord stayed inna ‘Questria. Not many Faeries left for Discord to have fun with. But Faeries know Chaos, too, an were not bothered so much by what Discord did. Faeries always could fix, anyway, so was not so bad!” The mercurial Fey shrugged nonchalantly. “Discord knew Celestia very, very, very strong with Bright Magic! Stronger than whole armies of Faeries all at once, yep, yep, yep! Discord stay anyway. Many Faeries think Discord wanna force Celestia to make big fight. Think that Discord wanna be killed so not feel so empty any longer. Poor, poor, poor Discord! But wise Faeries, like Tyllae, remember that Discord loved Celestia from long, long, longago! Always wanna be with but too scared that Celestia would send away! Tyllae thinks Discord stayed not to be all killed but to have chance to make Celestia see how Discord feels. Maybe Celestia would fill empty place with something besides self. …But all things change! Maybe Discord did go loco inna coco a little. When Celestia an Discord met was big fight, Power against Power. Bright Magic against Chaos! Maybe Chaos too much for even Discord. Magic does what Magic does, no one person can hope to hold alla Magic inna self an be unchanged! But Faeries were there inna end ‘cause even Celestia needed help! Faeries helped make Special Magic using alla things that make Good Ponies… an Faeries… Good. Made Power of Good Virtues infused with big, big, big Magic! With these special Harmonious Elements Celestia beat Discord. Wise Faeries, who know that nothing is really forever, begged Celestia to be wise an not kill poor, poor, poor Discord. There is always Hope for better change. Even Discord gets another chance! Wise Celestia showed Mercy an used Elemental Magic to show Discord empty place inside Discord. Make Discord see that Discord made empty place! Discord never let anypony in ever, ever, ever! Celestia wanted Discord to see that was always room for more than just Self! …But Discord was all afraid an scardey. Even atta end could not let go of Self even for end of loneliness. Poor, poor, poor Discord! So wise, good, beautiful Celestia… seeing that Faeries were right… used Magic not to kill Discord, but to make into stone against day when Discord would be able to face Self again!” Tyllae shuddered. “Being made into stone issa no pic-a-nic! Musta been very, very, very hard for poor Discord! Sunny told Tyllae Discord got out while Tyllae was all stonyied. Told Tyllae that Discord got all better an became Nice. Sunny said Discord and Celestia an Luna all go ‘way years an years an years ago someplace inna Stars.” She waved a hoof at the ceiling. “Tyllae thinks Discord never leave Celestia, nope, nope, nope! Discord never hurt Celestia, nope, nope, NOPE! Tyllae wonders if Discord somehow turned Celestia to stone an hid waaay out inna Space? Anywho…” She shook her head, the deedle-balls on her antenna jangling! She flitted over to point an accusing hoof at the screens. “Tyllae knows that no Quicky-Silver Pegasus! Tyllae knows Discord! Faery eyes not so bad as to not see!” She abruptly flitted over to hover in front of Mr. Sekkack. “Tyllae thinks Mr. See-Kack is wrong! Sorry, Mr. See-Kack! Discord all too real an Discord knows little Tyllae onna Her-mees! Tyllae is not the brightest flower inna bed but Tyllae wise enough to know Discord does not want Tyllae just to play with! Nope, nope, nope!”
The Vulcan regarded the little Few patiently until she finished. “A sufficiently powerful telepath could make you believe what you want to believe, Tyllae. To make assumptions based on…”
“Bah!” Bors spat out. He looked the Vulcan from top to bottom… and did it again, a contemptuous sneer on his shaggy face. “As they say back on Tellar, if it waddles like a wayo, honks like a wayo, and humps your leg like a wayo… it must BE a wayo!”
“A cloud may look like a cotton ball but it is most certainly not cotton.” Sekkack pointed out.
Tyllae cocked her head at Bor. “Whassa ‘why-oo’?”
“Thank you for report, Leetle Pooka. You have been beeg help. Please to sit down now, da?”
The little Fey zoomed back to her snacks obediently where she tugged at Sunny’s sleeve and whispered. “Did Tyllae do ok, Sunny? Tyllae never did a ree-port before!
Sure n’ ye did just fine, Dear!” She stroked the tiny head with a finger. “At least ye dinna almost get yer wee self tossed in Brig!
Aww! Cappy Caper didn’t really wanna do! Sunny gotta ‘member that Cappy Caper is Chief! Just wanna keep mind onna big, big, big problem! Tyllae remembers Tyllae’s Chief, Maeglym! Hard to keep bunch Faeries in line, Sunny…!”
I gave Sunny a kick under the table and she made haste to hush the little Fey as Caper spoke!
“Until we get evidence otherwise,” He nodded to Sekkack. “Is my opinion that we proceed under assumption that what we are shown is in fact what we see. Who knows? If fake then maybe we make overconfident enough to give us chance in critical situation, da? Same thing applies if real. Let Discord think he has us under hoof. We will watch and analyze every move. He is nothing if not arrogant and maybe will underestimate fact that twenty-two centuries have made Science as powerful as Magic, nyet? Discord does not hold all cards! Maybe we can dish out nasty surprise or two yet!” He swept us all with his gaze before continuing.
“Realize Ship is in critical condition. We are all in grave danger. But if we turn back now we will still know next to nothing! Even if Starfleet could put together task force it would be made of technically inferior ships. Upgraded designs of which we are test bed will not be available for maybe decade or more. Is my opinion that risking one ship is better than risking fleet. What else is Scout-Class ship for, da? We will go in, eyes open and alert! Exploration is dangerous but that is what we are all about, nyet? Comments, anypony?”
Sekkack folded his paws on the table patiently. “In view of the fact that I am not a member of Starfleet I do not presume that I am in a position to go against the dictates of the Captain. I have stated my opinion. Having done so I am, of course, willing to do anything I can to assist with the mission at hand. I am at your disposal, Captain Caper.”
“Ha! There is hope for the Vulcans yet!” Bors squealed a laugh. “There is more to the Universe than stale logic and cold Science!” He rubbed his paws together eagerly. “To turn back now would be a loss of face for all of us and the Federation. How could we not go on? Count me in, Captain!” He thumped the table with one hairy paw in emphasis of his point.
Jerry rubbed his jaw before speaking. “Look, I’m an Engineer and not a Theaologist! I put my faith in proven Arcane and Physical Science. Whether the Goddesses exist doesn’t matter much to me one way or another, but this Discord character… whatever he is… represents a threat to the Federation no matter how you slice it! As far as I’m concerned I agree with the Captain. We’ve got a crackerjack ship here even with our current difficulties. So far it’s just an Engineering problem. Give my ponies a little time and we’ll work them out. I’ve got a few ideas I want to run by Starry as far as circumventing the Main Computer but even if that doesn’t pan out I can guarantee you at least seventy-five percent power and mobility in a couple of days… which puts about where we were during the War!” He nodded grimly. “ We handled the Romulans well enough so we can handle whatever ‘Discord’ dishes out.”
“I hate t’ be th’ one t’ be puttin’ a fly in yer applesauce…” Sunny put in. “But I hae t’ point out tha’ we’ll be a-goin’ up against a Magical foe. T’ ma knowledge th’ Federation, grand thing that it is, never fought an enemy wi’ Magical Capability afore!”
“You’re forgetting the Eugenics Wars!” Jerry retorted. “They were fought using Magic and Science! Our arsenal is more advanced than then. Even Celestia would feel it after taking a phased-balefire hit!”
Sunny pulled a sour face at the comment but didn’t press the issue.
“Is where you and Leetle Pooka come in!” Caper said. “Between the two we can augment our capability, nyet?”
“You are discussing tactics.” Sekkack said. “It may not have to come down to a conflict. Discord may be reasoned with yet.”
“Discord is no a rational bein’!” Sunny looked skeptical. “No tellin’ which way th’ Laddie will jump when push comes t’ shove!”
“Tyllae will help! Yep, yep, yep!” The little Fey leapt into the air to hover in front of Sunny. “Tyllae does not want to see any of Tyllae’s friends or Discord get hurt, nope, nope, nope! Tyllae has spells Tyllae will show to Jerry-Jer’s Unicornies to help keep everypony safe! Big Magic! Yep, yep, yep! Everypony see! Tyllae is only a little Faery but Tyllae can be a big help!” The little tyke was so touchingly eager to help that I had to suppress a smile. …I just hoped that magic, like antimatter, packed a wallop in even small quantities!
“There ya go, then!” Merry threw a hoof out at Tyllae. “If worse comes to worse we’ll just turn ol’ Tilly loose on the bloody blighter! The choom’ll never know wot ‘it ‘im once she does ‘er ol’ switcheroo!”
Tyllae flitted in front of Merry and waved a hoof at her, shaking her elfin head. “No, no, no, Merry! Tyllae has Bright Magic of Other Side but so did alla Faeries back inna day an it wasn’t enough! An Tyllae is not happy ‘bout the crystal Discord carries! Nope, nope, nope! Tyllae thinks Discord made a really, really, really Big Magic to use lika Celestia an Faeries did once ‘ponna time!”
THAT statement certainly got everypony’s attention! Sekkack frowned ever so slightly, Jerry looked intensely attentive, and Sunny looked grim.
“What?” Tyllae whirled in place as we all stared. “Is plain assa wings! Very, very, very powerful Magic in crystal-thingy!” She shook her tiny head. “Issa good, good, good thing Tyllae is here to point these kina things out!”
“Are ye sayin’ then, Dearie, tha Discord hae summat akin t’ Th’ Elements t’ do his dirty work wi’ nowadays?” Sunny asked gently.
“Tyllae thinks so, yep, yep, yep!” The little Fey noddled enthusiastically.
“Maybe he does, maybe not.” Caper said decisively. “We still go on! Top Priority remains same, we gather all information we can about Discord until we can use against him. Biggest concern to me now is whether or not we can get word to Starfleet to appraise of situation. Is any chance to pierce communications blackout, Starry-pushka?”
I pushed aside my misgivings long enough to address the Captain. “Since our shielding seems to be keeping his influence at bay, at least at this range, we may be able skew the shielding enough to allow us an opening enough to transmit and maybe receive for a little while. We can also deploy a recorder marker from our present location and set it to start transmitting after we leave. Hopefully Discord won’t be able to perceive or understand its purpose. That being the case, we can just drop off a string of the things as we go. It’s worth a try, anyway!”
Caper nodded. “Is best we can do under circumstances. Implement plan. We will proceed to Cestus-III at best speed and per directive of would-be Admiral. We will use time to prepare ourselves as best we can. We have our tasks, Ponies! Suggest we get to them! If no other comments…” He looked around the room for a moment. “Dismissed… and may luck be with us all, da?”
“Inta th’ Abyss…” Sunny said.
“Never say ‘die’!” Bors dredged up from somewhere.
“Say ‘kill’! Eh, eh?” Merry added.
Sekkack frowned bemused, perhaps, by the antics of illogical Ponies. Tyllae flitted over to pat him on the shoulder.
“Everything gonna be oakey-dokes, Mr. See-kack! Just wait an see!”
…I wished I had her optimism!