//------------------------------// // Prologue // Story: An Angelic Soldier // by Korten //------------------------------// Prologue In a distant galaxy, many races co-exist across worlds. One such race, Humanity, is the most numerous of all of the races. They were the first from multiple worlds to venture into the galaxy, some through technology and others through magic. Mages as they’re called are able to use their mana energy in their body to pick strands of magic from air and use them to make their magic abilities. After a long conflict between Humans and other races, the United Alliance was formed. However it wasn’t the end of conflict. As those who attempt to either leave or keep out UA influence fight. Eventually it was the Empire known as Gaio that led to the longest war in history, the United Alliance-Gaio War which lasted over forty years. It was during that time that a new race joined the galaxy, Angels. Human-like in appearance the have glowing eyes, incredible strength, the ability to conjure wings, and they can’t age after a certain point. However this race isn’t invincible, as they can be just as easily killed by a bullet as any other race. Despite their title, Angels aren’t the most peaceful race as many joined the UA military shortly after arrival, but some others did settle down to live a peaceful life. Currently they have been accepted into the galaxy with open arms, but one such Angel isn’t having a good time… *************************** Lieutenant Ember vaulted over the wall and rolled down as she hit the debris covered ground. Being the last of her squad, she continued through the ruined city trying to make it way to the extraction point that was still a fair distance away. Just an hour ago she had a full squad; her CO was leading them well until the insurrectionist forces trapped them leaving her solely alive due to her own abilities. The Intel hadn’t stated the insurrectionist had Mages and so when the squad was up against them, they weren’t prepared and their gear not suited for magical combat. Being an Angel unlike her Human counterparts, she was able to survive the magic blows. However in her current situation she wouldn’t be able to get away again. She had tried to save her squad but she wasn’t fast enough and the mages too powerful for her to handle alone. Seeing a large gap coming up she quickly brought out her wings and jumped the gap going higher than if she had just used her enhanced strength alone. As she landed on the other side of the gap she made her wings vanish and once more she was stuck to the planet’s surface. The sound of gunfire from the Insurrectionist and the local militia echoed throughout the dead streets. Clouds of dust rise from the ground and cover the area of the city in a thick fog. However her helmet had air ventilation system so it was always kept clean. Suddenly a bleep on her motion sensor, something was approaching from the street just up ahead. It didn’t appear to be local militia, or a UA soldier, that left it being an insurrectionist. A civilian was highly unlikely as they have either been killed or evacuated. Taking cover behind a knocked over and beaten vending machine she hid hoping to have them pass by. Using her heat vision visor she could see through the dust fog and see the insurrectionist move through. She stayed motionless as they got close to her spot; she dared to look out after her initial glance from before. The red dots on her motion sensor, showed them getting closer but not moving in any sort of flanking maneuver. Most likely they’re oblivious to her presence. As they moved closer to the vending machine she begins to feel anxiety and breathing began to get faster. She wasn’t used to a situation like this. Stealth is not her forte. They seem to not take note of her as they pass her spot. Unlike her, the Insurrectionist weren’t the best geared and didn’t even have visors that had heat seeking or really anything to move through the fog. Hence why they were moving slowly as to not trip and get injured trying to go faster, or be caught by militia. It was unlikely they could see her, her armor is built in with anti-motion sensor tech, only something more advanced militaries could counter. Simple insurrectionist would be blind to their surroundings without a drone or scouts. Neither of which this group showed. Once they were far enough away and she was clear she moved out of cover and began to move swiftly through the thick fog until she reached a clearer section of the city. She needed to reach the UA HQ that had been set up on the far side of the city. For that she needed to go down a level of the city to reach it. Turning she moved down a set of stairs, after reaching ground point she got into cover as more insurrectionist got closer. Unlike before though they were moving because they were fighting militia forces. A grenade missed its target and landed near her cover and she dove out to escape its blast. She was then spotted by an insurrectionist who aimed his outdated gun at her. Before he could get a shot off she aimed with her rifle and pounded lead into them. That alerted the rest of them and some turned to face her. As they shot she used her strength to quickly move from one cover to the next. “They’re an angel!” one cried out, “surround them!” One enemy got on the other side of the cover she was on, she leaned over the top and grabbed them and broke their neck on the side of the debris. Ember then quickly turned and aimed at a tango that was on the second floor of a building aiming their red dot sight at her. One shot got off and nailed her in the shoulder but the armor’s energy shields took most of the hit. It did however screw up her shot and she had to readjust her aim. Shooting and nailing the enemy in the head she moved from her cover and another grenade landed at her position, however unlike the last time, this was a more advanced grade of grenade and despite not getting blown to bits she was sent flying into a metal wall. Her ears were hurt, despite her helmet it was like everything was farther away and her movement was now slowed. But the Lieutenant still stood up and moved away from a parade of bullets. She aimed and shot an enemy as they exited from cover. Ember was breathing harder as she moved. Militia soldiers were being pushed back and on her motion sensor she could see more insurrectionists converging on her position. Using her wings she quickly flew upwards and grabbed the broken panel of a window on the second floor. Hulling herself through the window she heard the cracking of glass as she stepped on the ground. She slowly moved through a ruined bed room with broken furniture and tech. The apartment complex hadn’t survived the battle, pictures from the resident lay on the floor covered in dust or ripped. However it was unlikely they would ever return home, that is if they even survived the initial strike. Not being on their motion sensor, she moved slowly through the building and watched the red dots on her motion sensor as they moved closer. Taking out a small cube off her belt she pressed a small button and a holographic interface popped up. On the screen various weapons stored in the cube appeared, picking a pistol with a silencer the screen vanished and from the top of the cube a pistol materialized. The cube, also known as the Compact Storage Unit or CSU or just ‘Cube’ by soldiers, allows the ability to store gear and weapons allowing them to carrying an assortment of weapons. However it was limited in its design that only one of each type of weapon could be put and there was a size limit. So no tanks or anything along that could be stored. Taking the gun, she placed her rifle on her back and put the cube away. Staying silent and still she listened to the voices of the enemies getting to her floor. “Spread out and find the eye glower!” Eye glower, an insult given to Angels and various other races that had glowing parts. Personally she didn’t care much for it and didn’t find it as offensive as some others would. Shaking the thought off she moved and hugged a wall as she watched a red dot walk through the hall in front of her. How much she would pay for armor with active camouflage at this moment. As the enemy got close to the room she was in she looked out just as his head was turning so he didn’t spot her. Pulling herself back in so not to be spotted she waited for the right moment when he entered the room. Truthfully she rather not kill with the pistol, a silencer is good but in a building that is completely silent, the little noise that would be made would alert the horde and she didn’t want that. Although if she could place the timing just right, it would be possible to kill multiple of them with the pistol and have none remain to hear it. As his foot stepped into the room, Ember reacted, as he walked forward not noticing her she walked up behind him and quickly placed her hands around his head. He had no time to react as she twisted his head with her Angel strength and broke his neck. The snapping noise was sickening, even to someone who had broken many necks before. She held him up and gently placed his body in the corner of the room, soft enough to not let a single noise echo. Looking back on her motion sensor, the corpse red dot vanished, and left only four more remaining. Taking the knife off of her belt, she slowly moved through the hall with her pistol on top and dagger below the gun. She crouched and stood still as she got to the next door in the hall. A red dot was walking through the room. Oh how she wished she could see the direction they faced or at least had some way to see through walls. She then decided to watch his movement, no doubt facing the way he was moving. Unless he was being cautious and walked backwards would prove trickier. Just then the dot moved away from the door, and that’s when she moved in. The female enemy seemed to be looking out the window. Placing her gun quickly away on her belt she gripped her knife and stood behind the soldier. They began to turn as they felt something behind them. But it was too late, Ember placed her hand on the mouth of the soldier and then slit their throat and then gently placed them on the floor. Two more, and by the looks of it, they were close together. Perfect time to put the pistol to good use she thought. She left the room as she placed her dagger back and then held the pistol firmly with both hands. Even for an Angel she would need to be quickly, it wasn’t easy to kill this swiftly. As she got to the end of the hall she could see the two soldiers as they looked about the living room and kitchen. Ember breathed in and then out and stepped out, just then they turned and spotted her. However it wasn’t fast enough, she pulled the trigger and killed the first insurrectionist and then turned like a blur and shot the other in the head. Both bodies hit the ground at about the same time. Looking at the gun, she had eight shots left out of a ten bullet magazine. Going towards the stairs, she crouched and went down the steps. As she got to the point where she could see the room she was entering, Ember stopped and looked out and couldn’t see any enemies and continued down the steps. Suddenly on her motion sensor it lit up as she got on the same elevation. Looking around she saw a door that led outside and no red dots. Deciding there it would be best to give them the slip rather than stick around longer. Slowly she opened the door and opened it, closing it behind her so in case anyone had seen it closed already. Back in the streets she stayed in the shadows to avoid being caught by any patrols. Turning into an alleyway she stopped and looked at her UCD or Universal Compact Device, basically a computer but on the arm. It allowed her to keep track of her squad and her current location. Although it did have a lot of non-military related functions as watching videos, looking at documents, going on the net. Bring up her map of the city she looked at her position and where she needed to go. It was still a way off but if she could keep going without being caught she could get into safe territory. Quickly pulling a cord from her helmet and attaching it to her helmet she sent the map to her HUD and disconnected. The helmet while advanced wasn’t quite advanced enough to map out the city as she walked, the UCD on the other had is. The map she sent to her HUD is pre-created and doesn’t take into account the destruction which is a bit of a downfall. Continuing down the alley she arrived at another street and saw an opening to the sewers that had been blasted opened on the sidewalk. Looking around to make sure no one could spot her, she took a chance and jumped down through the hole and landed in the murky and trashy water. “Disgusting…” she muttered as she swam to the side and pulled herself up to a path. A lot of the lights in the sewers appeared to stop working so she turned her flashlight on her helmet on and began to move through the dark. As she walked she brought up the comms and noticed they were still being disrupted by all of the debris from the city-wide conflict. It would be a lot easier to call in a pick up if she could but there was nothing she could do. Still she couldn’t believe her squad was dead… O’Brian, Richard, Elisa, Tina, and Drew… They were all good friends and they had been in the same squad for years and yet it was just a few damn mages that ended all of that. They had all meet during basic training and then stuck together ever since that which made losing them all the more harder to accept. “Think anyone is in here?” she heard a voice echo through the sewers and she turned off her light immediately. “Got to be and when I get my hands on them, they will feel their flesh burning!” another voice responded back. A Mage? She thought. Just what I needed… Leaning out she looked at the two people down the sewer facing the opposite direction both with flashlights on their weapons. Pulling out her pistol she began to move closer to them, it was easier to tell which one was the mage. The mage wearing lighter combat gear with a pistol and the other wearing heavier armor with an assault rifle. Moving closer she took aim at the Mages head first. Just as they turned around she shot hitting the Mage in the head, and then took aim at the other. However the second one ducked and the bullet flew over their head. Shooting at her, her armors shields flared and she fired back while dodging. Not able to hit in the head she only damaged his armor. The insurrectionist moved out of the tunnel and leaned against the wall and reloaded his gun, but Ember stood her ground and didn’t change guns. They waited for a moment, the only sound being that of the flowing water in the sewers. Then it began as they leaned out and shot at her and she crouched and shot upwards and hit him in the neck up until the head resulting in him falling over and into the water. She gave of a sigh of relief and moved forward. Although she had to admit, even though the energy shields did take some of the damage, she still felt pain over her body. Had the Mage been able to get spells off it would have been much worse as currently energy shields aren’t able to block magic. Although while Angels do have natural magic protection in their skin, if enough hits are made it won’t matter and the Angel would be a fried or frozen corpse. Depending on the spell element that is. Elisa in her squad had been a fellow Angel and when the Mages shot at her with their spells she fell in seconds. In a one on one fight an Angel can fair better but one versus multiple usually ended in favor of Mages. Suddenly as she walked she felt the temperature rise and she turned around and noticed a fire spiraling down the tunnel and she jumped into the water to get out of the way. After it vanished she climbed back up, only to then see a bolt of lightning forming out of thin air strike and rolling out of the way only barely dodging it. That’s when her motion radar registered an enemy down the hall and she rushed towards her target and began to fire. However the mage dodged the attacks and even began rushing at the Angel. The Mage kicked and a crescent moon of fire shot forth and Ember jumped dodging it and then only to be hit by another sending her into the wall. Shaking her head and aiming from her spot she fired at the mage and noticed her bullets were hitting their energy shield. No! But how? The insurrectionist thus far hasn’t had armor with shielding! Where did they- her thoughts were cut off as another bolt of lightning attacked and she moved out of the way and saw it hit the ground. The Mage put his arms together and then opened wide and a large wall of fire began to roar down the tunnels floor. Seeing no other choice she turned and jumped into the water and let it past but then realized she had fallen for it. As she tried to move a bolt of lightning struck the water and shocked her. She began to scream in agony as the bolts continued to hit the water. Slowly her vision was going dark and her armor was on the fritz and the last thing she saw was the Mage walking over to her on the path above and she saw a smirk. Just before a bolt of lightning struck her and made her black out. *************************** Angels: A race created by the gods to wage war against their evil counterparts, a race with no free will just the mind set to fight and strive for victory. However things changed when one Angel was created who had free will. At first this scared the Gods and Goddess as they feared an uprising, however the cooler heads prevailed and rights were given to the Angels. Shortly becoming free, they left to live with the mortal races on various worlds leaving the Gods and Goddess alone in their domain. Ember’s parents were one of the first to leave and joined the United Alliance. Shortly after her birth, her father died in combat during the United Alliance-Gaio War that had already begun prior to the Angel arrival. After the war ended, her mother ended up remarrying but instead of another Angel, she married a Human and her Human-Angel brother was born. Like herself and her now deceased father, joined the military and is now on his way to becoming a Captain. On the rare occasion their paths would meet and hang out but truthfully she never did see much of her mother, brother, or Human father once she joined the war. And now it remains to be seen if she ever will…