//------------------------------// // Chapter 1 // Story: Vinyl Scratch the Mix Master of Ponyville // by SuperSaiyanStudent101 //------------------------------// Chapter 1: A Normal Night at Club Solar I work at a nightclub in downtown Ponyville, called Club Solar. And tonight I decided to change things up, instead of dub-step or dance, I played some of my personal favorite records. When the crowd saw me walk up, they went nuts, which I guess is a good thing. I was carrying a box with me. Had all sorts of records in there man. We’ll I pull out what I think is the best record… EVER! I picked up “Linkin Park: Hybrid Theory” with magic (Duh I Am a unicorn!) And write when I put it on the player, the fair mares and colts that were in the crowd started yelling “Crawling, Crawling, Crawling!” and it was amazing. To be honest I am surprised they even knew the album. In the middle they started singing, it was just superb. Then one pony out of the ordinary was there. I started taking notes on her appearance, purple, long neon green and bright red shaggy hair, and blue eyes. “Nice hair.” I muttered to myself. After the song I went to go look for here, but no sign. So I started to go outside, I just needed to meet her, but I don’t know why. And I am not going to use some cheesy excuse like “it is destiny” or “for the journey” Because it’s not, I just want to meet this person, cause I have seen her at some of my shows before, I think. I know all of my fans but she, I have no idea who she is. As a DJ I think it is nice to know who shows up… for no apparent reason I know it sounds stupid. Crap! With all this thinking to myself I just wandered in a straight line, who does this even happen, wait, I answered that before I thought it up. I’m sorry I am just tired, that’s why. About an hour later I crashed at my place and started wandering what I will do tomorrow. I think I might stop by Octavia’s place, have a good breakfast, a hash brown and an English muffin, with some orange juice, yeah that sounds good. Now I am hungry… Why did I have to think about food, no I have to get up and make something to eat, maybe some roman might be good I’m out of roman… Why? I guess Blue didn’t restock the shelf with goods. I should have given the room to Derpy, at least she would have done a better job. (No Offense Derpy!) So anyways, I should head off to bed so when I wake up I can get over to Octavia’s house. Instead if having breakfast at some type of a restaurant I went straight to Octavia’s crib. Wanna know why? She makes the best English muffins, I’m not kidding! I wander what she puts in them? Even though she makes some of the best food, doesn’t mean she is good answering a door. “Hey, tavi” “Oh hey Vinyl, not trying to sound rude but, why are you here?” “We’ll I just LOVE your English muffins, and since I haven’t had any breakfast-“ “Oh, in that case, let me whip some up, come in, set down!” I wander why her voice is so gentle, it’s kinda weird, just kidding, I mean, no offense. As octi makes the muffins, I pick up the daily news paper, I read, I’m not just a partier, sheesh! “Hey tavi, you are gonna be happy, com here.” I said with voice full of joy "What is it Vinyl?" she asks "Just, come here" She sits down here pan and turns of the stove and heads toward Vinyl. "We'll in one of my last shows, I remixed your cello solo and I gave you a good word, now they want you to perform at the Canterlot Symphony." Octavia stands there in aw with a blank stare. She lunges at me with a burst of speed, but for the most part I thought she was going to kill me! But instead she hugs me and says "Thank you so much, i have always wanted to play in front of nobles and loyalty, thank you, thank you, thank you!" she gives me a little kiss on the cheek. I'm not going to lie, it made me blush a little bit. A few hours pass and she says "Aw, you should be going, it's 9:30, when is this show again?" octi asks "Tomorrow at 7:30" she turns to me with some weird look on her face "Then we need to get some sleep and get ready for tomorrow!" she said with anticipation. She walks me to the door and says "Goodbye Vinyl, have a nice night." as I walk down the sidewalk i turn my head toward her direction and say "You to." and now i am on a journey, a journey to get to my house. No really, I'm freaking lost. After a while i finally got to my house, and even thought my day has been great, I still haven't forgot about that girl who I saw at my show yesterday. It somewhat gives me the chills, errr, I don't know how, it just does. We'll time to get some sleep, because tomorrow is a big day. End of Chapter 1