//------------------------------// // MLP CRYSTEEN // Story: MY LITTLE PONY CRYSTEEN // by Crysteen //------------------------------// PRELUDE FAREWELL CRYSTEEN By Crysteen 2363 Somewhere in deep space of the League of Non-Aligned Worlds. The star cruiser Australiana was doing routine patrols in a sector known for pirate attacks, and the crew was more than ready. With sixty fighters, 250 marines, the captain was more than confidant that they were able to deal with any situation. But that usually doesn't end well, because pirates don't play fair or by any regulations. They are sneaky and malicious. So when the ship was crippled by stealthed space mines, the crew was caught unawares. Engine power overloading, decompression in a large majority of sections, including the bridge and med-bay, chaos ensues. Disorganisation and panic gripped the humans and furs on-board. One such fur was working in the teleportation room when the klaxon sounded. Fortunate for hir, the doors too the room sealed shut, preventing hir from being suck out into space from the breached hull. Shi immediately tried the com channel to get in touch with the bridge, but no response. The young vixen was named Crysteen Icewolf. Shi kept trying, but to no prevail. Then shi noticed the flashing console that showed the status of the ship, and cursed with dread. The coolant for the primary heat exchanges where going to go critical soon, then no-more ship, and no more Crysteen. Shi panicked for a short time, but realised where shi was. The transporter room. Checking the console, shi saw that it was still operational. So checking the ships schematics, shi once again cursed hir bad luck. All the escape pods were either used or unaccessable due too the rooms in breached conditions. The computer warning sounded, filling hir once more with dread. “WARNING! THIS SHIP WILL REACH CRITICAL MASS IN 5 MINUTES. PLEASE EVACUATE IMMEDIATELY. I SAY AGAIN, THIS SHIP WILL DETONATE IN 5 MINUTES” Rushing over too the transporter control, Crysteen checked for any planets within range of the beam. Three were in range, but supported little or no oxygen. Then shi noticed one in the system that was perfect, but it was just barely within range. Quickly, Crysteen lifted the control panel and started doing an increase of power to the transporters antennae array. “WARNING! THIS SHIP WILL REACH CRITICAL MASS IN 4 MINUTES. PLEASE EVACUATE IMMEDIATELY. I SAY AGAIN, THIS SHIP WILL DETONATE IN 4 MINUTES” reply the computer, adding more stress to the young vixen. Finally sure of hir work, shi set the co-ordinates and activated the transporter and stepped on the platform. The machine hummed and lit up, the field came down around hir. “WARNING! THIS SHIP WILL REACH CRITICAL MASS IN 2 MINUTES. PLEASE EVACUATE IMMEDIATELY. I SAY AGAIN, THIS SHIP WILL DETONATE IN 2 MINUTES” Breathing heavy and hoping for the best, Crysteen crossed hir fingers and prepared hirself for beam down. Suddenly the ship shuddered, followed by distant explosions, then sparks and smoke exploded from the transporter console, and then the lights, transporter field and sound ceased. Sobbing with despair and anger, Crysteen, mother to Frostpaw, life mate to Nordic and mother to be to a new unborn kit, collapsed to the floor and closed hir eyes, waiting for hir inevitable demise. Then, just like the cruel punchline to a horrendous joke, the computer continued its count down to the end of hir existence. “WARNING! THIS SHIP WILL REACH CRITICAL MASS IN 55 SECONDS.” “54” Crysteen hugged hirself, sobbing and rocking on hir rump. “53” Shi remembered the life shi lead, meeting Nordic. “52” Seducing him, conceiving Frostpaw. “51” Giving birth, teaching hir everything that shi needed to know about life. “48” Inventing that awesome cycle, graduating from Engineer and Mechanic Tech. “39” Crysteen shivered, tears streaming down hir cheeks as shi remembered hir crazy family. Solarblaze, the lovable chakat. Illumanati the foxtaur herm, who had invited hir mom and hir into hir home with Stephan, hir human mate. Stephillum, the daughter of Stephan and Illumanti.. “25” Crysteen rubbed hir belly, just slightly swollen with new life, and howled with anguish at the unfairness of the galaxy. Shi had just found out by the ships doctor that shi was 2 months pregnant. Shi was going to wait until shi got back to tell Nordic and Frostpaw, by which time shi would be 8 months pregnant. But now it looks like it wasn't going to happen. “18” The young vixen started to hum a tune, and just hearing hirself starting to sing hir mothers lullaby made hir cry more. If you feel the chill, I shall keep you warm. If you feel alone, I shall hold you close. If you feel the pain, I shall share it with you. If you feel lost, I shall take you home. “16” For no-one is cold when 2 hearts are one. For no-one is alone when 2 bodies are one. For no-one is in pain when 2 souls are one. For no-one is lost when 2 homes are one. “14” So, take my hand and walk with me. Join with my soul for the life you need. I shall be yours and you will be mine. So feel my love, my joy and sorrow. As I feel yours now and tomorrow. “12” If I feel the chill, will you keep me warm? If I feel alone, will you hold me close? If I feel the pain, will you share with me? If I feel lost, will you take me home with you? “10” For when 2 hearts are one, we aren't cold. For when 2 bodies are one, we aren't alone. For when 2 souls are one, we aren't in pain. For when 2 homes are one, we aren't lost. “8” Will you take my hand and walk with me? Will you join our souls together for life? You shall be mine, for all of time. Let's share our love, our joy and our sorrow. As we face the future and the new tomorrow. Crysteen cried and shivered, hir face a mattered mess. Hir hands rubbing the abdomen with love and care. Then waited as the inhuman voice finished the counted. “6” Through hir eyelids, Crysteen could see a light shining through. “5” But what was strange was, the light wasn't yellow, orange or red, which signified an explosion or fire. In fact, there's no deafening roar or explosion. “4” Also, the light had a warm electrical feel to it. “3” The light that tried to shine through hir lips were purple. “2” Although Crysteen should be frightened, shi felt a calm and peace within hir body and soul. “1” Chancing a glimpse at the light, shi had to close them quickly from the brilliance. “0” With a sudden flash of orange, red and yellow, the star Cruiser Australiana and Crysteen suddenly ceased to exist in the League of Non-Aligned Worlds, vanished forever in a fireball of brilliance. EPILOGUE WELCOME CRYSTEEN Year: Unknown. Location: Unknown. Status: Sleeping. Voices. First voice: “Who is she?” Second voice: “I don't know.” First voice: “Where did she come from?” Second voice: “I'm not sure, she just appeared.” First voice: “She's beautiful.” Second: “Oh Spike, you think all mares are beautiful.” Spike: “But look at her wings, and that mane. And flank... Ohh oh my.” Second voice: What? What is it Spike?” Spike: “Twilight... she is not a she.” Twilight: “What are you talking about?” Spike: “She's a colt...” Feels hands on the sheath. Twilight: “What are you talking about? Of course she's a she.... Oh my Celestria. You are right. Wait..” Feels prodding on the body. Twilight: “Oh my goodness. She has both a... and a... Well.... this is interesting.” Spike, slightly nervous: “So what shall we do Twilight?” Twilight: “We must inform the Princess right away.” Door burst open as more voices fill the room. “TWILIGHT! ARE YOU..... WHAT IN TARNATION!” replied a southern accent voice. “I saw the bright lights and heard the explosion, Twilight, what is doing on.... EEEEK!” screeched a timid voice. “OH MY STARS DARLING, WHAT EVER HAVE YOU SUMMONED.” replied a posh accented voice. “Twilight, who is this gorgeous mare, er colt, er... pony... and where can I get wings like that, they're SOOO AWESOME!!” I slowly open my eyes and looked around the room and then at the owners of the voices, then I look down at my body and gasp in shock at the hooves and tail. I Crysteen Icewolf scream then fainted.... CHAPTER ONE NEW BEGINNING By CRYSTEEN Year: Unknown Country: Equestria. Location: Ponyville. I was lying in a bed, with sheets and a blanket. Which matched the pillows. I was staring up at the ceiling, running thoughts through my head. I am a PONY!. But not just any pony. An ALICORN. But... this is not happening. I should be dead, disintegrated by the ships explosion. But apparently, I was teleported, and transformed, then dumped on this strange new world. I looked at my wings again, gingerly spreading them out, marvelling at the structure. I wonder how hard it is to fly? Getting at of bed, I walked, unsteadily on four hooves, to the mirror and looked myself over. Reddish hair, or mane, with a tail to match. The mane was unkempt, tussled from the sleepless night of tossing and turning. Then I looked at the horn, yellow, like the rest of my body. It was a spire shaped, and according to my host Twilight, a unicorn's horn. So I'm suppose to do “magic”? Sounds absurd, but back where I came from, we had furs who could do amazing things, healing by touch, teleporting, (which Twilight can do, so magic isn't so far fetch), turning invisible, creating fireballs. Actually, I shouldn't be too surprise about talking ponies living like furs and humans, it seems like we were created from someone's imagination. “Crysteen my sweet, it seems like you have entered an whole new universe.” I replied. Down stairs, Twilight Sparkle, a purple unicorn, was busy talking to Princess Celestria about her new “guest”. The princess was extremely interested and concerned about her students latest hiccup in her spell casting. The thought of a new universe of different species has her intrigued, but the current situation of a strange new pony in Equestria, one with “dual” equipment, has got her worried over what her subjects would think, and do. According to Crysteen, Herms were as common in her world as Unicorns and Pegasus are in Equestria. So a herm alicorn, a special kind of pony that is only obtained through powerful magic, born from a spell gone awry is unheard of. “So Princess, what should we do? Should we lock her up because she's different? Or welcome her into the herd, and hope she doesn't disrupt our daily life?” Twilight exclaimed, prancing back and forth. Spike the baby dragon, arms full of books from his mistresses recent search, stopped and replied. “Maybe she learn how to be a pony, while she's here. Give her the option. It is her life, and aren't we always teach about tolerance and understanding? Remember Zecora? She was treated with fear and mistrust, until a little filly taught us different.” then he continued on with his chore. “Spike's right.” Twilight sighed. “Well it's settled. Crysteen will stay with you, learn our pony ways and report on her findings. And if she needs to speak to me about anything, all she has to do is use this mirror.” the princess replied, revealing a small hand held mirror. “How does she operate it?” Twilight asked, taking the magical item from her teacher. “All she has to do is say my name, and I will be able to talk to her.” Twilight Sparkle placed the mirror on the table using her magic, then chated with the Princess on other matters, when they were interrupted by Crysteen, stumbling down the stairs. She was having trouble walking on four legs when she was use to walking on two. “Are you alright my dear?” The princess asked, rushing to Crysteens side, concerned for her well-being. “Yes, apparently so. Still trying to get a handle on my balance and walking.” the alicorn replied, then bowed, awkwardly at the princess. “Well my student Twilight Sparkle will tend to your needs as best she could, but if you do need to speak to me for any reason, you can use the mirror on that table to contact me.” Celestria replied, before leaving. Twilight Sparkle bowed to the princess, then closed the door. Crysteen looked at the mirror, wondering how shi could hold it in hir new hooves. “Well, ummm what do you wanna know Crysteen?” the purple unicorn asked, sheepishly. “For starters...” hir belly rumbled, reminding hir that shi hadn't eaten in awhile. “Ohhh you must be hungry. Just give me a moment and I'll get Spike to fix you lunch.” Twilight replied, dashing off to the kitchen. A few minutes later, Spike the small dragon emerged with a plate of food, aware that his new house guest was staring at him. “What?” Spike asked, looking at the pretty alicorn. “Ohh, it's that I haven't seen a dragon before.” shi replied. “That's ok, I haven't seen a ummm” Spike thought for a moment for the correct word to describe Crysteen's uniqueness. “Herm?” Crysteen added, finishing Spike's sentence and saving him from embarrassment. “Yes. You are very... rare.” he replied, scratching the back of his head. “How so?” Crysteen asked, sniffing the plate cautiously, which comprised of carrots, lettuce, apples, tomatoes and something that looked like straw. “Well in all of Equestria, there have only been boy and girl ponies.” he watched her face of disdain. Twilight noticed it as well. “Is something the matter Crysteen?” she asked. “Ohh, it's nothing, really.” Crysteen replied, leaning in to take a bite of the apple. “Please Crysteen, if something is the matter, tell me. We have no secrets here.” Crysteen sighed, chewing the juicy apple before swollowing the mouthful. “Ok, it's just that, I'm a omnivore.” shi repled. “Omnivore? What's that?” Twilight asked. “Someone or something that eats meat and vegtables.” Crysteen explained. The look on Twilight's face was one of horror and disbelief. “Ohhh, well. Ponyville caters for herbivores. So we had no training in preparing for carnivore's, and frankly, the thought of eating another living being is too gastly.” “And what about you Spike? How do you eat meat if that's the case?” “WHAT?! ME EAT MEAT?!” Spike balked, his face going pale. “NEVER!!” he exclaimed. “Spike eats gems and vegtables. He's not a carnivore.” Twilight replied, getting a little upset. It was at that moment there came a timid knock on the door. Spike opened the door to reveal Fluttershy, a yellow pegasus with a pink mane and tail. “Hello Twilight, hello Crysteen.” she replied in a quiet voice, as she carried a napsack full of items. “Ahhh Fluttershy, glad you could make it. It's about time Crysteen started her lesson today.” “Only if she wants to.” Fluttershy squeaked, blushing as she looked at Crysteen, unsure about how to address the alicorn with both genders. “Lessons? What lessons Twilight?” Crysteen asked, curious. “Today, you'll learn how to fly.” she replied, smiling. Crysteen looked her wings and gulped. Oh Boy shi thought. To Be Continued...