//------------------------------// // Chapter 1 - Meet The Pony Team // Story: Deepest Fears // by VectorGameplay //------------------------------// Deepest Fears -Meet The Pony Team- By Vectorgameplay 10:37AM - Canterlot Castle An entire day had passed since the mysterious stallion appeared in the castle gardens under rather curious circumstances. Celestia's warm, radiant sun was descending in the horizon to give space to the shining moon and the vast stars that her younger sister Luna had prepared for the evening. The Bearers of the Elements of Harmony arrived at the castle a number of hours earlier after Princess Celestia sent the letter to Twilight Sparkle. They were very concerned about the unconscious stallion, each for different reasons. After both Celestia and Luna finished with their royal duties for the day, they went to the throne room together to wait for the Bearers. Celestia sent a royal guard to inform Twilight and her friends that they were ready and waiting for them. It didn't take much time before they all arrived at the throne room. "Hello Everypony, i'm glad you are all here in such a short notice" Celestia said to Twilight and her friends. They all bowed in sign of respect for her rulers. "It is always a pleasure to come here Princess" Twilight said while still bowing. "Please rise Twilight. I already told you that there is no need to be so formal around us anymore. You are all my friends... and Celestia is just fine," Celestia said warmly. They all nodded in understanding. "Sorry Prin- i mean Celestia" Twilight said with an awkward grin on her face. "Old habits die hard, i guess" "Don't worry about it Twilight, let's just start the discussion about why you were invited, shall we?" Celestia asked. "Oh right! You said something about an unconscious stallion that appeared in the gardens, isn't it that right?" Twilight said. Celestia nodded.. "But what's so special about this stallion?" One of Twilight's friends, a cyan Pegasus mare called Rainbow Dash asked, "Is he some kind of celebrity or something?" "Rainbow Dash has a point there," Another one of Twilight's friends, a white unicorn mare called Rarity said, "Even though something rather dreadful might have happened to that poor dear, I don't see the reason to summon all of us. Unless he is somepony very special." "‘Special’ could be one way to describe him," Princess Luna said in a sarcastic tone. "What exactly do you mean by that?". Asked Twilight with her curiosity calling for answers. "First of all..." Started Celestia, "We haven't found any documents to confirm he is from Canterlot. So he may have come from another city but sadly we don't know which one and none of the train drivers or the ticket sellers can recall a stallion matching his description." "But the most interesting part is..." Luna continued, "We detected a large concentration of dark magic around him… and it is quite powerful as well." Everypony in the room gasped at the rather dark news as they began to speculate. "Whoa there, are you sayin' than that feller is evil?" Another mare, an earth pony named Applejack asked with a concerned look. "We are still not sure about it, not everypony who controls dark magic is evil, i am an example of it". Princess Luna said to Applejack. "You perform dark magic?" Twilight asked. "Indeed i do Twilight Sparkle. You did as well when my sister sent to the Crystal Empire, do you not recall?" Luna asked to Twilight. Flashes of the actions Twilight was forced to make came flooding back, including her failure to notice the difference between reality and a magical illusion conjured to stop her. "Yes I remember, but it was very difficult to control," Twilight said, a little ashamed. "It's not a surprise you couldn't control it Twilight. Dark magic is conjured by thoughts of hate and fear, so most ponies that control this kind of magic are the ones with a terrible past like my Lunar Guards or me. "And that is one of the reasons why we called you all," Celestia said to the group, "We don't know anything about this stallion but he apparently seems to have a very dark past, so our main objective is to make sure he feels welcome so we can get a good impression of his personality but we also need all of you and the Elements of Harmony in case things get out of hoof. Dark magic can be very destructive if it is used incorrectly by the wrong pony". Another of Twilight's friends stepped forward, a pink earth pony called Pinkie Pie. "Don't worry princess. you can count with us in making this stallion, the HAPPIEST stallion in Equestria!!" ‘Faust please have mercy on this poor stallion,’ Celestia thought before giving Pinkie Pie a warm smile, "I know you will girls, I trust all of you." "Now we just need to wait for the stallion to wak..." Twilight started to say but was interrupted when a royal guard suddenly opened the door, alerting everyone in the room. "Your Highness, the stallion just woke up!" The royal guard named Silver Light informed them. "Thank you Silver Light we will be there in a min... Is that a black eye?" Celestia asked Silver Light worried about what happened. "Yeeeaaah... about that... let's just say the stallion didn't wake up on the right side of the bed," He replied "Girls, we need to go find that stallion. Fast!" Twilight said, worried about what trouble the stallion could be getting into in the infirmary. ‘I hope everything is ok,’ Twilight thought before she joined her friends as they ran towards the castle’s infirmary. 7 Minutes Later - Canterlot Castle's Infirmary "Please calm down sir!" One of the two nurses said to the stallion in a vain attempt to calm him down. "The princesses will arrive soon. Please just wait for them." "I don't know who these princesses you are speaking about even are and I really don't give a single buck about them, so why don't you just untie me so I can get the buck out of here. How does that sound to you?" The stallion replied to the nurse.. "I'm afraid we can't do that sir, Princess Celestia gave us explicit orders not let you go until she got here to check on you herself," Another nurse said in a very annoyed tone, stemming from the stallion's behavior. "Oh gosh, you two must have a very low self confidence if you two have to wait for somepony to tell you what to do!" The stallion said with a similarly annoyed tone. "Okay, that's it!" One of nurses said, as her tolerance reached a breaking point, but she was interrupted by a knock on the door. "Oh thank Celestia they are here!” The nurse said, very relieved by the arrival of Equestria’s rulers. The stallion stayed silent as he watched two new ponies come to the room. They appeared to be much taller than the average pony. They were wearing some sort of breastplates and crowns and also possessed both a horn and a pair of wings. ‘Those must be the princesses that those two good for nothing nurses were talking about,’ He thought before noticing that the taller of the two princesses was talking to him. "Good evening sir, my name is Princess Celestia. Goddess of the sun and Co-Ruler of Equestria and this...-” She said, addressing to the shorter princess “- is my sister and Co-Ruler Princess Luna, Goddess of the moon and the night. What's your name?" "Fearful. Fearful Dream," The stallion replied, "Listen, can't we just cut off this stupid introduction so you two can tell me how I got here?" The two princesses looked to each other for a moment, a little lost for words at the stallion’s statement. "Actually we were going to ask you the same thing, we found you lying unconscious in the castle gardens. Mind explaining us what you were doing there in the first place?" Luna asked Fearful, hoping to get an answer. "Girl, I don't even remember what I was doing before I woke up here. I guess I have some sort of amnesia or something because my head hurts like buck. I'm lucky enough to remember my name so... how about letting me go now?" Fearful asked, already annoyed by the princesses' presence. "I'm afraid we can't let you do that, we still have some questions for you," Princess Luna replied coolly to the annoyed stallion. "And we are not the only ones with questions," Celestia said, receiving a questioning look from the stallion, "It is safe girls, you may come in now." After Celestia spoke, 6 other mares came to the room, two earth ponies, two Pegasi, one unicorn and another one with both wings and a horn "Okay... I don't know where are we going with this... but I think I like it!" Fearful said, receiving some blushes from some girls and some laughs and giggles from others, "But really, what is with the crowd?" "I think I can answer that" Replied Twilight, "You see, my friends and I were informed that you appeared unconscious in the gardens so we came here to help you and at the same time get some answers from you, but apparently with that amnesia of yours, I gather we aren't going to get much information." "No shit Sherlock!" Fearful said, sarcastically. "Would you save the cursing and sarcasm for after we are done here?" Asked Twilight, kind of offended by the stallion's remark. "Anyway, sorry we haven't been properly introduced. My name is Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship," Twilight said. ‘Another princess, just what I need at a time like this!’. Fearful sarcastically thought. "I'm Fearful, Fearful Dream". "And this here are my friends!". Twilight said, pointing a hoof to the mares behind her. "Howdy there, partner, I’m Applejack, nice tah meet ya!" Applejack greeted, tipping her brown Stetson hat to be a little more formal in her greeting. "Sup bro, I’m Rainbow Dash, the fastest and coolest Pegasus in all of Equestria!" Rainbow Dash said. Woah, and i thought i had a big ego. Fearful thought before looking at the Pegasus mare with a light pink mane. "How about you?" Fearful asked the Pegasus, receiving an answer in the form of a sound along the lines of "eep" before the mare started backing off, "What the buck?" "Oh don't mind Fluttershy she is just very shy that's all," The Unicorn mare with a snow white coat said. "Wow, that's a pretty clever name," Fearful said to himself. "And you are?" He said pointing a hoof to the white mare. "Oh right, please excuse me, my name is Rarity. A pleasure to make your acquaintance darling," She said with her usual classy air about herself. "Cool, now can we plea... wait, wasn't there a pink mare here with you?" Fearful asked the group of mares when suddenly a pink blob appeared on top of him, under the covers of his bed "HI I'M PINKIE PIE!!" The aforementioned missing group member shouted gleefully.. "HOLY BUCKING SHIT!!" Yelled the scared stallion, "Where the buck did you came from?" Fearful asked the hyperactive mare who clearly lacked knowledge about personal space, "You know, forget what I asked. Just please get off me.". "Okey-Dokey-Lokey," Pinkie Pie said. "I just wanted to say hi because you are new here and since you are new here then that means you don't have friends and since you don't have friends then we can be your very first friends because everypony need friends and I’m friends with everypony so wanna be friends?" Pinkie Pie asked at a pace too fast for the stallion to fully understand. "Can somepony translate that? I think my migraine just got worse!" Fearful said crying out due to the increased pain in his head. "Are you always in such a bad mood?" Twilight asked the Fearful, worried for the stallion. "Twilight, I have a pain in my fore and back hooves. My back is killing me and your pink friend there just gave me an even bigger migraine. Please excuse me if I’m not exactly a ray of sunshine and smiles, jumping for joy at the very sight of new ponies,” Fearful replied, annoyed at the mares before him. "Well, now that we are done with the introductions, I guess we will leave you for a while so you may rest. We have quite a lot to talk about so we will be back to check on you later," Celestia said before start exiting the room with the others behind her. "Wait, aren't you going to untie me first?" Fearful asked to Celestia, hoping to get free of the hospital bed he was laying on. "Maybe later, who knows?" Replied Celestia with a grin on her face. ‘Okay, this day just can't get worse’ Fearful thought before noticing Celestia and Pinkie Pie coming back to the room. "Oh and just to make sure you are safe and having fun, I’m going to leave miss Pinkie Pie here to take care of you while you wait for us to come back," Celestia said with an almost evil grin. ‘Buck you Murphy! BUCK YOU!!’! Fearful thought, before been covered by a pink mass.