//------------------------------// // Making new friends // Story: Octavia and Vinyl:The good old days // by Bronylover109 //------------------------------// Octavia and Vinyl:The good old days Chapter three:Making new friends It was dark when the pair finally reached the building Vinyl would be playing in that night. "Well,this is it." She looked at Octavia,who stared at the place uncomfortably. "Uh..T-Tavi...is something wrong?" "Uh...n-no..it's just that..I mean..uh...a..bar?" "Uh..yeah..what is it?" The DJ looked confused,with a hint of confusion on her face. "Vinyl! Were underage!" The cellist replied rather dryly. "Well,It's not like we have to order anything." Vinyl tried sympathetically. "They have normal stuff too,you know." The grey mare looked nervously at her. "Really?" She was confused. If they sold normal foods,why didn't it say something like 'restaurant and bar?' But then again,she didn't get out much. "You ready or what?" The paper white mare asked impatiently. "Oh! Um,yes,of course I am!" Upon getting inside of the building,the noise was blaring loud and much worse than poor Octavia was used to. "ALRIGHT PARTY PONIES,IT'S TIME TO GET THIS PARTY STARTED!!" The DJ screamed at the ponies in the building,who were cheering so loud Octavia's ear drums were practically blowing out. Vinyl ran to the stage,where several ponies had been gathered in front of,and were practically moshing to the beats that the DJ was blowing out of the large speakers in the building. Light's were flashing everywhere,making the real color of the building unrecognizable. They flashed in Octavia's eyes,making everytime she blinked like another lightshow of blues,reds,and other rainbow like flashes. Speakers had been placed everywhere,making it impossible for Octavia to escape the loud,blaring music that played throughout the building. Octavia took a seat at the bar,but didn't order anything. She simply sighed,covering her ears,and staring at the mare who she had been forced to spend time with. The bright lights illuminated her fur,making it glow different shades of blues and reds. The party had gone on for what seemed like eternity to Octavia,who had never been to a place like this before in her entire life. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ By the time the party had finally came to a close, the poor grey mare ran for the exit of the building like it had been going up in flames. "Tavi,was it too loud for you? Are you sure that you're fine?" Vinyl gave her friend a concerned look. Though she was still blown away from the noise,Octavia answered nonetheless. "Yes Vinyl,for the eighth time,I'm fine." Octavia rolled her eyes,making it apparent that she'd be just fine. The DJ suddenly stopped dead in her tracks,like a deer in the headlights. "Uh Vinyl....are you okay?" Octavia asked,looking at her friend with a concerned look plastered on her face. "Fuck" The pony may not have been able to get any paler than she already was,but if she could,it would have happened right there and then. "The test......I-I didn't...and if I...." "If you fail? Then what? I thought failing was just 'a small hinderance' as you said when i first met you..." Octavia was worried,but attempted to hide it under a small joke. "But this is a music test,Octavia!!!!" "If I don't pass MY WHOLE LIFE CAREER IS AT STAKE!!!" Vinyl seemed worried,which was a strange sight to Octavia. Vinyl had practically lived in another world, her own world. "Vinyl I-" "No Octavia...just..don't .." The Cellist watched in awe as Vinyl walked away. Her head was now down low,instead of held high in pride. She walked slowly,not matching the fast action-packed run she usually did. "Ugh..I-I should have said something.....I should have reminded her..I just didn't think it mattered.. I feel absolutely terrible.." Octavia continued frowning,feeling terrible about not reminding her friend of the music they would be having the next day. She walked back into the bar,and ordered a lemonade. By her first sip,she could tell something was in it. Alcohol. Despite that,she continued to drink it down,not caring anymore. She once again made her way out of the building,her legs wobbly,as she had ordered about three of the so-called lemonades,despite the surprise in her drink. She hadn't ever drank before,and it had made the 'lemonade' all the more strong to her. She took several minutes to make it to the exit of the building,as she wobbled,and stumbled over practically everything in sight. "Ergh-" She slammed into a couple things on the way out of the building. Octavia never thought she'd be doing the drunken walk in her entire life,but that had just changed. Her entire body shook at times,making it nearly impossible for her to walk straight. She realized she couldn't do this on her own. Her body wiggled involuntarily,making her shove into a newspaper rack,and few other things that she never got a chance to identify. She needed Vinyl's help,but she couldn't ask for her friends help after she had failed her. She felt as if she would fall any second,and very often did just that. Her coat was mangled up,and her mane was a complete mess by then. Octavia grabbed everything she possibly could to get leverage on her balance. Her jumbled steps made it tricky,eve nearly impossible to trot in a straight line. Still,she tried her very best to make it back to her new home. She stumbled as far as she could in the direction of her home,before collapsing for the last time that night. Her vision faded as she fell to the sidewalk,her world soon fading away. Everything went black.