//------------------------------// // Time to Wake Up // Story: Changeling: Tale of Cricket and Grasshopper // by DrillBit //------------------------------// Part 1: Time to Wake Up “Emotion: that is what we need, my brothers. It is our driving force, our source of power, our lifeblood to be sure…” Deep within the earth, in the darkness of a cavern, the squalling sounds of the newborn chittering horde echoes – the sound of a new generation, hundreds of them, each of which will emulate somebody else’s life in an attempt to steal away whatever pathos they can to sustain themselves. Most have already lost their will and all semblance of what their past lives were... save for two. He looks out into the darkness, only to see the writhing mass of other newborn changelings, eyes aglow with hunger. Yet he does not wonder when he would feed despite being hungry himself; he wonders where he was, how he got here, and the nagging feeling of loss and vague shadows of memory swirl in his mind. His thoughts were broken by a voice. “Hiya!” The hatchling turns to see another changeling before him, her eyes glowing, but not with hunger... Something else, something he recognizes but can’t pin down. “Hi?” he responds. “What’s your name?” the young changelings asks. The hatchling pauses for a moment, “I…don’t know.” The female changeling smiles. “Oh…well, let's give you a name then! Uhm, I couldn’t remember mine either so I just gave myself one.” The hatchling looks at her with curiosity, “Which is?” “Grasshopper!” she blurts. “Grasshopper? Why that?” “Oh I dunno, first thing to pop into my head I guess. But hey I got just the perfect name for you: Cricket!” “…What?” “Because crickets and grasshoppers are like, the same…I think.” Grasshopper scratched her head, befuddled. “I don’t quite remember.” “Wait…you remember something too?” “Yeah of course I do, its hard but I feel like-“ “Welcome my brothers and sisters!” booms a voice from across the cavern. All changelings move their eyes to the source – a massive figure, garbed in an equally massive robe, on a balcony like structure on the far side of the cavern. Its head is shielded with a large metal helmet adorned with spikes, its face covered by a faceguard and enshrouded in shadow. Only its glowing eyes may give any idea of what it is. “Welcome, to the family,” says the figure grandly. “I am Daddy Longlegs, Harbinger of the hive... But please call me Daddy!” Two more similar figure emerge from behind Daddy Longlegs, likewise cloaked and bearing intimidating helms. “Yes, welcome,” says one. “ I am Tarantula, your brother.” “And I,” says the other, “am Recluse, your sister.” The changelings look upon their “brother” and “sister” and “daddy” with great confusion. All is silent in the cavern, a great and powerfully awkward silence. Tarantula leans closer to Daddy. “Um, these are hatchlings, they don’t quite know much of anything, let alone remember what a brother or sister are,” he whispers. “Why do we have to do this?” Daddy chuckles. “Because, my son, a warm welcoming is the best welcoming, and a good emotion is all the spark they need to be accustomed to the life in the hive.” Recluse leans in. “But they just stand there, staring at us with those big adorable eyes...” She sighs whimsically. “Big cute hatchling eyes... Did we not do it right?” “Ah, I understand that this is the first time for both of you. Watch.” Daddy walks further on to the balcony and points to one of nearest changelings. “You! Come here!” The hatchling stammers a moment but eventually flutters clumsily towards its Daddy on its tattered wings. “Yes, that’s it,” croons Daddy, as he reaches out and gently grasps the changeling by its deformed hoof, pulling it in for a hug. “I love you, my child.” The changeling lets out a squeal of delight. Relinquishing the young one, Daddy sends it back to the crowd. “Feel my love!” he booms. “Feel it! I love you all my children!” The changeling mass begins to shriek and howl as they get their first taste of emotion and love. The two harbingers behind Daddy look upon them, aghast with surprise. Daddy turns to meet their gaze. “That’s it?” questions Tarantula. “Yes my boy, that’s it.” “But you only showed love to one.” Recluse interjects. “They are young, impressionable,” explains Daddy. “A tabula rasa, showing one love and then telling rest the same always works.” He shifts, taking a step forward. “Come, we must report the good news to the queen. She will be pleased to know that another successful integration has been had.” The three robed figures stroll into the darkness, leaving the younglings to themselves. What was once a dark and quiet cavern is now illuminated with brightly glowing eyes and the calls of ravenous changelings. Cricket and Grasshopper on the other hand do not seem to share the same joy as the rest. “What just happened, Cricket?” “I don’t know. I feel a little less hungry, but…its just weird, have no idea why.” A large crash echoes through the cavern and for the first time, and the young changelings see light as a large door on the far side of the cavern creaks open. The horde quiets for a second and then rush toward the opening. Cricket and Grasshopper look at each other and shrug, may as well follow the herd. “They are blank slates, they know nothing and up until now, felt nothing…” The harbingers stride through the cavernous hall leading to their queen’s chambers. Daddy Longlegs has always admired this hall – the pillars adorned with streamers that hold the weight of the cavern always awed him, and the chrysalis like structures that hang from the ceiling, illuminated with bio-luminescent jelly, brought him comfort. “I never tire of this place,” says he. “You never get bored of a hallway?” Tarantula asks incredulously. “Not at all my son. I remember walking through these halls when I was your age. Its nostalgic for me, makes me feel at home.” Recluse shrugs, obviously not too enamored by Daddy’s musings. The three approach the end of the hall, where two large obsidian doors, gilded with gold trim stand. Two rather large changelinged diamond dogs stand guard, one very wolf like, the other more akin to a pit-bull. They regard the harbingers. “News for da queen, Legs?” asks the pit-bull. “Aye Peewee, I’m sure she’s been waiting patiently for the latest information in regards to the new clutch.” Daddy says, formally. “Eh, she’s asleep actually,” the wolf chimes. “Beauty sleep’n’all that boss.” “Well, Tick, I’m sure she won’t mind if I slip in and give her an appropriate wake up call.” The dogs nod and move aside, pulling the doors open as they do. The sound of stone scraping against stone echoes through the hallway. Daddy turns to the other harbingers and motions them to follow. The three enter the queen’s chamber. Upon passing the threshold of the door, the dogs close the doors behind them. The chamber is quite cozy – large but cozy. A fire burns in a pit in the center of the room, shelves filled with curios and mementos line the walls, and large table with a vanity mirror stands tall next to the colossal bed. The queen lays curled on her massive bed; a huge, immaculate dragon-like creature, deep in slumber. “A deep sleeper as always.” Daddy pauses after the doors close shut behind him and chuckles to himself. “Those doors could wake the dead, but not her.” “So how do we do this?” Tarantula asks in facetious tone. “Is there a royal stick we poke her with?” “Do we whisper 'wake up' into her ear?” Recluse asks with a genuine tone. “Hardly…” Daddy spits. He briskly walks towards the queen, producing a mace from his robes. Stopping by her bedside, Daddy looks upon the queen and sizes her up. He drops to his knees and reaches for something underneath the bed, and after a moment of scrabbling pulls a large gong out. He takes the gong in his left hand, the mace in his right, and brings the mace upon the gong with such force and impunity that the sound produced from the meeting of these two objects shakes the entire room. The other two harbingers brings their hands to the sides of their helms in a vain attempt to block the sound out. After a few moments, the dragon stirs for a moment, then rolls over to face Daddy. Her eyes flick open, a fiery jade essence flickering in their depths. “Mmmmm…Five more minutes please…” She yawns. “You will have your five minutes after I give you the news of our new clutch.” The Queen stretches out over the bed and scratches her side. “Okay, well, how are they?” “They have been integrated successfully; they feed of emotion like bees to honey.” The queen nods. “Splendid. Any promising ones?” Daddy shakes his head. “No, I didn’t have enough time to inspect them all; the pack should be taking care of that.” The chattering mass of newborn changelings pour through the opening and into the light. They stumble and trip over each other, eager to sake their thirst for emotion and sensation, the light seems warm and welcoming. Cricket and grasshopper cautiously pick they’re way through the horde of their kin and emerge into a brightly lit cave; large sconces ablaze with an inviting green glow that illuminates the walls and the small pool of stagnant water that lies within the middle of the cave. Large stalactites and stalagmites covered in gems pepper the ground and ceiling; the hatchlings surge into the cave, eager to explore it; completely oblivious to the figures standing on the other side of the cave, watching them with a keen and curious eye. Five changelinged diamond dogs stand, shoulder to shoulder, clad in gleaming armor, save for the one in the middle, he sports a large dark velvet robe. The alpha takes a step towards the hatchlings, regarding them, inspecting them, and just watching them in general, he smiles and turns to his pack. “Gather them up, I need a better look at them.” Without missing a beat the dogs turn and run to a chest that lies behind them, opening it and retrieving the contents with haste. Taking the items they retrieved they set up and snap in place drums, plates, stringed instruments, and an accordion into some strange musical contraption. Smiling the alpha switches his focus between the hatchlings and his pack. “Done!” one dog shouts. The alpha raises his hand above his head, giving the other dogs pause. “Get ready…” the alpha says. His pack clambers into position and the alpha throws his hand down to his hip. “Play!” A cacophony of whoops, beats, and whistles emanate from strange instrument, vibrating throughout the cave. Upon hearing the deranged tune, all the newborns cease their whimsical exploring and slowly gather around the pack, hypnotized. That is except for Cricket and Grasshopper who look at each other with bewilderment then back at their kin. “Are…we supposed to like this” Grasshopper asks. “I dunno, but maybe we should go sit with them.” Cricket replies. The two nod at each other and go and sit with the rest of their clutch as the alpha strolls through the crowd examining and scrutinizing. Gazing into their beguiled eyes, the alpha sees…nothing or close to nothing. “Hmph, hundreds of’em, nothing unusual.” The alpha barks. Once again Cricket and Grasshopper look at each other with, quite befuddled. Nothing unusual? Is there something that is out of the ordinary about us? These thoughts ran through both of their minds, as the alpha catches a glance of them glancing at each other…and grins. “Ah…I know that look, I’ve seen this before.” The alpha chortles as he wades over to them. Cricket and Grasshopper recoil a bit, showing signs of nervousness. “No no, do not be scared little ones, there’s always a couple of you in the hive. Thinking, remembering, but don’t worry, we’ll fix that.” The alpha reaches out and snatches Cricket by her leg, screaming, she recoils in fear. “Now now, don’t be so-AAGH” Grasshopper latches onto the alpha’s wrist, teeth bearing down onto flesh and fur. One of the pack members vaults from the top of the deranged musical contraption, and hurdles towards his alpha, however the momentum of his jump sends the music maker reeling backwards. Other pack mates try and steady it to no avail and whatever instrument it was crashes to the floor, sending strings and pipes flying everywhere. With the bizarre tune gone, the hatchlings drop out of their stupor and let loud a wail of discontent and begin running amuck through the cave. Walking through yet another hallway the three harbingers saunter on through. Dimly lit with a green glow and draped in old torn tabards with long forgotten emblems and signets sewn into across the tattered fabric. Tarantula exams them and cocks his head with curiosity. “Wondering about something my boy?” Daddy queries. “Uh yeah.” Tarantula, says pointing towards the rows of tabard. “Whats the deal with all those old flags?” “Tabards my son, mementos of long gone kingdoms.” A strange off beat tune begins to emanate through out the corridor, disrupting their thoughts. It envelopes the three in its tantalizing, annoying melody; Tarantula and recluse stop in their tracks, aghast by…whatever it was they were listening to. “Ugh…wh-what is that terrible noise!?” Recluse shouts. “Something of my own creation, a funny little song, being played from an instrument of my own design.” Daddy says, quite proud of himself. “I didn’t think you knew how to write music.” Tarantula says. “I don’t, I just know that newborns like new experiences, including sounds. So I made an instrument that can make a good many sound-“ Daddy, is interrupted by a whelp; a crash, many screams of rage, followed by a menagerie of hoops, barking, and screeching. Tarantula and Recluse rush ahead to the chaotic noise, Daddy just stands there, arms crossed. He chuckles to himself, shakes his head and follows his kind. The cave has turned into a grand melee of sorts, dog and changeling alike, running, shouting; a festivity of madness as it were. Cricket and Grasshopper decide that it might be best to just run and hide and creep into a corner and just watch the kerfuffle. A dog rolls past them, with four changelings in a head lock under his arms, growling and snarling, wrestling the newborns into submission. The alpha is set upon by several newborns, clawing and biting at his robes, swatting them away and spitting in anger, he turns to his nearest pack mate. “You, bring me my staff!” The armor clad dog drops on all fours and sprints towards the far end of the cave where a large simple looking stick leans on a large onyx door, he skids to a halt and snatches up the staff just as soon as the door swings wide open and flings the dog across the cave. “WHAT GOING ON IN HERE!?” booms Tarantula. Everything stops; the changelings cease their outrage as they gaze upon their brother as he wades into the room, followed by Recluse and Daddy-Long-Legs. The dogs sigh a deep breath of relief and collect themselves and calmly assemble around the harbingers, doing their best to look unshaken. “Now, what happened?” Tarantula asks. The alpha staggers forward, clearly waned from the whole ordeal. “Newborns, two of them, they caused the rest to act with aggression…they have memories. Daddy steps forward and crosses his arms. “Bring them forward.” Cricket and Grasshopper quiver in their hiding spot, they know that their in it deep, they look at each other then back at the three harbingers in the room and the dogs that are searching for them in the chittering mass. “Don’t be afraid little ones, were not mad, we just want to talk.” Recluse sputters as she turns to look at Daddy “Right?” He nods. The two young changelings timidly crawl out from the crevice they’ve been hiding in; dogs spot them and begin to move towards them, anger in their eyes. “Stop!” daddy exclaims, raising his hand and gesturing to Cricket and Grasshopper. “Let them come on their own, its okay my children. Come forward so we may be off.” Cricket and Grasshopper pluck their way past their kin, the eyes of their brothers and sisters upon them and that off the dogs. There is a sense of tension from the dogs and a veiled feeling of wonder emanating from their fellow newborns. They approach the harbingers, glowing eyes peer at them from huge metal helms, they feel as if they are being smiled upon but they can’t quite tell. Daddy scoops them up in his arms and turns toward the door, motioning his fellows to follow him. “Proceed as usual.” Daddy states as Recluse closes the doors behind them. The pack faces the crowd of bewildered changelings and resumes their inspection.