//------------------------------// // Im Susan // Story: Breaking The 4th Wall // by huskypaw02 //------------------------------// Part 1 - Im Susan _______________________________ Hi, My name is Susan! My father is Dialga, God of time. I can freeze time. I live in Time and Space Zone with my half sister, Liz. I only see her a little because she always going to other dimensions. I can only go to the mortal dimension like most kids in these god zone. One day something happened to me it was crazy........ “Ok , My mom asked me to help her take a mortal out of a god zone.” Said Liz. “Ok....” I said. A flashing portal opened and Liz went in. I went to the edge of the time part. A huge row of trees came the us apart. Liz told that her side was filled with portals, lots of them. II tryed to go in but, it never worked. Then I decided to get up, I stopped looking at the trees. My side had trees small trees that you could climb but not hold you. There was one big tree that no one could climb and there was a medium size one that I always swigged on. Anyways, I started running arounding looking for my pet, Faolan. He`s a Wolf-Dragon. I finally found him, he was carrying a note. ” HERE FROM YOUR FATHER.” He yelled. I opened it up, then BOOM! a portal opened and sucked me in.