A Birthday Party for Midnight Legend

by Midnight Legend

Meeting Manticores and Zebras

—Edge of the Everfree Forest—

The sun was about three quarters of the way across the sky by the time Midnight Legend had arrived near Fluttershy’s cottage. She shared her home with many woodland creatures, though some of them went missing.

“You called?”

“Oh, Midnight, I’m so glad you’re here. A few of my animal friends wandered into the forest despite my warnings. They were only small, almost babies.”

The Pegasus let out a whimper and started to weep. Midnight, being a kind pony, put a hoof on her shoulder.

“Don’t worry, Fluttershy. We’ll find them. One question: how long has it been since they went in?”

“Oh, um, it was about ten minutes ago.”

---Inside the Everfree Forest---

They had been searching for nearly a half-hour along the edge of the forest. He knew that those animals could not have journeyed too deep into the forest. They started to split up and look along the forest's edge about ten minutes each way, and both had come empty.

“Then they couldn’t have gotten too deep into the forest. I’m sure they all stuck together since this forest is unfamiliar territory for them.”

The look of concern on the Element of Kindness brought Midnight a smile. Noticing it, the yellow Pegasus began to tear up, thinking it a derisive grin.

Seeing her reaction, he explained, “Fluttershy, I really admire your concern for the woodland creatures. I apologize if my face showed otherwise.”

“Um, it’s just fine, Midnight. If you want…”

Her phrase was interrupted by the sound of several animals whimpering. The two of them headed toward the sound, jumping over brambles and ducking under branches.

Sure enough, inside a small cave with a large log blocking the entrance were the missing creatures. Fluttershy ran quickly over toward the hole and looked inside.

“Oh, are you all hurt or…”

“Fluttershy, stay still and quiet. I don’t think we’re alone.”

The cracking of twigs and rustling of leaves were heard in the distance. Fluttershy assumed the fetal position and shuddered on the ground.

From the shadows emerged two large manticores. They obviously intended to eat the small creatures. As they came out, they released a loud roar that caused the animals and their caretaker to whimper in fear.

Midnight was the only one who stood fast. His horn glowed as the log blocking the cave entrance levitated above his head.

“Fluttershy, I’ll handle these two and lose them in the forest. Take the animals back to the cottage when this log leaves my control.”

The manticores began to threateningly stomp the ground, signaling they were about to attack. He calmly and bravely stayed his ground, a determined look in his eyes.

In that moment, the log flew toward the two wild beasts. Meanwhile, as instructed, Fluttershy escorted the animals towards her cottage. This left Midnight alone with the manticores.

One of them noticed the Pegasus and her animals escaping; he attempted to lunge at them. It was stopped by a log that suddenly dropped in his path, knocking that manticore unconscious.

“Unless you want to end up like your friend, I’d stay right here and face me.”

Focusing on his enemy who made him lose a meal, the remaining manticore stomped the ground again. Again, Midnight just held his ground.

The manticore suddenly pounced. Expecting such a straightforward attack, he merely dodged, causing it to skid along the earth.

The alicorn began to go airborne as he flew deeper into the forest. A magic aura suddenly glowed around Midnight’s horn as trees were pulled from their roots and into the path behind him.

He peeked over his shoulder and noticed the manticore still fairly close. Midnight flapped his wings to increase his speed, hoping to lose him.

Then, as if instantly, a sharp pain caused him to crash into the ground. He looked at the cause and was shocked. His left wing was broken and had a gash.

The manticore chasing him caught up and stood over him. As it was about to strike Midnight with his paw, a rock struck the beast in its face; it instinctively searched to see which direction the stone originated and who was tossed it.

But Midnight made no attempt to follow in his foe’s actions. This distraction was his time to be rid of the manticore.

A log loomed in front of the wild beast and flew into his head. He had used his magic to finally escape the beasts, at least for now. They were unconscious, but would eventually come to and devour him if he stayed.

As he struggled to stand, Midnight then heard footsteps coming from behind him, but they did not belong to a wild beast of the Everfree Forest. They sounded like those of a pony.

He turned to see a hooded figure. The front legs of this creature were striped with black and white. From the hood, two eyes stared at him and spoke in a deep accent.

“The manticores are fierce, indeed, but that one is a more bestial breed.”

Looking around, I noticed a blood-stained branch above. His wing must have clipped that branch when he checked the distance between him and the now-unconscious manticore.

Midnight said in response, “I wouldn’t know that. I assume it was you who threw the rock at it.”

“Yes, I was the one who threw the stone, as this forest to you is currently unknown. Come with me. To my home I will bring and I will help you heal your wing.”

He suddenly remembered his broken wing. He followed her, not knowing how he was going to get out of the Everfree Forest. Many stories have circulated of ponies getting lost here and never being seen again, but he knew they were all conjurations of the Equestrian Enquirer.

Breaking the silence, Midnight said, “Judging by your accent and your stripes, you must be from Zebrica. If I may ask, what is your name?”

“Zecora is what I am named, and I am from Zebrica, as you claimed.”

They arrived at her hut, which was inside a tree decorated with traditional Zebrican masks. Although grotesque to an outsider, they speak of welcome and happiness.

Once we were inside, she removed her cloak and placed it on a hook. The zebra then turned to me.

“First thing I need is to see your gash, and, to make it easy, please do not thrash.”

She examined the wound and wing rather thoroughly. Midnight felt some pain due to the wing’s natural sensitivity, but it was nothing unbearable. He was surprised Zecora knew so much about the wing structure.

“First, this wound must be cleaned. Afterwards, you must be preened.”

Zecora brought a rag and a laver of hot water. She sopped the rag in the water and wrung it dry; then, she gently placed the rag on the wing. Midnight gritted his teeth at the heat, but felt it soothing after a second.

Zecora continued doing this for about five minutes until the wing was cleaned. She carefully dried it with a towel.
Midnight was hesitant about letting a non-Pegasus preen his wings. Besides the wing being injured can affect the aerodynamics, his wings were in need of it. He decided to ask Zecora to bring a Pegasus to do this task.

“Zecora, I’m not sure you know much about wings. I feel more comfortable if a Pegasus did it.”

“I would like to try, yet at your request, I will bring Fluttershy. Get into the bed and rest; do this at my behest.”

Zecora pointed toward a cot in the corner, then left to get Fluttershy, who was no doubt worrying herself. Midnight climbed into the bed, careful not to cause further damage to his wing.

He lied on his stomach and drifted into sleep. The alicorn drifted into sleep, hoping his friends truly have not forgotten his birthday.