Luna Reborn

by VedaQuila

Two Lives Meet

"I love you Princess Luna." He said under his breath once the sisters were gone. He turned and ran from the party, through the streets of Ponyville*. Reminders of her were everywhere, even the moon. He ran till he was surrounded by trees. He collapsed in a heap on the ground, shaking and breathing heavy.

"What's wrong?" He looked up to see a grey pegasus, with a blonde mane staring down at him. "Doctor?" She said. "No!" He jumped up and fled into a deeper part of the forest. He would not replace Luna. Never.

"Doctor!" She said following him.

"Never. Never, never, never!"

"Please! Just stop!" He tripped over a root and fell on his face. Tears spilled down his cheeks. "Luna..."

"Please Doctor. Just listen." He looked up at her, and she lay next to him. "Who are you, my companion?" He asked. She shook her head. "Assistant. Do you really not know who I am?" She said, tears in her strange eyes.

"Not here." He sighed, realising what must of happened.

She cocked her head. "Not here?"

He shook his head. "I am a different version of your doctor, I guess."

She gasped. "So why are you crying?" He put his head down, preparing himself to tell her the story. "You know the mare in the moon, I believe."

She nodded. "The coronation."

He sighed. "I a- was, Luna's friend. She knew everything about me. Now I must leave, because of her sister"

"But Luna is the mare in the moon!" He shook his head.

"I couldnt tell her because it would muck up the time lines and I don't want to accept it because I-I I love her."

"Y-you what!?"

He faked a smile. "I am different from him, but I do know he would follow his companions to the ends of Equstria."


The doctor gave a small smile. "Goodbye assistant. And look after me." She nodded and ran off.


"Ah, Derpy. Where were you?"

"Ummm, talking to a doctor from a different universe."


"He was crying."

"Oh, Derpy. We all cry sometimes. Did he say why?"

"Why don't you ask him?"


"Why not?"

"It is impossible, Derpy, for each one of us to see the other. It might cause a rift in the space time continume or even a paradox!"

"What's a pair of boxes got to do with it?"

"What? I said- oh never mind. Come along Derpy." And they set off for the TARDIS.

Luna and her sister ruled well for 100 years to come, and they never saw the doctor again, for which Luna was grateful. She couldn't cope with seeing him again if she couldn't have him.

They never left each others side, and Equestria was peaceful.

Then the changelings came, and Celestia had to go and fight them, leaving Luna to defend the city. "Sister!" Luna had cried, hugging her sister, remembering the doctor's every word, now understanding what he meant. "I love you, I love you..."

"Sister, I shall see you again. Do not believe the Doctor." But she sounded unsure.

Now the silent assassin crept through the hallways, knocking guards unconscious.

"I love you, I love you!" Luna wrote letters to her sister. She wrote them to the Doctor too, missing him almost more than her sister.

Tears fell down her face, as the monster entered her room. She raced for the balcony, and flew into the air. But it followed.
She came crashing down on its back, and smacked it across the face. It hit the ground, before bouncing back up, and using its deadly hooves, cut her face and shoulders. She kicked it and tried to fly away, but the pegasus caught her. She screamed so loudly, that Celestia in the dry lands could hear her.

But it was too late. Now she was being dragged by the tail down corridor after corridor, till they reached the throne room. A black version of herself growled at her as she entered the room.

"Nightmare Moon, and you are?" The dark one shot as the pegasus brought her in.

"Luna." Luna said trying to fake confidence. "Couldn't I come up with something better?"

Nightmare laughed. "I had a while to choose, but I thought this one fit best. But you won't have to wait long to find out why..."

"Ok, but I don't really want to know so I'll just go now..." Luna dashed for the balcony, but the pegasus caught her.

"Celestia will be here soon, so we should get started." Nightmare lowered her now glowing horn and began a steady walk towards Luna.

"No!" She screamed, as nightmares began trickling into her brain. They were worse than the Doctor's memories, but only because he died in them. And Celestia, and the ponies of Equestria.


Nightmare cackled, as Luna struggled to fight back. And then she assaulted the nightmare with the same memories.

They both screamed, one evil, one tortured.

"Celestia! Dear sister Celestia!" And with that Luna fell unconscious. Nightmare fell to the ground, no strength left. Luna had found her weakness. Now she must return. And as she thought that, the moon appeared below her hooves. A single sigh of defeat was the last trace of nightmare moons first return to Equstria.

Luna woke to find the Doctor looking into her eyes. He had been crying again. She pulled him into a hug, taking him by surprise. "Luna! I thought you were dead, if I didn't know better, I would say I was dreaming!" He hugged her back.

"Doctor, did you find my letters?" She felt his head shake.

"I didn't look. I think Celestia might be wondering around though." She breathed out a breath she didn't know she had been holding.

"Why? Was there something important about them?"

She sighed. Should she tell him, should she not?